>be me >back home from the gym >room mate invited their friends to our apartment >say hi to them and go drink my whey >they start talking to me >I talk to them but I feel like I must leave before I fuck up and ruin their fun >make up an excuse that I have to send homework to my professor >notice that 2 of the girls don't stop mirin my arms >they insist me to stay >say that if I don't send this today I will fail the subject >I go to my room, take a shower and acidently sleep because I am too tired >wake up at 1 am >everyone is gone except one girl that is watching a move with my roommate >uno cards at the table, pizza boxes and dancing game on the the >looks like they had a lot of fun >go back to my room and play sad classic songs
That was the biggest opportunity I have ever had to make some non-autistic friend, possibly even more because those girls were hard miring me and I just ended up lone in my bedroom regreting my choices Ffs, being Jow Forums is not easy when you still have a DYEL mind, if they saw me back then they would have just ignored me Time to change
You did nothing wrong. I would have done the same. Unless I am invited in advance I do not butt into a groups activities. Them asking me to stay because I happen to walk into them feels like a pity invite. I would have excused myself as well.
You did the right thing. Imagine if they offered to smoke weed, your paranoia would have kicked in and hello freak reputation at the uni.
Owen Lopez
just be urself bro
Hudson Carter
Sebastian Flores
Most "introverts" are just failed extroverts. The only real introverts are schizoids, who are, as you put it, "flawed," but only by the people in power.
Dominic Moore
Nothing inherently wrong with pizza.
Cameron Russell
He is not lonely who takes pride in solitude
Leo Parker
cope and redditpilled
Asher Lewis
Fuck you big pizza shill
Easton Nelson
FUCK YOU, I'm against big pizza tarnishing the reputation of natty pizza! Papa John gets the rope.
Matthew Torres
its alright brother, just get em next time
Jackson Martin
Definitely an issue with empathy you have there, seems like you can not fathom a world where people are like that.
Introversion is real thing I could go out and have a great fucking time meet and meet some really cool people but I still come home mentally drained and exhausted.
Joseph Wood
Autism on the chan just means being socially awkward or not being socially calibrated. Guess who's more likely to be like that
People with less experience with social situations because their brain wiring guides them towards isolation and self-reflection
This is why especially in American culture it can be seen as a character flaw. I remember people calling the new guy at work creepy because he liked eating lunch alone. He was an amazing worker but guess who got laid off first when management came down
I can never tell when people are joking around. Its because they have shit senses of humor and joke about stuff I wouldn't find funny in a million years and could never even comprehend how someone could think they're funny. I can't even think of an example, but it's that stupid boomer humor that people do at work. I'm pretty good at blending in with normie, but I just can't pick up on when I should fake laugh or not because I can't tell when they think they're being funny and it pisses me off