newfag here , i just found out that how big your calves can be is just predetermined by genetics, but what other muscles are too?
Newfag here , i just found out that how big your calves can be is just predetermined by genetics...
pee pee
Ban all (((porn posters)))
nearly all of them to some degree, even the heart. but stop trying to find excuses and train your body. It's moldable enough no matter what your genetics are. Ofc they play a role overall but they shouldn't be in the way of self improvement
my calves are like this but with less muscle is there even hope?
I actually agree.
>durrrrr nobody will reply to my shit thread unless I post braphogs and milk trucks
You can get bigger in every muscles, including calves. There are just some muscles that will take longer and more dedication to grow, but that's it. So don't stop to train your calves, as well every other muscle.
You should at least be TRYING to break your limits.
I agree. If we get enough people on this we can actually take a step towards clean the board, ultimately leading to blackpill/incel/r9k/tranny shit leaving too and getting an actually fitness devoted board. Not that I mind hot bitches getting posted, it’s just that it currently invites more of the bullshit that doesn’t belong here. Every other lifting forum I go on guys can post that shit as part of the thread and at most someone “likes” the post, but the actual thread manages to address the topic at hand
be a ex fat ass or get a backpack with some weights in it, and walk up and down stairs
just leave Jow Forums and go to reddit. Seriously. This place is fucked and will never develop into some legitimate website
What you're pointing at is not muscle
Reddit is a government sponsored echochamber, if you think any kind of meaningful discussion goes on there you're delusional.
For lifting stuff only
Everything else there is a politically correct shithole
also, that's due to incorrect lifting
Wtf, no. It's purely genetics. No amount or quality of exercise will make your tendons shorter
That's literally just a retarded meme. Calves will grow but just slowly. Train them, train all your muscles, and stop looking for shitty copes to not put in blood, sweat, and tears.
Its not calf size its calf insertions, its either high or low your calf can look like a drumstick (high) or a hamhock (low)
>tfw have the same insertions
Oof ouch owie
Nah reddit is lame. There’s a few legit fitness forums around like underground bodybuilding (it even has its own redlight section for containing porn shit, and it works, plus the mods are all serious and active but good) but the thing with Jow Forums is most of us can relate to some degree in terms of being or having been lowly social tards at one point. Granted to really leave that shit behind its probbaly best to not come here and instead somewhere without a large population of that. But still
mesomorph master race
Just train your calves faggot, mine grew loads. If you're talking about insertions, sure, so what? That's literally every muscle
But there aren’t threads about “tgwnogf and all about the face threads” on r/powerlifting
Only good thing about that shithole oh and the owner is married to a tennis playing tranny
Sounds like some major cope. You just gotta train them directly and with high intensity.
Imagine what fucking loser put his effort and time into making that image. Jesus christ what a fag.
This guy is right. You're 100% delusional if you think this site is a likely place for quality on-topic discussion
This, it's a "should've been in /qtddtot/" thread again