ascended tier: >meth (just picked up aaayyy. couldn't cop a rig tho) >heroin >addy (kinda childish tho, just do meth) >morphine, fent, oxys (see above but with heroin) >hard liquor >ketamine >mxe >nitrous >nicotine
brainlet wook (kys) tier: >acid, shrooms, dmt, etc (psys should be tried by everyone but making a habit of it is stupid and points to a weak, uncreative mind) >salvia (LOL) >molly (its just gay meth) >mandy (even gayer meth) >datura, amanita, or other exotic deliriants >ambien
pointless fat normie tier: >weed >coke >kratom >beer/wine/henny/etc >opiate pills that aren't morphine or fent >benzos >lean
broke nigga bitch tier >pressies/thizz/"e" >crack (only project blacks and suicidal whites use this) >pcp >any solvent abuse >freon >isopropyl >flakka >spice >most rcs in 2019 (there are some exceptions) >pseudo, benzedrex, dxm, dph, or any other abuseable otc
what is life but one big cum. not abusing drugs is for the retarded.
Nathaniel Brooks
Your about to end up jerking off for 12 hours from the ads on here.
Jonathan James
>2019 >not using Tomorrow theme save your eyes the trouble while obsessively refreshing r9k and making these long tweaked out posts ya fuckin idiot
Gavin Ward
imagine being this much of a piece of shit lol
Nathaniel Ramirez
Meth guys always crash the most spectacular way. The endless confidence transforms into manic obsession and there the seed for psychosis and despair is planted. I wonder how long you'll last.
Also I fucking love drugs but I want to consume in a sustainable way. >nicotine It's garbage tier btw >molly >gay meth Meth is already pretty gay in the literal sense that it makes you want to fuck men
Lmfao last thing I'm do is let a Jow Forums meth head tell me regular psy use is stupid. It's not all for creativity only there's so many things it can be used for.
Andrew Gray
>methhead puts "hard liquor" and "nicotine" in "ascended" tier >two of the most normie drugs in existence
>psychadelics point to a weak, uncreative mind >does meth and heroin just so he can feel instant happiness and motivation that hinges entirely on the substance while actively destroying the brains ability to naturally produce those feelings
meth-heads everyone
Luke Moore
OP is a junkie fag
Luke Perez
>he can handle his life while sober lmao you aren't a real robot if it weren't for drugs I would've killed myself long ago for being a friendless KHV I understand that makes me weak but you act like robots aren't weak people in general >putting psychs in brainlet tier Those are the most fun though because they let you have genuine fun instead of just chemicals in your brain forcing you to be happy like meth molly or opiates
Gabriel Long
Said the partying poster, as he popped another molly.
>ascended tier: ketamine >broke nigga bitch tier: pcp >>addy (kinda childish tho, just do meth) ????????????? so yea ketamine is pretty childish too, you should be snorting pcp you fucking underage bait >ascended tier: oxys >pointless fat normie tier: opiate pills that aren't morphine or fent ??????????? > broke nigga bitch tier: flakka Yea sure, if you haven't smoked actual apvp niggers selling trash fluoro aphp analogues as legit flakka apvp is the mxe of meth heads
i mean in the end you can like what you like but atleast have some consistent opinions
Ayden Brooks
I used to have a similar opinion of psys but then I discovered the power of popping a couple tabs of acid and some coke/ket/speed/whatever upper and going to the club.
Ethan Brooks
best and last, enjoy your OD, plz live stream it if you can
David Bennett
the fact this fucking retard is actually placing nicotine above a drug like DMT or molly....i hope your fucking heart stops while you binge, meth'd up cunt.
Connor Russell
>molly >gay meff
Basedpilled bro.
Joseph Miller
99% of each drug is the setting - try drinking lean with some benzos or opiates in a block party in Atlanta or Savannah and you'll never put it in the bottom tier.
Except nicotine, that's for schmucks.
>meth >consistent opinions
Kayden Rivera
How is ketamine in the same tier as heroin? It's quite popular in Britain and not as dangerous by a long shot. Heroin should be in its own category. Why is nicotine ascended? That's the most normie thing out there. Make a decent list you faggot
Zachary Jenkins
>molly >mandy you sure there's a difference? IIRC, they're both MDMA
In terms of strength of dissociation yes But DXM has value in the intense euphoria it gives, it feels second only to MDMA to me
William Williams
That sounds absolutely awful
John Stewart
what about jenkem?
Luis Collins
if you want euphoria do opiods people do dissos for the dissociative effects, i'd do any worthwhile pcp analogue under the sun over dxm
Brandon Mitchell
opioids give me zero euphoria though, feels bad but I have DXM as an alternative
Kevin Ramirez
what? either your brain is broken or this is bait what opoids did you try and get no euphoria?
Jose Wright
I've done oxy nearly a dozen times, hydrocodone a couple times too. Did doses ranging from 5mg up to like 25mg. It all just made me tired to the point of passing out in my chair and puking a bunch. I've tried kratom too, same thing even though people say they get opioid-like effects. A lot of those were legit prescription pills as well.
William Hall
What about speed. Was awake 6 days called the cops twice ambulance once and got into a fight 3 times Now I am paranoid scizo Don't do drugs folks
ascended niggas take pharma amphetamine and vitamins daily
Eli Diaz
I get this as well. Only opiate I've tried was opium, but I don't get any euphoria from it. Just tiredness.
Juan Barnes
Nbba you just put all your doc's in the ascended tier, you're such a faggot, but you already knew that.
Owen Lopez
Yeah it sucks considering everyone always raves about opioids being the comfiest feeling in the world but when I take them I can't even experience a fraction of that happiness
Camden Peterson
salvia is awesome if you're not a little bitch who can't handle chilling with Mazatec gods
Joshua Hughes
I think it's just the way we respond to those drugs, rather than the dosages. One guy on here said that he never got any euphoria either, even when he tried heroin, but he still got addicted to it.
Tyler Peterson
I also get no euphoria or high from opiates, I've had prescriptions for Vicodin, Dilaudid, and fentanyl and morphine iv in the hospital. I get more euphoria from a bottle of red wine, I don't know what's wrong with my body...