It seems as if you have to admit that you will probably leave a few lbs heavier than when you came.
Unless somebody brings their scale with them on vacation.
How do you Jow Forums on vacation?
OMAD no matter where I am.
Many here will disagree with this but if you have the discipline you can both stay fit on vacation or indulge in eating how you want so long as you get right back to it when the vacation is done. Problem is most people fall out of line and stay in glutton mode
I agree with you that's pretty much what I do. I don't pig out but if it's me trying new foreign foods I'll just eat without thinking too hard. Then after vacation do a fast/cleanse and get my gut(internal & external) in order.
I tried that before, but unless I'm actively engaged in my hobbies (can't do away from home) I just go outside and all the myriads of food just becomes an option. Plus I usually have low calorie or portioned snacks at home and skip meals frequently to game long hours (makes me stay skeleton mode). I tried OMADing once but felt miserable since it wasn't like I was going to come back, ya know?
No I don't know, I have been doing OMAD my whole life essentially. I don't even think about food until 4 or 5 p.m. never ate breakfast and rarely lunch as a kid, just wasn't ever hungry. I can't even imagine eating 3 times a day. Just way too much food.
Okay man chill. Eating frequently in one day =/= eating a lot of food either. Are you like 100lbs?
6'4" 190lbs. 260lbs 1rm bench.
Why did you say "chill?" I think you're projecting anger or hostility where the was none.
This is how you stay on track and stay sane. It also really helps me a lot to have a default routine diet you can fall back on without even thinking. I basically eat exactly the same diet Monday-Friday aside from occasions. On the weekends I might make something I've been craving, try some new recipes, eat our, order take out, or even have a full blown cheat day Saturday and then fast on Sunday. Sometimes I'll fast the whole weekend if my abs are starting to look soft just because it's easy for me. It just takes a little bit of discipline, then it becomes habit.
Bullshit. I'm 6'4", currently 210lbs and when I tried OMAD one of two things happened: I lost weight very fast, or I became bloated as fuck with a distended gut and had constant digestion problems. When you weigh ~200 lbs and exercise regularly you need to eat AT LEAST 3000 calories a day to maintain. Sure, I can do that in one sitting if I really want to, but there is absolutely nothing natural about it and no benefit to it. My stomach bloats the fuck up, I get stuck in this weighed-down digestion mode for the rest of the fucking day, and any water I drink after that meal is stuck in my stomach until the middle of the night where I have to get up and piss over and over. It doesn't fucking work and it's not natural or healthy at all unless you are trying to lose weight.
vacation is the only time of the year I really eat dirty. I eat everything I come by, and drink beer like an absolute madman.
and nothing beats the feeling of getting back and eating clean and lifting again.
Whatever dude. Im a fucking dyel as shit larper who is just fucking with you.
But I may have forgot to mention I drink 4 protien shakes a day with whole milk. So I guess that is drinking or eating. But those don't really feel like meals just like drinking water for hydration.
I just eat like shit in my vacation, and cut afterwards lol
I don't give a fuck if I gain 2-5 pounds, only retards (Jow Forums) think it's hard to lose that
If you're on vacation then you should have plenty of time to train and eat mostly healthy
Are you just sitting in your hotel room or what? Most people walk around aton on trips
Yeah it's important to see distinct phases/cycles
>If you're on vacation then you should have plenty of time to train
Exactly this. Even if you don't eat that healthy, just don't go totally overboard. Even if you don't have access to a gym, you can still jog and do calisthenics every other day to keep from falling off the wagon.
So you’re going to eat 10,500 excess calories on vacation? Dang.
OMAD doesn’t literally mean one meal. It often means a 2 hour eating window.
If you go to a decent hotel, there's a chance the the fitness room will have a personal scale.
You could eyeball your portions but expect major errors.
I have to agree that OMAD is your best choice.
What i did on my past vacations, since i go to some kind of all inclusive service was:
- Put myself on vacation mode: fuck the scale, i'll deal with that after
- I'll eat my protein first (+200g/day), 1 whole plate fibrous veggies after, and at last, whatever i want
- Likely i'll have a "dumbbells" only fitness room, so i'll run a circuit training like high rep DB upper body only workout for the pump + 20-30m HIIT cardio every day and treat it as "deload week"
- I'll probably fast the first day after vacations because stress post vacations and etc, then, will eat at 300kcal deficit every day until return to the desired weight
the correct answer is to overtrain a week or two before, then go full hedonist normie on vacation.
This will make the relaxation of the vacation feel twice as energizing since you aren't overtraining anymore
you will also make great gains simply from resting a ton after overtraining so its still very fit
and finally you will have the least stress on vacation this way, and low stress is a major but overlooked component of fitness.
> can't serve reasonable portions without a scale
> welp, better just OMAD
Go outside you fucking automaton. Have sex.
>do powerlifting meet a day before you leave
>enjoy guilt free deload week
gg ez
I was suggesting options to OP, that i won't do if you kept reading.
>Go outside you fucking automaton
If i'm taking vacations, it's implied that that i'll go outside
>Have sex
Sometimes on vacations, it happened, believe it or not
Nobody said that, stop projecting
Quit jabbering semantics you fucking pencil pusher. Get back to your spreadsheets
I don't. If you're not eating like a retard the rest of your life 1 or 2 weeks will not have a single effect on your long term body composition.
>I was suggesting options to OP
I was honestly just wondering what other people do, I already fast regularly.
good plan