I'm a permavirgin but I have a chance at getting a 5/10 slam pig for a sweet test boost...

I'm a permavirgin but I have a chance at getting a 5/10 slam pig for a sweet test boost. Is it worth losing my virginity to get gains? I promise I won't form an emotional bond with her or anything haha that would be pretty dumb lol
ALso her tits are fucking huge. Literal walking milk truck... would just love to milk those titties and suck them to get free proteins. What do Jow Forumsbros?

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Worth a go lad

Worth a shot m8

show a pic to us yung fella, let us judge the beast

OK, will do, thanks bros. She told me she went to the gym to lose weight once and she got embarrased at everyone looking at her and never went back lol. My reply was:
>Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>ALso her tits are fucking huge. Literal walking milk truck... would just love to milk those titties and suck them to get free proteins. What do Jow Forumsbros?
You have my approval user.
Suck em for the homies that can't.

Attached: tits guy.jpg (788x810, 95K)

If she isn't a mega ho go for it, but be careful, they get attached very easily and in a few months youre gonna be dealing with a girl who wraps her legs around your ass and whispers for you to cum inside

Pic of tits

Also do it


Maybe date on the sly if she's cool.

Here she is. She's pretty fat for my country's standards. But nowhere near murica fat. Hell, she might just be a 6 or a 7 for murilard standards.

This is my biggest fear. I don't wanna take care of a half pig bastard.

Last thing I'd wanna do is date her lmao

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