What inspired you to start getting fit?
What inspired you to start getting fit?
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i ran into my high school bully and decided i wanted to beat him up
the mirror
Definitely not some roider that has no willpower
My friends.
Its actually funny and sad, but long story short I saw myself in a "sex tape" and I was fucking shocked and disgusted about how bad I look.
my virginity
the golden one
post video
You. And Jow Forums in general.
I made the choice to get Jow Forums or blow my brains out.
It was a good motivator, during my first and a half Jow Forums always motivated me to lift with all the autistic shit, my favorite being the onions boost test one, now it's just discipline.
Wanted to be Kazuya
At first it was because I realized that none of the football players at my highschool actually knew how to lift and I had Jow Forums available to me from years of browsing /b/. So I began lifting, surpassed them all, and gained a lot of respect in my school.
I later dropped out and at that point it was this guy along with Adolph Hitler and also my own self hatred.
Eventually my self hatred turned into self destruction and I lost all my gains. 3 years later I train for enlistment.
my man
pic related
When I first started I would do bullshit 20 minute sessions at the campus gym. one day when I was leaving I ran into a buff friend who asked how long I worked out for, I said 20 minutes and he said "thats it?" and gave the most disgusted look ive ever seen before walking off. That was enough to get me to start taking fitness seriously
>Thats it?
Beeing fat.
So I can feel worthy to shitpost on Jow Forums
My Kuk Sool Won instructor Master Daniel Jolly. He instilled a sense of discipline into me at a young age, and his teachings have been with me for the rest of my life.
>working to become a worthy enough to visit him again
Seeing an old friend after years. We were both chubby fuckers on our teenage years, but as we went to different paths, he got Jow Forums, while I just got fatter. He helped me to get started, and now I keep lifting to honour the effort the put into helping me and our friendship. Thiago, you're the man.
The Nazis
Nothing. I don't even know why I lift anyway, I just do it to get bigger for no reason.
Roki's songs
How much I hated the weak bitch body I was in
And how much I desired to be a strong capable man
I'm not even a weeb but the Pillar Men did it for me.
My oneitis was initially attracted to me. Unfortunately, I proved to be a massive beta, so she became disgusted.
A rejection.
But I have come a long way to be bothered by something so trivial.
The experience has made me a better person.
This.. I got memed into it.. now I'm over 1/2/3/4 and I don't know why I continue
being bald, short, ugly, autistic and shy and wanted to fuck and be liked by girls
Being a virgin.
I'm not anymore, but I still lift for my own pleasure.
my mom, dead srs. she's been into bodybuilding for 10+ years. finally got me on board while I was home for a few months between undergrad and grad school. feeling like skelly idiot for not following her lead while I was in HS
A mixture of being rejected by the love of my life and zyzz vids, 21yo, it has been 6 years now, working out has helped my self-steem, getting laid, meeting girls who truly like me and all that jazz, but it seems that i will never forget her. I miss you so hard, Alice