nothing matters right?
there is no problem with becoming a tranny genetic dead end right?
Nothing matters right?
Ultimately, any value or meaning your life has is up to you. The idea that a human's sole value is their genetics literally defeats the point of being human - we can adapt without having to undergo natural selection.
That's correct nigga
I don't think genes matter, especially yours specifically , but I wouldn't want to see you become a tranny, dead end or not.
>I don't think genes matter, especially yours specifically , but I wouldn't want to see you become a tranny, dead end or not.
im submissive and a trash person so becoming a tranny suits me well
Trannies have the highest suicide rate on the planet, I bet the kind here on Jow Forums last a year on average before they kill themselves
>Ultimately, any value or meaning your life has is up to you.
false, we dont even have free wil
>The idea that a human's sole value is their genetics literally defeats the point of being human
genetics determines everything, we have no soul
id pass so i wouldnt kms
There's no problem with the "genetic dead end" crap. The human genome only needs a few tens of thousands of individuals to reproduce, actually. That's sufficient material to avoid genetic bottlenecks. The continuation of the species and its evolutionary viability will remain assured whether or not you reproduce.
There is a problem with annoying others with faggotry, though.
whats the purpose of continuing the species