why the FUCK do doctors merely try to treat the SYMPTOMS of depression?
Yeah nigga. Depression has a physiological cause and my hormones are basically beyond fucked up but you want to cure it by fucking TALKING to me or give me antidepressants to cover it up. Shut the fuck up nigga.
Why the FUCK do doctors merely try to treat the SYMPTOMS of depression?
They just want to make you dependent on those damn drugs
You might not live to 40. Fuck big pharma
I agreed. I think doctors have specific quotas to fill sponsored by the psychological association and big pharma
The thing I find weirdest is how it's classified
>We don't actually know what depression is, but it's chronic and incurable
So... you don't know what it is but you know it never goes away? Why say that and create a mindset of "You will never get over this problem." in these people? It's like they want it to exist.
>It's like they want it to exist.
they need to get people hooked on their depression drugs and psychologists need to find a way to stay alive in a saturated market somehow,
Because they can't save you from your own problems, only you can do that. Instead, they give you the tools to put yourself in a better headspace so YOU can fix YOUR problems, then you come off the drugs. You're not meant to exist on anti-depressants, you're supposed to fix this shit.
doctors are business men before anything else. ask your grand parents, they're currently being fucked over by them.
seriously. doctors do more paperwork than anything.
>they can't save you from your own problems, only you can do that
I have no problems. I lead a normal life and live healthily. My hormones are just fucked
pretty much all modern medicine is like this. always treating the symptoms and never the cause of the ailment.
treating the cause requires the afflicted to actually make changes and do some work (diet, exercise, socialize, etc) and people cant be bothered to do that can they? so the doctors just give them some prescriptions to relieve the symptoms and send them on their way.
big pharma a shit, surgery is about the only useful aspect of modern medicine
>I have no problems. I lead a normal life and live healthily.
>My hormones are just fucked
>I also have depression
Christ, are you sure you're not retarded instead? How can you have no problems but have depression and fucked hormones? How can you live a normal life and be healthy if you're inherently unhealthy?
Sounds like you're blaming medicine for people not fixing their own problems.
>How can you have no problems but have depression and fucked hormones?
Do I look like a fucking doctor to you? If I knew what exactly was wrong with me I'd fix it if it was withing my power to do so.
>people not fixing their own problems.
das rite
cancer? JUST DON'T
Retard. I'm saying if you have fucked hormones and depression you have problems.
Could it be that those problems are not within my control? You're absolutely retarded.
>lists incurable diseases
>medicine can only try to aid these particular diseases
Another retard, we're talking about depression which is a chemical response to your unhappiness with some aspect of your life. You're not going to just get depressed out of nowhere, there's always a trigger.
You still have problems moron. Stop trying to shift the goalposts. Whether you have control over them or not is unrelated to the point at hand.
>I have problems but I don't have problems
>So you do have problems?
>Stop trying to shift the goalposts
you literally said 'sound like you're blaming medicine for people not fixing their own problems"
>which is a chemical response to your unhappiness with some aspect of your life.
no? Have you ever heard about hypothyroidism? hyperthyroidism? pituitary tumor?
>How can you have no problems but have depression and fucked hormones? How can you live a normal life and be healthy if you're inherently unhealthy?
This is what I said to you. Stop making shit up.
You don't have any of these. You're the equivalent of fat people bemoaning their fantastical "condishuns"
>You don't have any of these.
t. telepathic mind reading wizard doctor
I literally have diagnosed hypothyroidism
Disease of the mind is still not completely understood. Treating the symptoms means you'll be more likely to be in good health physically to start working on improving your mental health. For example, sleeping horribly you are less likely to have energy. Eating like shit you are less likely to be physically healthy, etc.
Cool, just post a picture of your serum hormone analysis. How fat are you?
Because 90% of the time it's caused by a lack of exercise but nobody wants to hear that or believe it.
Everyone is a businessman these days, making money is literally all that matters to people anymore. And of course no matter how much money they make they're never satisfied, they just want more more more MORE MORE MORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!