>Got girlfriend

>Made love
>Had sex
>Stopped going to the gym because all motivation was lost
Help me out, bros. I want to make more gains. But lifting is a pain in the ass and I just lost the number 1 motivator.

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>lifting for girls
>Not making it

She'll cheat on you one day and will leave your ambitionless personhood behind on its own. Good luck attracting quality women when you're older.

But isn't getting a girl to finally like me making it?
Honestly doesn't matter at this point, I had sex. I was raised by a single father.

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>But isn't getting a girl to finally like me making it?
Holy fuck, look at this fucking normie hahhhahahaahahha

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Now you gotta lift for your future child. You need to be healthy and strong before you start reproducing and raising kids.

>But isn't getting a girl to finally like me making it?
only if she is really good looking I fucked 3 ugly ones and I'm far from making it
post gf

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>But isn't getting a girl to finally like me making it?
You pathetic fuck.

Sex is better when girls are voraciously attracted to your body. Expect a lot of slobbering on your abs and shit

She's a 10/10 brown NEET cutie. Not posting her.

Getting constant mires from your bros and other random men is making it. Girls are for making babies.
Unironically no homo.

>girl liking you
>making it
You are gonna kill yourself once anything happens in your relationship. If you base your self worth on a woman you already lost.

I stopped lifting when I was with my ex. I eventually lost all motivation for all my other hobbies. Sure the sex and the companionship was great but eventually I forgot who I was. It's a slippery slope friend, don't stop being who you were when you got her or you will eventually not only lose her, but yourself as well

Can you tell me how you got a gf? 26 yrs in and things looking bleak. Might have to be put on anti anxiety meds soon... Which is giving me anxiety

Based Jordanposterson.

That's like a 5/10 in human units AT MAX

>Might have to be put on anti anxiety meds soon
DO NOT take anything for anxiety. Either you will feel like a zombie or it will make things "better" but when you get off them youll be double the anxious wreck.
Best way to meet girls past mid twenties is at work or through mutual friends. I assume you are not a social butterfly so cold approach is a no go.

Actually this desu.

You have to get more touchy with people. Do not be afraid to tap, touch, stroke, hug, and kiss your way to intimacy.

Her body is like pic related.

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Sure she is op

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If he had that personality he would be already doing it. If hes an anxious shut in who randomly starts getting touchy with his fem friends they will shut him down hard if they dont have any feelings for him. You sound like a creep.

The fact that you are saying more gains makes me assume that you at least started. You should go for yourself obviously, but you should go even if you only cared about the relationship. You have to at least maintain what you have since it's what got her in the first place. It's even worse if she chose you for your potential gains and you stop caring. She would leave you months from now and you'd lose both and a lot of time. It's not a new story either, I've heard it here a dozen times before

I had a friend who almost killed himself when he first got rejected. I'm not like that, my self worth is monstrous.
I think I'll go to the gym on Monday. Thanks man, I really could lose myself in a way. Gotta keep my body and mind occupied. But it's such a pain, the cells in my body are asking for comfort.

There's a loophole if you get shutdown. Just make puppy eyes and be touchy with males who are around, so the girls will be confused as to your intentions.

If you don't enjoy lifting, dont mindfuck yourself over it. There are weeks when I stop but I always know I'm gonna get back and get harder at it. But, I don't think lifting is for everyone.

I don't have any friends since I moved for work. I've done cold approach at the bar but it after several shots so I was loose. They talk to me for long time but idk how to flirt or ask for numbers or hookups or anything. Klonopin and xanax was recommended to me to try first. If I can make friends that way I won't have to progress to Zoloft.

Just go lift you dyel piece of shit.

>xan and SSRIs
The state of US cunts. Taking this trash will fuck your shit up so bad. If you approached girls you are not even that bad case of anxiety. Assuming its social anxiety of course. Next time try saying "Hey it was very nice talking to you would you mind giving me your number so we can hang out another time?" After that arrange a date.

>She's a 10/10 brown
>Not posting her.
totally not suspicious

How do I meet women in places other than nightclubs?

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Just go lift now. It's always "ill go another day"
Don't let yourself turn into a little bitch because your finally getting pussy. You have to show her you are your own man with your own ambition or she will eventually see you as a soft soi boi and have no respect

I got bad anxiety. A simple conversation with a stranger puts me in a state of Shock. The only reason I cold approached girls was because I was more frightened of the medication. I had to pep talk myself for 2 days to do it. And consumed a bunch of alcohol. Those medication will probably fuck up my gym gains I'm sure

You're the worst kind of fucking person, what an absolute faggot. Your girl didn't get with you because you were a lazy complacent piece of shit, and when she sees how you stop improving yourself just because you get some pussy she'll eventually get tired of you. Getting a gf isn't "making it," nothing you ever do is "making it," the whole point of that line of thought is for us to constantly push for improvement instead of stagnating

>But isn't getting a girl to finally like me making it?
have sex

>Those medication will probably fuck up my gym gains I'm sure
This will be the least of your problems. It will fuck you mentally beyond recover and youd wish to come back to your anxious state. Dont take my word for it go look it up.
I feel you my dude I'm social retard as well but soothed it. The best way to overcome anxiety is to unironically put yourself out there. The more you stay in your anxious state interacting with people the better it will get overtime. Alchohol is ok at first to get you out of your shell but gradually eliminate it as a source of courage. I would also recommend CBT therapy. Again DO NOT ever take pills no matter how much you are pressured into it. Pills are not the answer for anxiety only exposure.

>relying on motivation

Why do you keep on living?

Thanks for the advice. I guess i. At a crossroads. The longer I wait tho the worse it gets. And it is already pretty bad. Before I forced myself to go out I stayed in my room for 1.5 year except to go to gym and work. That is why I was recommended to take the medication. Plus I never had gf or sex so I guess drastic measures need to be taken.

That's why I make my dyke roomate "pay for her half of the rent" after I workout.
Crush her pussy till my balls are drained and she can barely remember her name then I make her give me message and order post workout pizza.
She's a good housepet.

I feel like every person with social anxiety knows this deep down. The only thing you need to do is face your fears, but this seems impossible so most people would rather take drugs or just avoid life.

No matter how hard and bad it gets remember social anxiety is one of the easiest to overcome. I would suggest starting with enrolling in some acting or foreign language learning class. Something that requires somekind of interacting with strangers. If you have a friend go outside together and do stupid shit infront of people. Yelling, going through garbage etc - something embarrassing you would normally never do.

>or just avoid life
Aint that the truth.
t. avoided doing shit throughout my twenties and unlocked deeper mental problems

she belongs to kanji

>She's a 10/10
Lmao pure delusion

Don't fall for the STEM meme

It's cute that she's 10/10 in your eyes. However, you deciding to stop working out sounds like your getting complacent.

You'll regret that.

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Lol this, sure you'll get employed but you'll spend the remainder of your life surrounded by uglies and beta males