Old one reached bump limit.
/fph/ & /fps/
Feeders, show me your O face!
imagine the smell
The new coworker went full obese mode. She also smokes 2 packs of cigs a day. She breathes like she just ran a marathon after she comes back from the toilet.
Absolutely disgusting.
im surprised the last thread didnt get taken down, it just turned into an Fatty appreciation thread... lets make that happen again
I've never felt more rage.
>Hurt myself in front of all the fit people
Literally nobody cared I'm sure
>Ordering half of the chic fil a menu to comfort myself
I want her dead
here's a big one
is that destiny?
>have fat friend, we'll call K
>K is a proud 5'9", last time I knew was 380 lbs
>hadn't seen her for a while but she calls up and wants to reconnect
>been a few months
>ok, w/e we can meet up for lunch
>I get to the restuarant and get a table.
>about 20 mins after I get there, I get a text saying she just got there
>I look at the door and in she walks
>balding, foot in a cast, gained at least 50 lbs
>greet and start small talk
>turns out her new job is going well but her health isn't
>turns out she's prediabetic, her pcos is flairing and her doctor needs to up her thyroid medication
>after 12 years, it's still not the right dosage apparently
>because she can't seem to lose weight no matter how much she diets
>time to order
>I get a half sandwich with a salad and italian dressing on the side
>she gets a half sandwich with a salad, ranch of course.
>and a side of sweet potato fries.
>think, ok, that's not too bad.
>then she orders another entree: french dip sandwich + garlic fries
>"I'm gonna take it home, so I don't have to cook dinner"
>throughout talking at lunch find out she broke her foot walking.
>"I stepped on it wrong"
>I've recenlty lost some weight (thanks guys) and she's taken notice
>but doesn't say anything positive about it.
>Instead she thinks she's being sly and at first it starts innocently
>"Go ahead and have some of my fries user, I can't POSSIBLY eat them all."
>"Do you want to try MY salad?"
>"C'mon user, just one fry, they're so good!"
>with every refusal she became more frustrated with me.
>also by the end of the lunch she had finished everything she had ordered.
>"oops, teehee"
It's like the manatee crashing into the glasswall
>Now it had been a good hour and lunch was coming to an end.
>I had other errands to run before I got home.
>"Hey, let's go to coldstone's."
>No thanks K. I got to go, maybe another time.
>And then she explodes on me
>uh... no, no I'm not anorexic, I just am full from lunch and don't want ice cream.
>this confused her at first.
>I was pretty hurt at the anorexic accusation because I've tried really hard to lose it the healthy way.
>Then her eyes kind of went cold and flat and she said without smiling
>"Prove it. Eat some ice cream."
>And then she got mad.
>by now everyone is looking at us
>get so frustrated, just storm out
>later when I get home, I see on facebook that she sent me a message apologizing
>she's upset because her life is so hard right now
>and mine's so perfect
>her words
>roll my eyes into the back of my head.
>the next day get a message from a different friend.
>paraphrasing, but "Hey, so K messaged me last night and said you were anorexic."
>"Are you okay?"
>silently rage and tell her about bizarre lunch and the ice cream demand
>friends can see through K's bullshit "She's trying to sabotage you Anonette."
>we laugh at her
>I message her to stop fucking lying about me
>"I care about you user and if you won't seek help for yourself I will."
>Warn her if she does anything of the sort I will blacklist her from all social engagements since I'm the last one to tolerate her
>she refuses to back down unless I prove it and eat food in front of her
>tell her she's crazy and put her on ignore.
>she then puts a status up of " *curls up into bol and cries*"
>which is followed by the usual circus of "OMG what's wrong?"
>she proceeds to write a fucking essay about how I was bullying her
>and how I have anorexia
>and she's the only one who cares if I'm healthy or not
>and how my friends are hateful shallow douchebags
>basically pissing on everyone and demanding we do as she says
>aside from a few posts from her family who comfort her, no one gives a shit
>not even enough to respond
>it's like a collective sigh from the group
>and like that, we all went back to ignoring her like we had the last time we included her
>p.s. last time we included her, she would take food home after pot luck parties that she was not hosting.
