What do you think about CBD, lads..
What do you think about CBD, lads
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Placebo fad for the dude weed community, I tried some that a girl bought and I think she got sold some olive oil lol
I just buy Ounces off the dark net and make a couple pounds of canna-butter that I store in the fridge for a year. Its a hell of a lot cheaper and actually works unlike that corporate placebo
Hemp CBD is weak and most likely a scam real CBD from the marijuana flower is legit but very expensive I would only take it if I had seizures or cancer
It's like THC but does literally nothing and is completely fucking useless. Just smoke weed instead.
also guro is fun.
trying not to do anything illegal. just desperate for something to work for my health problems, no doctor has been able to find anything or even have an idea how to help me
CBD will relax you. Get a 1:1 CBD:THC oil for it to work better though. You won't really feel high from it either
Significantly improves my sleep. I sleep much deeper, and I don't wake in the middle of the night to piss anymore. because of this my gains have been improving. rest is critical.
I take 100mg, i buy the pure CBD isolate powder, and mix with MCT oil.
Cbd without the thc is a meme.
Ya doctors are fuckin useless sometimes. When I quit drinking/benzos I was in a shit state. Wasn’t sleeping for days on end.. hands were shaking. Doctor wouldn’t prescribe me anything to calm me down because it’s obvious I was basically a junkie. I managed to get some weed though and smoke it. It allowed me to come down enough where I could sleep again naturally. It’ll help you.
You don't have health problems you're just making shit excuses and being a bitch
The fuck did you expect them to give you? More benzos to an alcoholic benzo addict?
Being tired all the time no matter what I try, falling asleep while driving, falling asleep standing sometimes at work even if I sleep 12 hours in a day. No idea what I'm supposed to do about it and a sleep study is among the many things I've tried in the 10 years I've been dealing with this.
Bro when you haven’t slept for 4 days straight you will do anything to shutdown. Like anything to just sleep and shutdown and repair your body and mind.
How to get into the dark web?
You missed the boat, everyone knows about it and what's left is honeypots while they build cases against morons like that user
Doesn't answer the question
After 4 days you're past the seizure risk. Wtf do you expect a dr to give you?
According to msm it's here
Not him but maybe librium or vicseral.
I just wanted something to help me sleep. I’m an adult and I knew what I had done. My family came through and let me smoke.. and I came down.
Impossible to buy gear online now without getting backtracked?
My DNM history in order since 2011
>Silk Road 1
A dozen or so successful transactions
>Silk Road 2
>scammed to high hell
>Dream market
Never exit scammed for about 5 orders
>Wall St Market
2 finished orders.
Everyone was Exit scammed by the market on my final order
>Empire Market
The only one I still go to that is running, I have never been scammed here yet
And if course use Tor to open .onion links
Not in my experience is it impossible
The steroid market is different, there seem to be a fair amount of websites calling themselves "labs" that have them
I don't roid and don't know of any legit ones but they operate on the regular web
Have you checked thrydoid levels? Vitamin B levels? Have you chronically used any medications or illicit drugs in the past? Lithium levels checked?
Of course he has and they were all normal. It's psychological and he's never gonna get over it without therapy or meditation combined with a lifestyle change.
This all started when I was 16, am 26 now. Never tried any illegal drugs, not even weed, until I was almost 25. Thyroid has been checked numerous times. Most recent blood test mentions nothing about lithium, no doctor has ever mentioned it. B vitamins have been checked numerous times.
Was there childhood trauma?
I've tried therapy many times, and it never goes anywhere. We run out of things to talk about at the 2nd or 3rd appointment, each therapist I've gone to. Told all of them about the tiredness and they have no comments on it. I've made many lifestyle changes, eat healthier than anyone I know and exercise as much as I'm able now that I had to quit my job and have some time. Living off of savings now hoping I can find help and get to another job. I nearly crashed on the highway driving to work a lot of times because of drifting within inches of other cars. Just couldn't keep my eyes open no matter how much I shook my head or how loud I blasted music. Had close calls dozens of times but fortunately the worst thing that happened but driving over a curb and popping a tire while coming down a ramp.
Until I was about 7, yeah. Extremely abusive dad who couldn't deal with an autistic kid (diagnosed with Asperger's but looking back to then, I was Chris Chan levels of autism).
