pretending to be in jail fights whilst fantasising about horses edition
>cleavage and feet
based ASMR
[YouTube] ASMR Bridget Jones's Diary 2 Parody (embed)
this thread for me lads
Saw AIita: Battle Angel tonight. Cinema was packed the crowd was going crazy
can i have the cleavage and you have the feet?
Yeah fellow footfag
wait fucked up the link
does this really help you sleep or are you just memeing to post feet?
Corr them soles
It usually helps me sleep but dont like videos like that. Prefer face on personal attention
I have done a number on this thread.
just drying my jeans on the radiator, no i didnt piss myself before anyone asks
Quick update on my back: still fucking hurts
what happened to your back, lod?
was it POO?
maybe it was maybe it wasnt, whats it to you?
Nice try, pajeet. Everyone knows Alita flopped in UK.
right fuck it then im starting a flickr thing, this thread doesnt deserve my glorious OC
Just managed to crack my wrist 4 times in a row then my shoulder, getting old is no fun.
just a bottle of water for me, thanks
Just got a email saying this
Thank you for registering for the HMRC Revenue Agency Portal.
>You have received this email to be notified that the HMRC - (United Kingdom). has issued a refund and you'll receive 644.87 GBP directly on your credit card.
is this real?
Night mission to the shops it is then, anyone joining me?
unless you did actually register, which im assuming you did, that seems like a scam user lad, although as long as you dont have to put in any info or anything like that then you might have a nice 644bongs on your card, just dont give out any info or click any links
I wish I could go on a nightwalk I really need one. Got to be up at 5 for work :(
Dunno. Been hurting for days. Step-dad offered me some co-codomol and diazapam the based lad
>is this real?
no they would send a letter
>mfw i once got a 6 bong tax refund after i was emergency taxed
>refund to credit card
what was the very first brainlet?
>inb4 me
this one?
you fuckers told me a gf would make me feel better
now i have a gf who loves me and shows it constantly, but i still feel alone
i pushed myself out of my comfort zone, i have real friends now, people who enjoy spending time with me and invite me to go places
but i still feel alone
i can't bear this feeling of loneliness anymore
i'm thinking of breaking up with her and ghosting everyone
i don't want to feel like i'm lying to them
who told you that? wouldnt have been me, id have tried to steer you away from that shit, ive made that EXACT mistake before lod
Bloody freezing in my room lads brrr
post pics of pokey nipples or gtfo
n-no lad I'm wearting a thick jumper they havent made it through
>take jumper off
>take pics of pokey nipples
>post pics here
>carry on with your evening
Nobody posting comfy tunes fuck you all
what makes a tune comfy? im not sure what to post really, like atmospheric music or what?
>take jumper off
nah mate I'd freeze to death
i don't know fren, we're all anons here
mind sharing your story? maybe i can learn from it
ok user will freeze to death and i cant be arsed, so whos gonna post pics of pokey nipples for the lads? looking at you, user
Just post something you like
BROCKHAMPTON is a good band
Been listening to a song a lot last few days but it's kinda sad
something like this
>back in the day
>19 years old
>manage to meet a nice gf from work
>going out for a bit
(keeping in mind i was pretty much a loner shut in before i met her)
>she introduces me to her friends
>were going well for a few months but i end up getting insecure and jealous just because thats what i was like
>she finishes with me
>back to being a loner
>dont like being on my own after tasting normie life
>managed to make my own friends in a different pub
>friends with them for a couple of years
>all the time slowly realising i was better off being a loner and i miss it
>slowly ghost them and go back to being a neet loner
>shitpost on Jow Forums and waste all my hours here
it was a good experience and im glad i did it but i wouldnt go back to being like that even if i had the confidence again
Don't ever post something you like again
ffs lad fine here's my nip
Was refreshing that other gay thread wondering where everyone fucking went
wehey nips for the lads, dazza you lej
Sorry mate all the lads have been partying here
*hands you a drink*
get comfy lad, much nicer in here *feels you up*
why are eastern euro women so attractive? and that accent too HHHNNNNGGGGG
same, but sulkanons dont like anything that deviates from the norm and one mention of brit/pol/ sends many people here frothing with rage and spite
eaten too much cake tbqh, night just became less comfy wehey :(
go back to your thread and keep refreshing it then kek
Convinced I have a hernia lads
Weird pain near my pubic area keeps appearing
Worse when bent over and when I cough
Any ideas?
>that comfy feel of the codiene hitting my stomach
How long has it been? Best go to a doc I wouldnt mess about if your pubic region is at stake
has SCEA recovered yet
Was here like last week then gone a few days and popped up today
Makes me think it's the way I'm sitting or sleeping or summin
gonna get that thing on my phone where you put a car registeration into a thing and it tells you if its taxed and mot'd and all that, then im gonna report all the ones that arent upto scratch
Bootlicking scum
*checks your reg*
You posted this yesterday too?
stop bending over and coughing you fucking mentalist
Must have been another lad wasn't me
Can't help it I'm homosexual
>Can finally run SCP: SL now without constant crashing
>I'm homosexual
switch to being a top then
Any ypu lads watching home tomorrow? Looks a great comedy.
That the one with the paki eating marmite lad?
yeah, about time we had some more diverse comedies
>the paki eating marmite
sounds thrilling
haha sarcasm nice one lad
>i am asexual
right she is getting fuck off then. absolutely nutty bitch
haha passive aggression nice one lad
*puts on brown face and eats marmite*
haha alright lads?
*puts on a dress and shouts paki*
Alright lads?
19 years ago, The PlayStation 2 was released.
What was your first game?
>tfw I bought a Dreamcast instead
state of emergency IIRC
>What was your first game?
sonic adventure. i bought a dreamcast instead.
*slaps your ass* ;) x
The Japanese concept of ikigai boils down the search for meaning in life into four questions.
1) What do you love?
2) What are you good at?
3) What does the world need from you?
4) What can you get paid for?
Any greek heartbreaker man in?
no spiting? pitiful tbqh
Facebook is most popular social media in:
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Twitter is most popular social media in:
- Japan
QZone is most popular social media in:
- China
>What do you love?
me books and sausage rolls
>What are you good at?
shit posting
>What does the world need from you?
don't know, a man of the people?
What can you get paid for?
too many to list.
>QZone is most popular social media in:
>- China
Of course you melt, China banned Western sites
Runnin Wild Bruthra
1: Me pints
2: watching the footie
3: a goal scorin' genius
4: me bad back
simple as
>being alone
Bloody yanks piss off
Do you lads reckon the Unabomber was crazy or not?
>multiple masked pakis and chavs show up and try to stab people and ram people with their car
>"college will be open as normal tomorrow"
who has the best wrestling gimmicks?
>"college will be open as normal tomorrow"
why wouldnt he be? Guy didnt die and they arrested everyone
I just wanted a free day off and its a good excuse since they ignored an anonymous tip, i don't actually care that much, i just like to complain.
What you gona do when MURICA runs wild all over you
Just because he's crazy doesn't mean he's wrong, but he's crazy.
>tfw dont have my wrasslin pics on this laptop
sorry lads
Miss watching Alex Jones streaming on YT in the early hours