What do we do about the lookism incel defeatist problem?
What do we do about the lookism incel defeatist problem?
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we post more height threads, mew threads, incel cope threads, hairlet threads, wristlet shit, i hate thot threads, imagine having a daughter threads, etc
it'll work itself out, trust me
desu seeing people with great lives most of them are really good looking but whatever.
We don't. Let them ruin themselves so there is more pussy and for us. The ones that are smart will realize how fucking stupid it is, others reap what they sow.
t. virgin incel with ugly face and bad frame, still trying tho
Your genetics are made upon conception, not birth. Because you are made upon conception.
Be glad you weren't aborted, even if you do have shit phenotypes. If you are a huge pussy and try to respond with "I wish I had been aborted". Fuck off. It is well within your power to get off this ride.
we have to work together to create a better world.
the birth you take is determined by the amount of pious activities you've performed in previous lives.
fucking karmalets. when will they learn
>still trying tho
You have the heart of Gigachad.
>muh destiny
Gather info from their lookism accounts (in call of duty)
Find out where they live (in Garry’s mod)
Kill them (in Minecraft)