*steals your equipment, money, and frames you of attempted rape*

*steals your equipment, money, and frames you of attempted rape*

Attached: That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime.jpg (1824x906, 127K)

Then I'll buy a slave raccoon loli, raise her to be the ultimate waifu and then have a loving family with her.

Jokes on you, no jury in the world would believe my dick would miraculously work for you of all people

Normalfags just had to bring politics into this anime. Can't just accept the fact that a woman can be a villain. What a fucked world we're living in.

To be fair, the creators made it political by with the whole rape accusing thing

but I want a girl to do this to me and more

Nobody expects this from your kind

How does that make it political? False rape accusations happen sometimes.

False accusations and women using their pussies to lie their way out of things has happened since forever. People just had to make it political because of the current #metoo hysteria.

Idk, there are many ways to make a character a villain, and false rape accusations aren't a common way to do that, especially in anime

So what you're saying is it's a relatively fresh way to cement the fact that she (and by extension her father) is a fucking horrible person?

I'm saying that they chose to paint her as a villain using false rape with political intentions

>with political intentions
What are you even talking about with this? It doesn't even have a huge bearing on the story other than "she's fucking awful"

Yikes, I can't even imagine how shitty the threads about this show must be in the underage part of the anime Internet (/a/, MAL, reddit).

Anyways I thought it was a nice way to show how much of a cunt the OP girl was. It had nothing to do with politics. Just her being a super cunt.

Eh whatever maybe someone will see what I'm trying to say

>I can't explain my point of view so I'll just wait until someone else that believes this for some reason shows up

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Don't be a dick I just can't articulate what I'm thinking

>im retarded don't be mean

Attached: laugh.gif (384x372, 1.85M)

I'm going to be nice and just assume you're being genuine, but you have to understand that the OVERWHELMINGLY VAST majority of people that sling those kinds of accusations at this show have literally no idea what they're talking about in regards to the show, the author, the fact that it was a manga that came out in 2012 beforehand, or even try to acknowledge that this has never been a big deal before jezebel, or wapo, or huffpo, or whatever shitty tabloid started this bullshit made a stink about it for no reason at all.

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The reason for that is that you're too stupid to even formulate rational opinions.
Also why the fuck would some Japanese guy care about American politics you fucking retard.

Hey thanks for being a dick

Being falsely framed and then having to redeem yourself is a very old trope. People simply interpreted it to fit their agenda and brought politics where it didn't belong.

Is your brain inverted you fucking mouthbreathing knob. You've already shown that you have no idea what youre talking about and yet you still struggle. Swallow cum and die like the scum you are.

She did him a favor by secluding him from the Chads. They would have bullied him either way and not just because he's the shield hero. He has a beta personality.

>Anime makes you hate a truly evil character

That's why it's a good chance to stick out