Cant deadlift

My back seems to be weird/deformed. Mo matter how low I go with the hips/queeze my chest out my back refuse to be straight. Deadlifting is no option for me, probably because of T-rex arms.

are there any lifts I can do as a replacement for deadlift?

Attached: 6UValHB.png (275x292, 152K)

in that picture upper back rounding is absolutely fine.

If you look like that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that

enjoy hospital sir

This, also don't look up, keep a neutral head posture.

Looks perfectly fine
Post deadlift video

post body

start stretching

A video would help. But yea. I have short ass arms too. Upper back rounding is okay. Just make sure you brace properly.

You can try sumo too, but I fuckin hate it.

wtf just pull your shoulders back. maybe your hamstrings are too tight

Careful rounding your lower back that’s how snap city happens.

this is max pulled shoulders back.

shit hip mobility + shit ankle dorsiflexion + weak flexors and very weak glutes + weak quads ===> scared cat dog shitting deadlift

try sumo deadlift. your legs will be spread further and therefore keep you a little bit closer to the ground. once youre comfortable with that, maybe go back to regular deads.

sumo targets the legs more than regular deadlift though. might not be a good idea if youre doing SS, 3 heavy squat days per week
im NOT an expert btw

12 replies and nobody has the solution yet. Let me tell you... BEND THE KNEES

ok cool story, what about the replacement lifts?

All the replies in this thread is actually wrong. The OP is not in the right starting position because he is not bending his knees properly. How fucking DYEL are you all to not notice that?

dyel dyel weakling detected

is it like that when you're standing up straight?

Rack pulls or trap bar deads.

unironically try closed stance sumo (wide conventional)
legs just outside of arms

Do weighted chins / pull ups for days for dat dere upper back strength, plus facepulls (NON-NEGOTIABLE) as your posture probably isn’t that good, stretching your pecs and doing shoulder dislocations dynamically when warming up also helps.
Luckily its pretty hard to snap your upper back so you can slowly work on it. Keep your diddlys light and with good form for now, just do 1x5 plus warm ups once a weeks for now

Attached: EFE7FD6C-20D7-492B-AC4B-3B682A482E72.jpg (1080x1350, 124K)

You shouldn't do replacement lifts. You should find out with what weight you actually can lift with good form. And next to that do flexibility exercises to improve form.

Its the same on every weight, I can drop down to 20kg and I would lift it up the same.

Its my back, not the weight.

Had the same problem. Just started pulling sumo.

start with block pulls and work your way down

Plant your feet closer together. Assume position. Push down through your feet like you were trying to stand up from a chair. As you come up push your hips outward. That's it. You could also try different widths for your feet. For me if I'm not in perfect stance I can't come up. Move your feet closer and further until you find the spot.