Posting a Woomy everyday until i get good at Splatoon 2

Posting a Woomy everyday until i get good at Splatoon 2
Day 20

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you will never be good at Splatoon two

>Posting a Woomy everyday until i get good at Splatoon 2
>Day 20
I'm already good at splatoon
gimme your friend code

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What's holding you back hun?

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i only know how to play splatzones and im a dualies one trick pony,i also learned the game through that weapon only kinda which only made the process more difficult.

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Just use the dynamo roller you retard, you can stomp with that weapon

i Actually want to feel satisfied with my skill when i play thanks

My daughter really likes the dualies, I'm more into buckets. Of course we only really play casual not ranked. Try switching up to something similar like the N-zap

Ranked is sooo hard it's ridiculous

I think I am part of a winning team like in 1 in 10 games