I want to be a trad housewife but I'm a girl(male). Do you think it is possible I could have that?

I want to be a trad housewife but I'm a girl(male). Do you think it is possible I could have that?

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No, men need to go out and work a career.

No. The kind of people who claim to be trad yet want a trans wife are either just degenerate self-hating homosexuals or incels who can't get cis women.
Taking the transbian pill is the best solution. A woman, cis or trans, will treat you more like a wife than any of them.

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but I don't like women I like MEN

Thanks for being a voice of reason.

I'd date a woman or an FTM but I have no attraction for other MTFs at all. The lesbian ones especially are always insanely creepy.

Transbians are almost always pathetic incels who couldn't get laid as a man.

>tfw no boywife to demean and neglect despite his strongest efforts to provide a happy and loving home for me

Hello user please be in southern us I would appreciate it.

pls no. I would prefer if you hugged and loved me.