How the fuck do i get 120 grams of protein? I assume 120g protein is enough for a 76kg 183cm skeleton trying to lean bulk. It is impossible to get unless you eat only meat every day
How the fuck do i get 120 grams of protein...
3 chicken breasts is like less than 1000 calories and almost that much protein. If you don’t want to bulk, just quit you little bitch. Otherwise, fucking do it.
Never heard of whey protein, huh? Lmao... nothing personnel kid
>Only eating 120g of protein a day
>eat one, decent-sized meal
>30-40g of protein
>repeat 3 times a day
Oh boy that was hard
Eat a pound of meat (boneless) a day
Meat Greek yogurt whey and cheese
milk(-products), eggs, meat and shakes.
A pound of 93% beef will get you about 100 grams
Enjoy your organ failure
>It is impossible to get unless you eat only meat every day
>120g of protein
Lmaooo just eat meat faggot. Even bread, cheese, rice etc has protein. Just eat fag. I eat 160g per day at 3000kcal with little effort
Does bread have protein? Wtf then i have skipped out on bread for 4 months in vain
Easy as fuck, even with little to no meat. Here's an example:
1c plain Greek yogurt (20g) +
1 scoop vanilla whey (25g)
4 eggs (28g)
1 can of sardines (20g)
2 slices of whole wheat with 3tbsp peanut butter (20g)
1 glass of milk (8g)
Total = 121g protein
If you don't like something, swap it for something else. Add cheese and sausage or bacon to your eggs. Swap the sardines for chicken breast or steak. It's not hard. Pic related is my default diet plan that I fall back on when I don't want to think or spend much time cooking. It's excellent for staying lean and extremely simple.
why wouldn't you be eating meat everyday? Don't tell me you fell for the vegan meme
You mean 3 split (half) chicken breasts. A full sized breast is more like ~50-70g. A split breast is ~25-35g. Not trying to be an autist but the distinction is pretty important, especially for people who don't know shit about nutrition like most lurking these kinds of threads.
5 scoops at 24~ grams each CMON
Enjoy ur dyel failure life
So i eat 1 slice of bread in morning, then one bowl of lentil soup, then whatever mom makes, then another bowl of lentil soup and then 5 eggs + 2 scoops. I feel like puking ut this is what i eat every day
post body right now
At what point would you argue organ failure? 150g? 180? Do you understand how nitrogen balance and protein synthesis work? You generally need to far exceed 1.5g/lb of lean mass before your kidneys start to show any measurable signs of stress.
What tool do you use? Looks really detailed. Perfect for my tracking autism
You fucking lentilsoup thai ladyboy fucker faggot spammer. NEJ, UT!
Skyr (icelandic yogurth)
Look it up - NOW!
Not them but it's called Cronometer. It has an app and a web browser.
It's the best I've used that you don't have to pay to get micros
It’s really easy actually. You need to develop the hobby of cooking, you don’t need to be a chef, but you need to appreciate the process. I cook 3 times a week, because I like having relatively fresh meal prep for the next day. Rice & Chicken with a side box containing a raw spinach & broccoli salad with cherry tomatoes and healthy oils. I also eat salmon frequently, and red meat 2x a day.
Shit's expensive, I can get a gallon of skim milk for the same price
Raus! Raus! Vitun schwedische dumkopf!
The 5 eggs (25-35g) + 2 scoops (40-50g) might save you here. Total is 65-85g depending on size of eggs and the type of protein powder.
>"bowls" of lentil soup
How many fucking ounces? This shit is important. Lentil soup has about 1g protein per oz, but it's not a complete protein. Protein from beans and lentils need to be combined with protein from grains. For every 10oz/10g of lentil soup/protein, try to get two slices of whole grain bread.
Chicken's expensive tho. I prefer lentil soup, its cheap, multiple servings per batch, delicious
How do i calculate ounces in kg?
>raw spinach
>*blocks your calcium*
Easily, you pussy. I'm on a cut eating 1800 cals/day and I go over that.
Milk is pretty cheap. It's 8grams per cup. Have eggs and cottage cheese at breakfas with milk milk at every meal. Add in some chicken and other meat too at lunch and / or dinner and you'll get there with no issue.
Are you eating lentil soup by the fucking kilo? Use google you prick, I'm done holding your hand.
What? 120g is nothing
Hitting 200g is a bitch every single day
I hit that on a serious deficit. The bagged frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts from whale mart and whey isolate from my protein combined.