>literally bring nothing except empty tupperware and leave with it filled with food others brought
>after the third time, she was no longer invited
>competed at the gay games
Holy shit I know this has to be real, but why the fuck did that make me laugh so hard?
Another story about K.
This happened before the last one.
>K calls me up
>she's crying
>tells me none of her clothes fit
>she's at least 330+ from eyeballing it, and about 5'9"
>later found out she's actually 380, man am I bad at guessing weight
>She's prediabetic, thyroid cundishun, the whole shebang.
>She squeezes into a size 3x, but should be wearing 4x
>asks me about the new gym I just signed up to that I talked about last game night
>I tell her it's freaking awesome
And here's where I made my mistake
>"I am going tomorrow. Do you want to come?"
Fuck me... Okay, here we go.
>I'm thinking while we're there we could talk about using myfitnesspal.
>She emphatically agrees to come
>"But I can't work out too much or it'll hurt my joints"
>Tell her we will swim laps, I'll pick her up at 9 am sharp, and remind her that punctuality is part of discipline.
>She promises to be ready
Queue tomorrow @ 8:30 am
>Knock on door
>hear nothing for a minute
>knock again
>hear a low "oh shit"
>then papers crinkling up and her old recliner whining as it's put into a sitting position
>internally sigh
>knock again, she calls out "Oh, you're early! Give me one sec."
>hear some shuffling then she opens the door
>she was wearing her clothes from the day before
>she had not showered
>she had food stains on her shirt
>"I'm not quite ready yet, blah blah, you're early blah blah, I just need to finish this thing real quick blah blah...
>...on fucking runescape."
>Tell her no time, we gotta go, she made a commitment
>"Yeah but I made a commitment too. To my friends on here."
>"I just need to help him farm a few items for blah blah)"
>"Okay, how long will that take?"
>"15 mins, I swear! Then I'll get ready in a sec and we can go."
>Sit on her disgusting couch and look at the food wrappers around her chair
>taco bell, carl's jr, jack in the crack, b-k, micky d's, chipotle
>open sauce side containers just sitting out
>it has this pungent creeping odor
>consider leaving her, but decide you don't give up on friends.
30 minutes later...
>I'm exasperated
>I'm tapping my foot like a bitch
>Trying to make small talk but only getting monosyllablic answers
>she won't get the fuck off runescape
>Are you done yet?
10 more minutes go by
>How about now?
>"God Anonette, you are SO impatient. It's saturday, relax a little."
>"You were supposed to be ready 20 minutes ago. You're wasting my time, I have things to do."
>"I thought you said you were serious about coming."
>Go to leave
>She starts sobbing
>"You're just gonna leave me? Some friend you are."
>"I come to you for help and you just give up the first chance you get."
>"You really don't care."
I had no backbone at the time of this interaction.
She was an alpha bitch, and while I was fit I was shy and often got trampled over by friends like her.
>start to feel like shit because she's not wrong
>"If you get up and start getting right now, I won't leave."
Big mistake number 2.
>So K goes upstairs to get ready
>And I wait.
>Another 30 minutes.
>when she comes down she hasn't showered.
>but has a huge duffel full of stuff.
>think nothing of it
>we get in our cars and head to the gym.
>I realize halway there she's no where in sight
>Get to gym finally, it's packed.
>Of course it is, it's a summer saturday.
>She's no where in sight
>Text her
>No answer
>Wait 20 mins
>See she finally pulls in.
>K get's out of the car and she's finishing swallowing something
>Peak through the windshield and it's mickey d's.
>She didn't want me to see, says she got lost.
>shrug it off
i fucking hate fatties
>Get in, get changed into swimsuit
>She drove there in hers.
>Still has not showered.
>Tell her to rinse off before getting in
>"No that'll just make my hair frizzy.
>Get out to waveless lap pool
>It's packed.
>There is already a line of like 4 people to share a lane
>I get us put on the list and she's pissed
>"I didn't know I'd have to wait in line."
