Does Jow Forums drink tea?
Why / Why not?
Does Jow Forums drink tea?
Why / Why not?
>Does Jow Forums drink tea?
>Why / Why not?
Because I like it.
>Fucking leaves
Where did he go tho?
I drink 5 cups a day
Tastes good and is a good distraction for unhealthy temptation. It is an antioxidant.
yeah. I drink it because I like too, plus coffee gives me the jitters.
>Does Jow Forums drink tea?
Erryday breh
>Why / Why not?
A few reasons. I usually start with a coffee to get my day going as I enjoy the higher caffeine dose. Then green tea throughout the day to keep me from fading. I hear green tea helps with fat loss and remember something about catchecans (SP?) and EGCg.
I drink probably a gallon a day of pineapple papaya green tea that I brew myself from loose tea.
Good luck with your beetus retards
I cold brew green tea overnight to help with fat loss. Also nettle tea helps with inflammation after too many heavy sessions in a row.
Thanks mom
Earl Grey in the morning.
Green or white during the day, sometimes with citrus.
Chamomile at night.
Peppermint is GOAT for upset stomach.
Yes and no
I love tea, but if you want a good one it take too much time, so i rarely drink some
Drinking some green right now. Sweetened with stevia
most forms of tea are 10/10 drinks if you don't put sugar in them
i drink black tea
from coffee
I'm English so yes, I drink tea, a lot. Yorkshire Tea, nice and strong, probably 5 cups a day average with sweetener. Need a cup of tea as soon as I wake up otherwise a rage may occur.
Honey and stevia are good sweetening choices
I drink 5 8oz cups of unsweetened green tea, and lemon herbal tea a day
Black coffee in the morning, along with a lot of water
Shits cash, the lemon tea even has a fuck load of vitamin C, and my work provides free tea bags
>tfw on my 6th teapot of the day
lifting in two hours and am already starting to feel grossly incandescent
I know you Mericans love coffee but fml I don't know how anyone can like the taste it's disgusting. Must have no taste buds and actually enjoy cunnilingus as well
shit's lit
Bunch if stim junkies ITT.
This is a health and fitness board drugy degernates get out.
Are you all there upstairs?
Sometimes green tea but mostly Yerba Mate (~1.25l a day)
Maybe you just haven't had a good coffee yet?
Why the fuck would you spoil the Tee with sugar you dingus
good to know, will try
Rooibos master race reporting in.
/hibiscus gang/ coming thru
i like my chamomile mint
no, tea is for sojaboys and people who don't mind living in a surveillance state
>beetus from tea
what are you on about? just drink it black/plain lmao it's just leaf water