I jerked off to it again, please help me bros. How do I get rid of porn addiction?

I jerked off to it again, please help me bros. How do I get rid of porn addiction?

Attached: Fugg.jpg (306x165, 5K)

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jerk off (inside a female)

Get gf

this only made it worse

what do anons

start reading stories on literotica instead

try uhhhhhhhhh
try icing your penis every few hours.

Try your best but dont be too hard on yourself. We were all fucked over by early exposure and our brains are permantly altered.

Step down to using just your imagination. It might take a few days to be able to bust one out but after about 2 weeks you'll be able to get it done in sub 2 minutes.

Become involved in literature. Pursue the higher spiritual path. Soon it will be something you don't even think about.

>when you try your best but you don’t succeed

I've been jerking it to porn since 2nd grade, how fucked am I?

just stop doing it?
on the real though, get a hobby

It’s not as easy

>stop watching porn
>lose all libido

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Go wander the wilderness for a couple months until you find Odin


1) Don't let your fantasies write a check that your loins can't cash.

If you are unmarried, do not fantasize about sex. Ever. Guard your thoughts.

If you are married, but your spouse is currently inaccessible, then don't spend ten seconds thinking about sex. Don't even think about sex with your spouse. Guard your thoughts.

If you are married, and your spouse is currently accessible, then have normal marital relations with your spouse regularly. This helps reduce the risk of illicit temptations.

2) Fight the birds.

There is a saying: "You can't stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair." No thanks to the logismoi, the devil can do this to you without your consent. Sexual thoughts will unavoidably pop into your mind. This does not make you guilty.

What makes you guilty is your *response* to that initial thought. The moment an illicit sexual thought pops into your head, immediately "fight off the bird" by distracting yourself with something else, and give that other thing your full attention.

3) Not all distractions are created equal.

Some activities (like jogging or weight lifting) take a lot of physical effort, but very little mental effort. Even while doing these things, your mind can still wander into bad places. Other activities (like writing a theological paper, solving a math problem, or reading a good book), so intensely involve your thoughts that you cannot easily keep thinking about two things at once. As long as you are focused on that math, that philosophy, or that puzzle, the thoughts of sex go away for a while. If you try jogging or working out and that doesn't help, then try distracting yourself with something more mentally intense.

4) Confess it immediately.

Call someone godly who you trust (especially a priest), and say, "I'm getting tempted again." It is amazing how confession totally breaks the power of the Enemy, and makes him go away for a while.

5) Immediately go near other people.

When you are standing in the presence of other people, having a conversation with them, it is amazing how easy it is to avoid illicitly pleasuring oneself.

6) Read the Scriptures, and the writings of Orthodox Christian Saints.

Sure, you "already know what they say". But read it again. And again. And again. It helps.

7) Fast.

Orthodox Saints agree that indulgence in food is directly connected with indulgence in lust. Thus, by regularly fasting from food for a certain period of time, we do battle against the sin of lust. If you practice asceticism and self-denial with your stomach, that will make it easier to practice asceticism with the other parts of your body.

8) Don't feed the beast.

Again, guard your thoughts. Don't watch a movie or TV show that has even a little bit of fornication, or a little showing of scantily clad beauties. Even if you only see them for a few seconds, your brain will lock onto those images, and hold onto them for hours (or years). Then when you are alone and vulnerable, your brain will bring those pictures back to torment you and tempt you. Therefore, avoid these triggers to begin with.

9) Look at Orthodox Icons.

Look directly at the cross. God works wonders through the cross, and He tells you, "Your sin may seem strong, but it is not stronger than THIS!" Other icons are good too, for the same purpose. Remember, porn is just the Devil's iconography. God is the one who invented icons, and He did so because images are very powerful. Fill your mind with divine images, and God can use those divine images to drive out the other images.

10) Be Faithful even if you don't Feel like it.

It's not all about your feelings. You can show faithfulness, even when your emotions haven't caught up yet to where they should be. Manifest faithfulness long enough, and the feelings will eventually return. Emotions are meant to follow, not to lead.

11) Pray.
Don't fight lust alone. Call upon Christ, call upon the Theotokos, call upon the angels, and call upon all the Saints to assist you. Prayer to the Saints works.

12) This Too Shall Pass.
When the temptation hits in a strong way, a voice in your head will tell you, "You have already gone too far. It is impossible for this tension to go away now, unless you manually pleasure yourself." — This is a lie. — In fact, if you get up, walk around, pray, and forcibly occupy your mind with something else for several minutes, the tension will go away, and the urge will pass. Knowing this to be true can help you successfully win the battle.

I use this system when alone, it works a lot better than nothing

Nut = 30 weighted push ups
Stroking = 10 weighted push ups
Watch porn = 10 weighted push ups
Touching = 10 push ups
Get erection from thoughts or media = 10 push ups
Itch / Adjust = 5 push ups

what are the actual benefits from not masturbating

Courage/Fearlessness – Fear reduces a lot. It’ll become hard for you to be scared, even of dangerous things. In a dangerous situation, you’ll be aware of the risk but you will also be able to deal with it carefully instead of panicking and worsening the situation. You will start to feel what real masculinity is like.

Better Eyes – Eyesight improves considerably with the practice. And it’s not just the sight that improves but also the endurance of the eyes. You can then spend hours in front of your computer without your vision getting fuzzy and/or your eyes getting tired. In ancient times they used to say that “masturbation causes blindness”. It’s an exaggeration but there is a connection between the two. The floaters around the eyes also reduce or disappear completely.

Blissfulness/Contentment – You will start to feel bliss, which will cause dispassion and distaste for sensual pleasures. Sometimes the bliss is so great that you lose interest in everything around you. To increase this bliss it’s best to practice self-inquiry (hold the I thought-feeling) as taught by Ramana Maharshi. The bliss is similar to the pleasure you get from sexual activity but more refined (subtler). It’s better because it’s continuous, and has an invigorating effect on the body.

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Better Memory – You will find it easier to remember things and you will also remember memories which you had long forgotten. Never mind old memories, you will also start to remember dreams which you had a long time ago. The mind will become much sharper.

Better Immunity – The energy reserves of your body are much higher now so the body will find it easier to deal with illnesses. It may happen that illnesses actually increase in the beginning with the practice, probably because of the body healing itself from ailments, but all will be better in time.

Lack of worry – Your worries reduce greatly. You will actually start to find it difficult to worry because you feel perfect or close to perfect. This will give you a sense of security enabling you to deal with difficult situations without worrying.

Intuition/Spontaneous Understanding – The mind becomes incredibly sharp and able to grasp things easily. You’ll start to understand things intuitively without thinking about them. The answers will come to you naturally on their own.

Suppleness – The body will become more supple and flexible. Notice how flexible young children are? They haven’t wasted their vital force as much as adults and so their bodies are strong and supple.

Calmness – An indescribable inner calm develops. You will develop the virtue of patience quite naturally.

Confidence – You’ll develop vigor and confidence. Shyness leaves you and you feel comfortable with yourself. The increased confidence can easily make one conceited so be careful.

Lack of Anger/Irritability – The greater the bliss, the greater the inner peace. The blissful feeling makes it nearly impossible to get angry. Suddenly everything’s fine. Nothing bothers you anymore.

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This is actually pretty good
Thank you for sharing user

Do 1 productive thing every hour. Even if its tiny

no problem

imagine starting doing push ups in the middle of the street because u saw an ad