>"I just want to exercise."
>"We won't get a lane together."
>"Jeez, how long do these people swim for! OMG!"
>Everyone can hear her loud complaints and I'm beyond embarassed
>"We wouldn't have had to wait in line if you were ready on time."
>She get's super huffy and becomes passive aggressive as fuck
>K just starts making snide comments about why do I even need a gym, I'm thin.
>And wow, I'm so focused on my health it's making me a bitch to my friends.
>You play such a goody goody, but you're just a backstabber.
>"I bet you just brought me here so you and your fit friends can laugh at me."
>New gym.
>Don't have any friends yet.
>At this rate, I won't either.
>this breaks me.
>She goes and sunbathes
>I cry quietly while trying to not be a nuissance to anyone
>Our names finally get's called.
>By now the sun is getting high.
>We're in different lanes, I start swimming laps
>K realizes she has to share and is offended
>She Starts swimming anyways using a floating devise.
>Does 1 lap for ever 4 her partner is doing.
>Her Poor partner has to swim around her because she takes up 80% of the lane
>After K's done 12 laps, she gets out and comes looming over my lane
>"I dont' want to swim laps anymore."
At this point, I just want to get my workout in.
>"Well, do something else. I have a workout to do."
>She goes and plays on her phone in the shade.
>Get out after a while and decide to try again
>Ask her if she wants to do some water walking
>They have an elderly waist deep pool just for this.
>She says okay.
>So I start walking with her.
>Ask her how her dieting is going.
>"I've gained weight it makes no sense."
>"My doctor is upping my thyroid medicine, the stuff they're giving me isn't helping."
>I ask her about her diet.
>She lies straight to my face about it.
>"I eat way healthy things. All the time."
>I've eaten so many salads, I'm basically a vegetarian."
>Tell her about mfp, say I'll help her set it up
>"Nah, that doesn't work for me user. My thyroid."
>After 10 mins, she's ready to get out of the pool and sit in the hot tub.
>I'm over it at this point, my patience is gone.
>She goes and sits in the hot tub for a while and I go in and shower and change.
>As she's coming in, I can tell she's mad.
>"You wouldn't even hang out with me, I don't know anyone here. You made me look like a loser."
>"I'm sorry. I just gotta go. I have stuff I need to get done today."
>"Well I'm gonna go home then too. I can take a shower there."
>She drove home in her wet swimsuit.
>She probably got fast food on the way.
>She definitely complained about working out so hard with her jealous friend on runescape.
>She probably didn't shower until Monday.
>She calls me up the next day complaining about how her clothes don't fit and now she is sunburnt
>I never, ever, ever, invite anyone to go to the gym with me ever again.
dont worry shell die in a few years and you wont have to deal with her anymore
I don't get it. How do they have so much confidence? I feel like shit if my ribs aren't showing and my thighs don't have at least 1 inch gap.
Why are so many of them faggots?
Why the fuck do you even go out with a disgusting fat fuck.
What is wrong with you?
I was a loser gamer weeb with low self esteem and she was in a group of friends that I was social with.
And finally a new update about K.
>Have friend, we'll call her K.
>It's been a few years since we last spoke
>she wants to apologize for the anorexia shit.
>K used to be 5'9" and 380 lbs.
>K got up to 5'9" and 420 lbs.
>she has recently lost 60 lbs in the last 7 months.
>she finally got enough of a health scare that she listened to her doctors.
>she got a food scale and food journal
>she was absolutely SHOCKED by how much she ate on a normal basis.
>So her doctors have her on a 500 cal deficit (lol) based on her bmr.
>they adjust it once a month FOR her.
>and she weighs her food and records it.
>I have no doubt she has cheat days, or fudges the journal.
>but she's so damn proud of herself.
>she's gone down a size.
>she says she feels so much better.
>and now that she understands what I was doing to lose weight she felt very guilty about how she behaved.
>She admitted to being jealous and petty.
>I don't know if she'll make it, but I think she's on the right path.
