This is fucking it, Iam going Nofap and Noporn for life, the only sexual release I shall receive is with another human being.

Iam done wasting away in front of porn when I have so many possibilities in my life that only Nofap and Noporn will make a reality.

Share your:
>Tips and experiences

Together we are strong!

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Other urls found in this thread:

i literally shake my head to get rid of erotic thoughts

To turn your thoughts away from the erotic demons within you by applying some form of other stimuli/distraction to your body is a good tactic.

I remember an user here who used to have a plastic rubber band on his wrists, and when he got porn urges he snapped himself with it, that way his brain learned faster to stop thinking about porn all the time.

Also some readable links that was posted on here earlier this week, highly recommend you to read them,

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How the sweet fuck are nofap threads not instantly bannable by now? They're not related to fitness, it's the same as a fucking dating/relationship thread.

I've been doing nofap for a long time now, I've heard you can get good benefits by fapping once a week but I don't think I would have the discipline for that. I do edge once a week tho

>nofap is not related to fitness and health

Are you that delusional?

The motivation and energy you achieve when staying true to nofap and noporn is unchallengeable. Its about bettering yourself.

The health benefits you get from semen retention is true and strong

Now go watch some porn like a porncuck or join us, the choice is yours.

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The motivation and energy you feel is 100% provably placebo.
Fuck nofap losers, not capping won't fix your autism

Good to hear user!

As faping without porn and doing it rarely is not as dangerous it could damage your discipline and before you know it you start watching porn again.

Edging is like staring into hell itself user, dont do it because you will get corrupted sooner or later again!

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I've been on nofap for 7 days now. But last night I've had sex with a girl who give terrible blowjobs and I have "to finish" by myself. Do I go back to day 0?

>The motivation and energy you feel is 100% provably placebo.

How about reading all the sources before uttering yourself about something you have no knowledge about?

Enjoy your PED when you get it together with a girl after all the sick porn you have watched.

If you even manage that.

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No user that doe snot reset your streak!

Orgasm in a sexual activity with another human is 100% okay wether you or your partner does the job.

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This post literally changed my life. I went from fapping every day to now once maybe every week and a half.

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fuck off Redditor. You people always think you know everything just because you like Facebook posts that share science facts and have read the Wikipedia article on the placebo effect once. Instead of le placebo effect it's much more likely nofap practices self inhibitory control and emotional self regulation, both psychological concepts that have been subject to research

just because there is no research of this sort looking at nofap specifically, doesn't mean it's nonsense or bunk. Scientismtards are the worst copers

I edge because I don't want my dick to stop working, I have a theory that you can avoid flatlines by doing it and that's what I'm trying right now, haven't done it for very long yet

Thanks user. Do you have more peer reviewed sources I can read?

I'm convinced of the benefits of NoPorn and NoFap and am committed. But I've been digging around and the "semen retention" (climax without ejaculation) anecdotes already seems to be pushing it.

I'm on day 20

nofap gave me 3 bad effects and 4 good effects

Those being?

>The motivation and energy you feel is 100% provably placebo.
What does that mean, you subhuman retard? Do you know what placebo means? Goddamn I know you're baiting but kys.

Day 6

Tempted to look at porn to see if I can get aroused (only in no fap to get my libido back) I know it's a bad idea so I'm not going to stay away, someone give me strength

Day 100 something here. I can get a boner just by thinking of a naked girl and without touching my peepee

the imagery of demons and sexual life force is pretty good. In other less esoteric words, there is both a material and formal component to sexuality. The material component has physicality to it in the form of warmth, energy etc. and you can actively feel this in your loins when urges rise. The formal component decides on how this material is utilized and responded to, the demons present unwholesome ends of your psychology, ideas and pathologies you enforce and emphasize when you redirect your awareness and energy towards them. If you cut them off, by becoming aware of their non-material nature as mere conditional entities, you can make us of your sexual energy by redirecting it towards wholesome ends, such as lifting.

bad are
number of fetishes is growing
my focus became much worse
I spend more time on Jow Forums
good are
better motivation
better social skills
clearer skin
more aggression

Thems goals right there, I can too but it takes alot if fantasizing and only get about 70% there and I'm still not really turned on, were you able to before?

Flatlining is a withdrawal symptom, don't fear it. When you fee the touch of a woman that actually exists your PP will work.

Sure thing user

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>Five months in. Wake up with an ultra stiff erection nearly every day. I think to myself" hey, look at that" and mix my pre workout as my hard-on subsides.
I feel alot better about myself lads. I grant you that my nofap trip coincides with a few other positive things in my life. But I is better for me.
Maybe it's just the fact that I've finally started keeping promises to myself.

>massage your sexual organ to keep it healthy and away from degenerating but do not have sexual thoughts while doing it

>not a single scientific source
>all buzzfeed tier opinion sites
>inb4 joos control science

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Based and knowledgepilled

Day 5 reporting in.
Read for like 4-5 hours per day, the last 2 days (as per usual 0,5-1 hour/day) whereof 1 was philosophy, 1,5 studying for school (coding atm) and the rest history/religion. Feeling motivated, pure, and happy!


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day 8 of nofap but looked at porn every day. Noporn is way harder for me, I keep finding myself checking for new stuff when I'm bored and restless but too tired to play video games.

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And also the new stuff is always boring/underwhelming anyways.

>giant chunks taken out of his armor
>just a few scratches on his helmetless forehead

>takes hits on armor instead of with his skull

truly mysterious

I definitely wasn't able to before, no

I understand that testosterone levels peak at the eight day and then declines. Does it decline to its base level or slightly above it?

I am on day twenty and feel great lads. Just ten more days and I’ll reach my goal. Don’t plan on fapping once I’ve reached day 30, but I genuinely believe my porn addiction will be broken when I hit it.
Haven’t had too many strong urges since days 3, we’re gonna make it lads.

Going to start fapping again after I complete a full year so that I can honor 2D girls with my cum. Any reason not to?

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damn, thanks for some motivation brahim

his helmet is on the ground he clearly just took it off

This... might work.

day 21 should I keep going?

how is being more aggression a good thing? One could argue it is in socialising with guys when trying to be more confident but girls can be hit or miss with that behavior

Yes it does reset your streak

Look at these jews XDDD

Fuck you, Rabbi. You make me do NoFap with your shill posts HAHAHAHAHA

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I'm starting NoFap today but I'm gonna be having sex on Monday. Will that ruin my streak?

Well technically you will lose the benefits from semenretention but most guys do it in order to get sex so there's that

Fucking heretic

i am on day 176. it's all about willpower , you only need to fight urge for about like 60 days, after that it disappears



Haven’t jacked off for almost 2 days now. Three hours to go. I feel like I’ve cheated a bit though considering I edged myself twice. Either way I’m counting it and continuing.
Just need to make it to this fall. I head to boot camp and I’m hoping the three months I’m there along with the following month or two of combat training will help me since I’ll have little downtime to masturbate. Wish me luck boys.

ok see you in 36hrs when you make the
>bros im such a beta i broke my nofap

thank you user

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