I turn 23 in 29 days. I don't have any positive memories i can remember for the last probably 5 years...

I turn 23 in 29 days. I don't have any positive memories i can remember for the last probably 5 years. I have wasted essentially 5 years of my life. It has been a blur of waking up, eating, posting on Jow Forums, watching movies/anime, sleeping for 12 hours, and repeating. PLEASE help me. I figure I have two years of prime youth (23 and 24) left before I start to decline into old age. How do I make it somewhat memorable and worthwhile. If I fail I will probably kill myself because the thought of waking up as some boomer living every hour in regret is too depressing to bear.

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travel and go see all the cool places you can. Even if they're meme tourist places. You will definitely make some memories and break out of your rut.

You can interpret this however you want, and no interpretation is any less externally true than any other. So you may get some mileage out of my interpretation of a similar situation.

I felt like I'd wasted more of my life than I was willing to lose, and hated myself. In the end, I was able to make sense of what had happened to me, and find purpose and beauty for the short time that I'm alive. Having done this it became clear that the time I spent suffering and alone was vitally important for my unique perspective and insight into the workings of the world. I, perhaps like you, was just forced to face the greater problems of humanity - the nihilism, isolation, and despondency - sooner than most. In the timescale of these big problems, the time you feel you've lost may end putting you well ahead of most of humanity, perhaps in terms of integrating suffering into a sufficient worldview and finding the peace that many Normies die lacking.

If you're looking for a practical place to start, try to abstract out all your problems into more fundamental ones. As you gain insight into the nature and origin of your suffering, you may find a passionate interest and drive naturally develops around this. If you find things you need to learn or experience to further develop your understanding or solutions, a suitable environment for this may be university or college. Not to get a qualification, but because these are really the places to pursue truth and interact with others how may be doing the same.

Thank you for your response I am going to try to implement some of it. As for uni I graduated in 4 years and was very isolated the whole time.

go to backpacking travel .. see the world ,like in a tent if you have too ... but leave that place man ... i plan to do that when i finish college ..

>just travel xd
Meme advice

I turned 23 a week ago and i know your feel

no .. you will be genuily more interesating person
and i guesing op is a neet ,and this is his best option ..go to a backward country where they can apreciate his whiteness if he is white ...and if not..go to an fisrt world country and play the adveterous victim, besides if you settle down away from home ...you could lie about everything

a meme advise would be
>just be yourself
>meet people ,go out
>just lift

if you aready wasted 5 years .. you dont gonna even realice when those 5 become 10...get the fuck that place man really

wagecucking is not an option if you want to be free...you will only have more money to spend in games ,waifus and other shit

I feel the same way but I'm already halfway to 25 and hopeless