
How do you like your coffee?I like it black,at room temperature and without sugar.

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hot but still drinkable.
Milk is for faggots.
>at room temperature
It's almost disgusting at this temp.

Piping hot, milk and sugar.

I don't drink coffee now but the few times I have it was always with tons of milk and sugar. The older I get the more I worry about stuff like diabetes. I just stick to water for beverages.

2-3 espresso shots at once plus cold milk as I can't be arsed to wait and dislike the taste anyway.

Varg says coffee was made by Jews and that we should rely on good sleeping habits and a traditional lifestyle for energy.

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Coffee is for wagies. Tea is for NEETs.

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I don't know why but hot coffee tastes weird in my mouth,i feel like if i was drinking mud.It's a very strange feeling.I love room temperature coffee and cold coffee though.

80% coffe + 20% 3% fat milk

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Fresh hot, cooled with half and half and about a tablespoon of sugar

Black always tastes a little metallic and sour to me

I love tea too.My favourite type of tea is matcha,without sugar.


Weeaboo spotted

Tea tastes too watery.
Probably haven't found a good one yet.

Hot, with half and half or black.

really "recipe" for coffee: black, no sugar, no milk, and cold(as my heart)

Stove top, black. Hot but not so hot it will burn my mouth and throat. No milk, no sugar.

i probably drink more of pic related than water

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>Tea tastes too watery

You know that tea is almost fully water right?

Yeah, just like coffee which however tastes not watery.
You could also say that tea is too thin in taste.

Tea master race.
I drink it when I study and do work so my brain has come to associate it with focus and meditation now.

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Well,for me everything that resembles to water is watery,in fact the only drinks that are not watery for me are things like milk or milkshakes.

Well ,one of the caffeine's effects is improved focusing.

wrong, it was niggers who first used it to stay alert when hunting. they crushed the cherry and mixed it with animal fat and sucked on them like jawbreakers.

How are you still alive user?That's concentrated illness.

>drinking this piece of shit beverage

See you later fagots

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Strong, black and bitter. Tastes always better when somebody else made it.

Coffee can never beat tea infused for 8 hrs.

Truly based and redpilled. Love matcha but shit's expensive so I have to limit myself to one cup a day.


Try buying loose leaves online. Much higher quality than the garbage they sell at supermarkets. If you post your country someone can probably recommend good online shop(s). You can also control how strong the tea will be. More leaves and longer brewing = stronger taste BUT some tea (especially black) will become bitter if brewed for too long so keep that in mind.

i just put milk in it

I only drink the Roman favorite: chamomille tea.
Coffee is nice and all but the main reason I use cofee is for caffeine. Regular use of caffeine turns you into a zombie. You don't sleep as good which in turn makes you need to drink it to function properly.
Quit caffeine for a month and tell me if your overall disposition and sleep schedule won't improve.

black and hot.
Sometimes black with dark chocolate.

Black, not piping hot but still pretty warm, no milk, sugar only if it's really shitty or been sitting on a warmer for too long. I drink more tea at home, either with nothing in it or with some milk

>With dark chocolate

What and culinary aberration ! It doesn't look bad though.

its called a mocha bro. they have them at any coffee shop. lol

But mocha has milk on it.The weird thing is black coffee with chocolate.

French press coffee with a stick of cinnamon while it brews.

Tea is comfy

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just black and cold enough that i can drink a decent amount in one go without burning my tongue
tea is good too, i like all kinds of flavors. coffee in the morning and late afternoon and tea at lunch is the chad way

Depends on the weather.
>Cold out
20z dark roast at 200 degrees with 1 or 2 shots of a light roast espresso. I almost never have dairy but when I do it's a Espuma.
>Warm out
Tripple shot dark roast over ice or Nitro Cold Brew.

I drink a lot of coffee and try to keep under 500 mg of caffine a day. So I usually have one or two of the above then switch to green or oolong tea.

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>3x double espresso
>loads of sugar (no stirring)
>no milk
>room temperature for fast drinking

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What the fuck is espuma?

90% sure it means foam in Spanish. It's just a small amount frothed heavy cream with cuban style espresso.

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