Should robots just become notorious criminals? Women seem to like that.
Hybristophilia Thread
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Define "notorious". I've never been in newspapers over getting busted.
I mean I've committed quite a lot of various crimes and I've never particularly had the tfwnogf shit in my life.
Most of the girls I've been with have been into it as well but I also have a type.
>Bro just become a criminal. You'll be swimming in pussy.
Women are masochists who like to be hurt on every level.
this. "Hybristophilia" is a bluepill myth. There is only the halo effect and fame.
reminder that this guy confessed to supplying children to a European elite paedophile ring, evidence that would lead to his arrest was deliberately ignored by police as well as convenient incompetence on the part of the police, and that more than 20 key witnesses in the case mysteriously died with no explanation given as to how they died
I don't think it works that way, if you haven't got sex appeal to begin with, you'll never generate the aura of "famous bad boy who I can lust over because he's safely behind bars and won't actually do me harm".
You're probably better off pulling a Jho Low, using misappropriated funds to buy fame and pussy, if you want to go for the whole "high profile criminal" thing. bonus is since you're a white collar criminal if you ever get convicted you you'll go to one of those cruisey rich people prisons.
Of course none of you will, because most of y'all incels who wouldn't take any initiative whatsoever to alter your life but just stew in revenge fantasies like the deep-dark egdelord you are. And the rest of you might turn your lives around, but just haven't had the moment of clarity yet.
This. It's disgusting the citizens of Belgium didn't hang the government for this atrocity.
Occam's razor would dictate that they would have just killed him.
>when I see your handsome photos, I can't help but believe you are honest.
Welcome to women.
Meanwhile this guy LITERALLY did nothing wrong and they convicted the fuck out of him because ugly = guilty always. Even if what you're doing is good, it's still wrong because you're ugly.