Diagnosed with generalized anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Asperger's like I mentioned and emotional disturbance. But when this all started at 16, it was the best time of my life. Everything was going great, I was in honors classes and getting As in everything, no stress at all. Then just out of nowhere one day started feeling this way.
>Tried therapy
>only went 2 or 3 times
Kek. You realize it's about having a relationship with someone and talking about your problems right? They don't give you life hacks dude. You're missing a trusting connection with a human being and it's manifesting as lethargy. Tell me about your parents.
Wow, so my psych diagnosis was spot on.
Try therapy again dude. And stick with it. Make sure it's an older Male and deal with the father issues you've been denying and suppressing.
That's not what I said. I said we run out of things to talk about. I usually go for a few more appointments than that but the same thing happens all the time. Thought I was clear with what I said.
I have a few close friends who I trust completely, not as much as most people but I'm not completely missing connection to anybody.
If you have some degree of autism, your GABA system is likely dysfunctional due to genetics or trauma. Usually, autistic brains lack GABA and are overloaded with glutamate. Your brain may have readjusted to support higher GABA levels, leading you to be fatigued constantly. I’m also thinking you could have low cortisol which would suggest addison’s disease. Have the doctors every done a full day cortisol test? It’s important that it’s full day as your cortisol levels constantly shift through out day. One final question, does caffeine help?
No THC? OPs a mad lad
I've answered, to make and female therapists I've been to, anything they asked about my dad, and mentioned it here because I guess it could be considered childhood trauma. But on a daily basis, I don't think I've ever really thought about it all once I got used to him being gone. My parents got divorced when I was 6, he lost visitation when I was 7 (dragged me up the sidewalk by my ear, screaming at me calling me a fucking bastard after I cried about not getting some game for Christmas).
I've told all this to therapists, but it's not something that ever crosses my mind unless I'm asked about it.
It's called sacking up
Jesus christ the denial!
Not even the point I was trying to make and you justify your failure to stick with it with a semantic argument?
You are so far away from being objective about your issues that you cant even think without making excuses. That's the irony of people who need therapy the most though.
Good luck man. Seriously hope you get what you need.
Classic denial man. I mean it's like reading it out of a clinical textbook. Go to therapy and do the work!
I don't understand at all the point you're trying to make. I've tried a lot of therapists and I eventually stop going after multiple appointments of us just sitting there in silence because we ran out of things to talk about and we just sit there.. and do nothing. I don't think therapy is useless or anything, but at the point I just described, what am I supposed to get out of it by continuing? I've tried to give it a chance again and again, but the same thing always happens.
This actually sounds interesting. My most recent test mentions nothing about cortisol and I don't remember a doctor ever saying anything about it. 300-400mg of caffeine helps me stay awake a few hours more, although never helps with staying awake driving. More like I can make it slightly further staying awake at home without feeling like I need to sleep.
You talk about whatever is on your mind. It's about forming a relationship like a said. It's not about fixing your problems. Doing the work is the treatment. It would be like going to the gym 3 or 4 times and looking in the mirror and going "well this isn't working"
You are looking for a quick fix and i'm telling you their isn't one. That's why you're jumping on that idea below my reply. You will literally do anything but actually confront the real issues. Far too often the things we want to do the least are the things that will help us the most.
Alcoholics will go to the ends of the earth trying anything they can to keep drinking, the thing they want to do the least is give up drinking and it's the only thing that will cure their disease. They quit for a week and say well I don't feel any better, but they never really quit, just made another excuse for staying drunk.
My point being you never really tried.
The only thing that's ever really on my mind is trying to not be tired. I rarely think about anything else.
Cbd is poison. Everyone that uses it has perceptible brain damage.
I've said all I can say. Take my wisdom or leave it.
Goodluck user.
The caffeine raises glutamate and cortisol. I’d get the full day cortisol test done if you see your symptoms matching up pretty well with addison’s disease.
I'll try to ask for that next time I can go to a doctor, user. Thanks
the oil under the tongue is so subtle id say it just doesnt work. did make some joint pain go away tho.
the flower when vaped worked pretty well but tolerence kicks in so fucking fast.
Sounds like medical marijuana might have helped
I smoke cbd flower. its nice and relaxing. similar to how a large glass of wine feels. also helps me get to sleep.