Found a robot tier movie you might enjoy

Its called Don's Plum. Its essentially been banned in america and it looks like its gonna be pretty good. I just started it.'s_Plum

Attached: nu nu man.jpg (800x1142, 1.06M)

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>pretty people
Fuck off stupid normie, the true robotcore movie is The Laughing Man

right up your alley robots.

Attached: avin a laff.jpg (720x366, 53K)


I like the girl here, but l feel like that's not what you were intending.

This movie hurts to watch in so many ways. But no, the focus was not on the girl. As a robot/failed normie this hits way too close to home.

OP here, this film is fuckin great. strongly suggest you watch. im lurkin waitin for 404

50 minutes in and i literally want to die..

Attached: end it.jpg (600x483, 161K)

This is the most blackpilled film I've ever watched.

Here is a real robot film.
>29 year old lives with his parents
>gets told he has to move out on his 30th birthday
>has a wage cuck job he hate and they treat him like shit.
>the character can barely speak to any one normally.

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See this

legit just finished it. It was fuckin fantastic. its like a 90s PSA but with seeminly real people that you can sympathize with. I related to alot of the sentiments. dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing, but it hit me hard.

next on my list it seems

/robotmovie/ general i guess

The bisexual guy was the true robot.

i think him and leos character are the real robots. and this film demonstrates that females can never be robots.

Leo was not a fucking robot lol. If anything he was a pagliacci or a sociopath.

>females can never be robots
You don't think the lesbian chick was a robot? She made it pretty clear that she hated every second of being there.

you're right. I sort of self inserted as leo because i have a similar kind of resentment toward females because of my mother, and im a robot so it just kinda clicked in my head that he was.

>cute girls
>pretty boys
Not a robot movie

Why is it banned? what's so bad about it?

you gotta listen to the content

it was too real.

>it was too real.
What do you mean? can you give a plot synopsis?

Just watch it you fucking spaz

I can't, I'm at 9th minute and it's too painfull already

>I can't, I'm at 9th minute and it's too painfull already
Okay snowflake

Its one of those movies you just have to dive head first into. its legitimately a group of friends talking about life, and it touches on some real shit.

>On April 1, 1998 Producer David Stutman filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, case no. B C1894C0,[2] against Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire for Declaratory Relief, Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage, Breach of Contract, Slander of Title, and Injunctive Relief.
>Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage
>Economic Advantage
>with the economy
>in the middle of the drug epidemic
>in america

call me paranoid, but i think (((someone))) didnt like some of the undertones in this film.

I cant hear nothing wtf this why I hate low budget movies.

gotta turn up that volume bro

no but seriously, if you're in the jazz scene, you're not supposed to be able to hear everything. i think. thats how REAL it is.

I know nothing of this movie, but now I know it's gonna be gud

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its actually plot related to his character.
its not just shoehorned in because muh misogyny.

final bump
I love how under the rug this movie is considering how great it is.

I want to be in a polyamorous relationship with the INFP hippy chick and the crystal-eyed bisexual.

>be emotionally starved for sex and romantic love
>watch romance movies and listen to sad music just to make yourself cry and hate yourself even more
I'm glad I don't personally know anybody like this.

Yes OP I tried too but it's just shit. It's like worse than Natural Born Killers, OP you just like it because it's terrible and they act like faggots the whole time

it might be "bad" and its certainly not "good". But it the reason I like it is because it expresses a very accurate portrayal of individuals that suffer from problems that they hide from others, and even from themselves. It reminds me of all the people ive ever spoken to that while at the center of a conversation there are thoughts in the other persons mind that are spinning that you'll never be able to capture or that they can even express because they're as trapped as anyone else in their own head. Just like i am myself. I related to multiple aspects of each of the characters and saw snippets of my life past and present playing out as each of them played up their front and spoke with themselves in the mirror.

This isnt a film to "watch". Its something that can not be recreated and its a real look into how real people deal with their problems. As far as im concerned there were no actors in this movie. Because each of them represents a certain aspect of ourselves as individuals. This is a movie to feel.

No its bladerunner ya fag