Ring finger size is the most accurate marker for testosterone levels.
Measure your ring finger size before and after fapping and see for yourself.

Attached: digit ratio redpill.jpg (520x450, 52K)

this nigga too dumb to even use a ruler correctly

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nah son

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Which hand you fucking moron
I got 2 different sized hands, each hands says im basically both, the fuck you mean

I want to tap that belly twice and say "good chunky boy"

Both you retarded nigger. If one of them has a longer index finger then you are a fucking low test cuck

What kind of incel logic is this?

>its 50/50
>but if its the bad 50 its this one 100%


This means one side of your body has lower test than the other you stupid fuck

Explains why my left testicles is lower than my right

holy fuck

somebody tell me my fortune

Attached: juyt4Ic_d.jpg (640x735, 31K)