Just do SS+GOMAD
>falling for the protein meme
All you need is 1gram per kg of bw, eating 200grams of protein a day is fucking retarded
I easily get 160 grams a day
I eat 420 grams every dat
My meals of today:
Some milk and bread with butter for breakfast
Porn loin, potatos and salad at lunch
A few fruits during the day
At dinner grilled fish with broccoli and greek yogurt
For a total of 130g, on a cut.How in the hell are you struggling to surpass 120g on a bulk?
If do don't wanna eat too much meat go with eggs or beans.
Almost everything that isn't pure fat or carb has protein dumbfuck. Maybe read the nutrition label for once.
Dumb fuck carbs are empty calories
There's 140g of protein in 1lb of chicken breast. Pretty fucking easy.
I'm a vegetarian and can't consume whey (majorly fucks up my stomach). I have no problem getting 120g/day.
eat more
whey doesn't count.
>user is consuming gallons of lentil soup daily
Abbreviated version of how I go about helping skinny dudes who contact me.
Always set up tangible goal. Read about SMART. Now do this a few more times so you have steps towards that main goal.
Now if you have trouble eating my first goal would be to start counting calories. Lets say this takes you 3 weeks to do consistently.
Now I introduce reaching a specific amount of kcal a day. When that is reached I will change up the macros. So reach a specific amount of kcal and a specific amount of protein.
when that is achieved increase the protein.
tldr: Go about diet as you go about training.
other ways would be to follow some challenge like building the monolith. That'll teach you how to eat for size. It'll get you around 220g of protein a day. After 6 weeks it should be easy to reach 120g.
two different approaches. Extreme or calculated, your choice.
No such thing as empty calories. Mom science tier meaningless meme statement.
I eat a dozen eggs for breakfast
Sip on a gallon of milk through the day
Then eat a pound of beef for dinner
You Sound like a Jew
Alright, good thing I already said I don't use any whey products.
Chic fil a 30 pc nuggies is 128g
Two whey protein shakes give you 60g alone, if you can't eat the other 60g then just I don't know man.
Hey I own those same pair of jockstraps haha
post body
5scoop cmon
3 containers of fat free cottage cheese is like 150 grams of protein. 1.39 a container.
4.17 dollars a day.
320 calories a container.
I'm in fucking Canada can chicken breast is $3per lb. And calling lentil soup delicious reaks of cognitive dissonance. how poor are you?
>Porn loin,
1 pack of cottage cheese = 30g
4 eggs = 24g
1 litre of protein milk = 50g
Whey protein = over 20g
Eggs and cheese should go as breakfast, with milk going through the day. This is easy as balls.
Wholegrain wheat bread is basically not even close to the white bread I bet you eat. Use it to carbload on gym days
It's crazy when you realize that guy is vegan
Count your fucking macros idiot
lol fucking dyel
>140g of protein
never gonna make it. You need at least 200g
I-I usually eat 170g user
The fuck, it's 39 cents in Germany. Go eat a burger you subhuman amerifat
haha burger americno
So you're proving his point.
Unless you eat dry, stringy, white-meat chicken in order to get 120g of protein/day you're going to be eating mostly meat.
Might as well quit buying bread and rice right now. You get to eat like one little spoonful or crust a day. Just don't waste your money.
39 cents for half a litre?
there is an app called fatata you idiot never heard of it?
of weed?
35g in one of those
Literally just eat more food
120 grams of protein isn't enough to build muscle.
how much is then?
At least 3x your bodyweight in kg.
I eat two cups of Siggi’s every morning after the gym. Very good stuff.
so like 280kg protein?
Hey buddy.
Start your day with oats,peanutbutter and greek yoghurt.
Then just eat 4 smaller meals a day and you can finish your day with 4 eggs.
280g protein if you weigh 93kg.
how the fuck do you get that much protein? that is impossible to do at all
make that 2g
How the fuck do you not get AT LEAST 120 grams of protein a day all you gotta do for that is fucking eat lol you don't even need whey protein literally just eat anything
Four 8oz glasses of protein
.5kg fish - 100g
1kg egg whites - 100g
.5kg lean red meat - 100g
I can do way better and for only 5 euro a day:
10 eggs 1 euro 60g protein
half a kilo chicken breast 2 euro 110g protein
rest of the 2 euro veggies and carbs (pasta, rice, oats whatever)
wa la
>10 eggs
>half a kilo meat
>every day
enjoy cancer
If you want gains you have to make sacrifices.
Nothing is free.
eating a single egg a day is worse than smoking 10 cigarettes every day
It's 3x your weight in lbs
So if you weigh 80kg, that's 176 lbs, times 3 makes it 528g protein.
Pretty easy if you're not a retard.