anyone else love watching men squat?
Anyone else love watching men squat?
>squatting with shoes on
This is why I don't do squats. I don't want round female butt
Women love a nice man butt
only when it's Clarence
All this poor form
>knees going past toes
>having a wide ass stance
Powerful glutes are masculine as fuck assuming your upper body is proportional
OP is Purple Aki.
Wrong. Runner's ass is the best ass for a man.
Okay, glutelet
only high bar squats
>I dont lift
I hate these fucking bumper plates, can't tell how much this is
Post body
I can squat lmao3pl8s and i still fit into size 32 pants, you dont squat because you are dyel
Squats don't work glutes that much. These guys ass comes from caloric intake and deadlifting more than squat.
in op post he guy has 3 45s 1 25lb and 2 10 lb on each side
I see two 45's then a smaller pl8. Not three
oh shit u right, thats probably a 35
>gets legs and balls blown of for israel
This guy is a fat manlet who probably has wide hips to begin with.
This guy is ridiculously fucking strong for weighing just 2 plates
He roideth though
You could do it too user
objectively wrong
>parallelet detected
sometimes I watch stronger guys squat to try to pick up some form tips. Do they think I'm gay when they catch me looking at them?
>tfw can't squat because I have the knees of an 80 year old woman
and women too
I will never not feel sad about it
I hope he knows how much we all like him
Depth doesn't increase glute activation the additional rom is negligible the bottom half of a squat is extremely short rom.
lol you'll never see that fag squat again
Still sad that that ass and legs are gone. Would've loved to tonguepunch Justin's fartbox
i think he is/was aware of his homo fanbase
What happened to his wife? Is she out of the picture?
they divorced after he joined the special forces