>goes to show, anyone can lose weight.
>even people you thought were a lost cause.
Man women are fucking weird. Especially fat ones. Does a lot of weight mess with hormones that bad or something?
Gas the fats. Health war now.
Are you male or female? I can't even make friends let alone join loser weeb groups (I'm not weeb enough and no 1 plays the games I play). I can't even make friends who take advantage of me and it makes me sad that you cried over a huge hog.
>literally a pig's trotter
Glad your friend came around, hopefully her personality will improve and she'll become actually pleasant to be around once she lost/loses more weight.
That is animal abuse. That horse can't hold the weight of a planet on its back.
female. we originally met in the college anime club. honestly, the first two stories happened years ago. I've since moved away, gotten married and had my first child.
These stories you shared make me glad I've been able to convince my friend to put more effort into fitness, and glad that I've been working hard too.
She's the worst kind of brat. I'm sorry you wasted so much time on her.
How much did you weigh before Gy and what made you want to join it
Ngl this male me want to work in ER, studying strange monsterous aliens all day, going further into the horror, hat looks interesting
>25 pounds of bone
>20 pounds of skin
>8 pounds of intestine
> 5 pounds of lung
>3 pounds of brain
>300 total pounds
>80% "muscle"
This implies they are missing most of their organs, as this is a total of 61lbs
I think they're right, it's 80% mussel instead
your fat fuck friend is sorting her life
are you user? did you stop being a disgusting weeb¿?
They don't. They do this to feel better.
Looks like beastiality is taking off in Canada
Godspeed, Anonette. Hopefully your friend will stay on the right path.
Good job trying to help your fat friend user
It's time to stop bringing thyroid issues as an inevitable cause of fatness, too (I'm saying because they are mentioned in pic related). Thyroid issues can be fixed with proper medication (generally, a pill that must be taken before breakfast). And it fuckin works.
My ex girlfriend really had thyroid issues which made it really difficult for her to lose weight. Gym, proper diet, nothing worked, so she stopped trying. Then one day she went to the doctor, she was diagnosed with a thyroid disfunction, and was given a pill to eat every day before breakfast. In just a month, she lost 6 kg, 6 fucking kilograms, without doing anything else. No diet, no exercise, just the fuckin thyroid pill. So please, stop using thyroid as an excuse, there are medications, and they work like wonder.
Even without, you just need to eat even less. You can't make energy from nowhere. Definitely better to fix that issue if you have it though.
I think they're just delusional cause otherwise I don't understand it at all.
>mentions original sin
>original sin involved a woman eating
Does anyone have the one of Boogie's weight on a chart with Dr. Now behind him saying "I don't think it's getting through"? I forgot to save it last time.
Ow, my fat
Thanks for compiling it. I was going to, but I'm lazy.
Some fat people probably don't like this movie
If you're over 630 pounds you should probably just die flat out. That requires some serious dedication to the cause of being a complete waste of oxygen and taxpayer money.
I wish people were more like fph threads
they ought to die when they hit 300
here's another medical story for you
How could it get any worse than being so fat you fracture your spine?
Didn't even notice the foot until the bitch pointed it out, jesus fuck, what the fuck
I mean, as much as she is a sad sack of lard of shit that deserves to die, the husband is a faggot for being so cucked and undedicated to his regime. They deserve each other
I'm glad you managed to get away from that autist, I wish good health and loyal gains to your child femanon
I clicked into this thread without thinking from the homepage, it was a completely unconscious reaction. We're all gonna make it, brahs.
Forearm routine?
I've read this story before. Are you reposting or are you that user?
No one from the other sex would even look at them so they go gay out of necessity.
i don't remember the hulk looking like a fat bear
Thank you for making an image for it user.
I am the original user.
I posted these stories when they happened years ago, I've posted them occasionally throughout the years when contributing to fps/fph, I've also seen other people post them. The reason I posted the old ones is I wanted the conclusion (which happened very recently) to make sense. To provide context, that is.
How the fuck did her ankles not snap like pretzels?
Christ she looks disgusting.