What makes you happy?
I'm learning Japanese and lifting weights everyday. As long as I do this I am happy.
What makes you happy?
I'm learning Japanese and lifting weights everyday. As long as I do this I am happy.
That's cute user. We should workout and get sweaty together, maybe nut on my legs in the shower. Oo la la.
Shitposting on Jow Forums and working is giving me much pleasure.
The creative act, especially writing or editing films. So rarely do I get to do the latter, and because I'm a borderline Hikki with depressive (i.e. repetitive boring thoughts) I don't have enough inspiration or variety in my life to inspire original thoughts, and thus can't be bothered with the former since I just write the same bland shit over and over again rather than writing something aesthetically and creatively daring and different.
drawing, bouldering, gyu tan don
it's very nice
>We should workout and get sweaty together, maybe nut on my legs in the shower. Oo la la
I find it immensely amusing that Jow Forums has become this casually gay.
I'm happy when I'm reading something that stimulates my imagination.
I want to learn Japanese too so I can read more stuff but it's hard to get into the habit.
i have always been casually gay
how do robots learn languages without anyone to practice with? i'm trying to learn russian with duolingo and it does some things well but it's not a comprehensive enough way to learn a language.
Opiates and candy. Music and film too, but these days I can barely bring myself to even indulge in those without a hit of synthetic dopamine. The sad thing is that I don't think there's any path in life I could have taken that wouldn't have eventually led to this. I've been an addict since I was a toddler- first to Disney VHS, then to Gameboy and food, then to food and music, then to food and alcohol, then to lifting and spending money on garbage, and now here we stand. Even still when I'm in between money for drugs, I'll revert back to bulimia, which I thought I would have outgrown years ago. Everything, everything in excess...
There's always that group of militant dipshits who say we're just down a rabbithole of prison-gayness, but when you think about it, wouldn't it make sense that we've failed so much with women BECAUSE we're incompatible with them? A real chicken or the egg question
Buying unnecessary shit. Materialism is my last option to feel any bit of happiness.
smoking and jacking off
Sleeping and driving with my windows down blasting rock music.
Lifting is great. I also do it every day. But it no longer makes me happy. I am just afraid that I might loose my looks even more.
>What makes you happy?
laughing at niggers
Make other people laugh. I dont care if you are a radical leftist or a far-right nationalist who would genocide me, I would still want to make you laugh.
I know what you mean. I collect chopsticks. I'm up to about 12,000 (pairs) now.
Well. I am also addicted to ebay and aliexpress. Currently looking into buying laser engraver and a key copy machine in hopes of some profit. But I know that'll will never come.
What "unnecessary shit" do you like to buy? Give me some idea.
go find a russian thot on interpals to help you learn or something
Bumping diss
>What "unnecessary shit" do you like to buy? Give me some idea.
Pokemon cards, fossils, a compound bow, a bunch of fishing lures and some books that i never even opened to read. I bought an inflatable boat last year despite never planning on using it.
whow those are really useless.
I usually buy prank stuff. Most recently a flaming wallet.
Sleeping. it is the closest to death i'll ever be while being alive