So over the last year, my eye sight has been fading (23). Last time I checked it was beyond 20/20 but now It's dropped to 10/20. My doctor said (in a nice way) it's because I've a shut-in staring at things very close to myself and to do some "zooming/ focusing" exercises to see if they improve over the next month before seeing an optometrist.
So thought I'd check in with you lads. Do eye exercises actually work and which exercises work?
Just a heads up, that's not how visual acuity scores work. 10/20 would actually be an improvement over 20/20.
The first # is the size of the lettering you can read; smaller # = smaller font. The second is for distance, which is almost always 20ft as a standard.
> t. 230/20 fag here
Joseph Lewis
Actually my b it's late. First # is distance, second is font size. It's 2:22am excuse me.
Leo Bell
Bumping for interest. Eye excercises is like mewing, no one can tell if they work as an adult or not
Camden Ross
Not in my country.
We've established my eyesight has gotten worse; any tips on eye exercising?
Palming >Rub the palms of your hands vigorously, until they are warm and place them gently over your eyelids. Let the warmth of the palms transfer onto the eyes. You can feel the eye muscles relax as your eyes find relief in the darkness. Persist until the heat from the hands has been completely absorbed by the eyes. Repeat two to three times.
Blinking >Sit comfortably with your eyes open. Blink 10-15 times very quickly. Close your eyes and relax for 20 seconds. Repeat this 4-5 times.
Zooming >Another effective exercise for the eyes is zooming. As you may guessed from the name, you make an object zoom for your eyes so as to shift the focus of your vision. Sit on a chair with your arm outstretched and your thumb up. Now, bend your arm gradually and draw it closer to your eyes, thus zooming the thumb in focus.
Shifting >Shifting is about moving or rotating your eyeballs from one direction to another. Look to your rightward corner and then shift your gaze gradually to the opposite direction. The tiny eye muscles get more active and healthy with the spurt of blood pumped in from the shifting.
Figure of eight >Sit with legs straight in front of your body with the left hand on the left knee. Hold the right fist above the right knee, with a straight elbow and the thumb pointing upwards. Keep your head still and focus your eyes on the thumb. Draw a figure eight with your thumb, keeping the elbow straight all the time. Repeat this exercise five times each in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Next repeat the process with the left thumb.
Matthew Martin
Looked up a website with 11 different eye exercises. Probably mostly bullshit but here they go
Adrian Ramirez
I watched a Shaolin movie with this kinda shit. Go for user.
Draw adot onthe window. Select adistant object outside the window. For afew seconds, look into the distance then transfer your eyes tothe dot. Repeat 5times.
Sit upstraight. Close your eyes tightly for 5seconds, then open them wide. Repeat this 8-10times. This exercise strengthens the eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation, and helps torelax the muscles ofthe eyes.
Close your eyes for afew minutes and imagine something pleasant torelax. Then rub the palms ofyour hands until they becomewarm. Cover your eyes with your hands. After aminute, open your eyes.
With your fingers, gently press the upper eyelids. After 1-2seconds, remove your fingers from the eyelids. Repeat 3times. Such amassage can improve the circulation ofintraocular fluid.
Rinseyour eyes twice aday. Inthe morning, doitwith warm water, then cold. Inthe evening, doitinthe reverse order, first with cold water, then with warm.
Extend your hand infront ofyou, put yourthumb upand look atyour thumb nail. Slowly bring your hand toyour nose and take itaway again. Repeat this 10times.