some african populations innately have: >lower body fat % >more fast twitch muscle fibers >greater muscular endurance >longer limbs
i play bball occasionally and have a decent build for the sport at 6'2 with long arms, but i get mogged as soon as i have to play with other long black guys. these dudes dont train at all and they have ridiculously quick first steps and body control, not to mention you get these freak show frames like kawhi leonard's with have wingspans like 8 inches longer than their height. the only white guys who can even make it to the nba without being 6'10+ have to be incredibly skilled on offense and even then they get exposed on defense (see steve nash).
Browncel pls go post your cuckshit on Jow Forums and leave us alone
Lucas Moore
Whites mainly play sports like football not basketball. Real football btw and Americans aren’t white
Charles Adams
>small percentage of some ethnicities have genetic strengths
Whew buddy, you really got me with that one.
Samuel Jones
Each race is adapted to have advantages in some areas and disadvantages in others. Whites dominate in sports based on strength, blacks do well in sports based on running. Such is life my friend, try powerlifting if you want to win off of genetics.
Or you could try graduating highschool, you'll mog blacks for sure there
this book covers it well. even liberal anthropologists will admit blacks make better athletes on avg.
Luis Baker
i mean physically speaking white people have an advantage in cold climates but since we live in an age of temp control that doesnt really mean shit and we're stuck with lesser performance in most high-tier sports. granted, we make better swimmers.
Christian Rogers
A book isn't a valid source. Show me studies I'm not buying some Jewish propoganda. From my experience blacks are faster but whites dominate a static position.
Luke Lopez
I was a field athlete, I competed in discus, shot, and the long jump. The long and triple jump were even, seemingly because black guys had the speed but the white guys had the strength to jump higher and thus be in the air longer. High jump is almost exclusively a white event. The throwing events are dominated by whites as well. Add in the success of white guys in Olympic lifting, powerlifting and strongman and you can see that whites are much stronger from a static position.
You also need to consider that in the black dominated events, white guys are being trained as if they were black and that doesn't work. Look at successful white sprinters and you will see their gait and stride is completely different and based more on pushing through rather than pulling the sprint. There are a lot of shit coaches who don't account for a different morphology. As sport science develops I expect we will see a smaller racial disparity in almost every event and it will just be down to the individual
Landon White
a book compiles sources you mong. im surprised anyone would even contest this just looking at the composition of professional sports. white people might do well in powerlifitng but that's partially because they have shorter limbs which make benching and squatting easier, but that doesnt mean they're actually stronger. im not really talkng about raw strength though, im more interested in dynamic sports where you have to use agility, strength, and speed together. as i understand it black people's advantage mostly lies in explosiveness and length.
Luke Evans
Regarding dynamic performance. Explain the relatively even representation between whites and blacks in the long and triple jump, and the under representation of blacks in the high jump.
Kevin Wilson
Why are people on this website so obsessed with race? Is it all larping or do you all actually care this much?
granted this is a pretty small sample but it basically coheres with most people's intuitions.
Ian Hughes
... But the medal tables don't support that claim user. Why are the world class high jumpers almost exclusively white as well?
Aaron Roberts
but actual research does. culture influences what sports people pursue and medal count is far less meaningful than hard data on raw athletic ability.
Dylan Kelly
Penis envy
Easton Martin
I see it like this Negros: >athletic af, amazing body, low iq (stoopid) Asians: >barely human, pocket-sized, smart af Whites: >best of both worlds, dominated the world for hundreds of years, but separation of physical and mental work hurt them Jews: >human trash, must do filthy immoral acts to stay alive
>Generally accepted research has shown that African-American children tend to have denser bones, narrower hips, bigger thighs, lower percentages of body fat, and longer legs in relation to their upper bodies than white kids, and tests have also shown that they run faster and jump higher. That a combination of narrow hips, powerful thighs, low body fat and long legs seems perfect for sprinting and jumping has been lost on no one looking to explain black excellence at those skills.
so for jumping and running, black people on avg do have an advantage. but narrow hips and long legs obviously present a disadvantage in some events like squatting, and short torsos are worse for swimming.
Dylan King
The science is bad science if it cannot be replicated in real life or is demonstrated in real life. Saying the earth orbits the sun in a clockwise direction because the science supports that claim when it's orbiting in an anti clockwise direction is retarded.
Falling back on the culture argument always happens in these discussions and frankly it's bullshit. It's like the no blacks in strongman because there's no money in it argument, which is fucking retarded as it implies every black guy wants to be a footballer or basketballer and has no other motivations, and that all whites are already rich.
Henry Bell
Blacks aren't even competetive in like 4/5ths of the olympic games. I don't know why you amerifags are so obsessed with them.
Carter Anderson
jews iq mog whites and even asians, funny you didnt mention that.
Tyler Hughes
Is that the top 50% of blacks have bigger wangs than the top 13% of hillbillies?
Jaxson Bailey
>this study which proves my point is more meaningful than the actual racial representation on medal tables >the actual world class performance in a sport doesn't matter >just listen to what this professor says, white men can't jump Fuck off goldstein
Easton Flores
Your butthurt proves I don't even have to give details
Caleb Torres
by not seeing, hearing, or thinking about black people at all.
Noah Moore
you're literally denying mountains of evidence (that is frankly observable if you go to any gym and watch a pickup game of basketball) because white people dont get btfo in a few olympic events. im not denying that white people can make great athletes, im simply saying that black people ON AVERAGE have an advantage in sprinting and jumping. i dont think such advantage would translate to stronman because long levers and a high center of gravity are a disadvantage for that.
Justin Green
>black people are natural athletes nope, natural athletes are natural athletes
this shit always breaks down to individual differences in the end
Thomas Martinez
>B-b-but that's because my bull wants to be in the nfl because those events don't have money in them! >No he never considered being a doctor or lawyer because of the money why do you ask?
David Howard
This isn't something that needs to be "coped" with. If you react with anything more then a "oh, that is really interesting, it be cool if i had that *shrugs*" then you are mentally ill and need to be put down in the ground.
Adrian Kelly
>the millionth "genetically inferior thread" this weekend
Did you get banned from Jow Forums or what?
Xavier Richardson
You're an actual retard and you gave it away in this post.
Liam Bell
>blacks aren't good at strongman because of high centre of gravity >tallest men in the world, on average as per your argument are northern europeans >strongman champions are of northern European ancestry
Nathaniel Perez
black players on avg have superior verticals in the nba compard to white players. how do you explain this if white people are better jumpers?
Parker Collins
What do you get out of stoking tensions and creating a further divide in the white-black racial binary?
Hudson Carter
Muslims are probs the best athletes overall. Good mix of different races, better nutrition/hygiene as necessitated by beliefs, no alcohol. The only reason they are low in the medal counts for a lot of sports is the Christian imperialism keeping Muslim countries largely in poverty.
Matthew Green
high center of gravity for their height. a 6'9 black guy will have longer legs on avg than a 6'9 white guy and thus be at a disadvantage retard.
Jacob Rivera
All the strongest guys in my gym are white, and that's an experience I had from my time in university right to now. I studied in a London University and I currently live in London. A city filled with black people... And whites are stronger. Almost every throwing event in athletics is dominated (and I mean fucking dominated) by whites.
Eli Morales
youre an absolute retard and you gave it away in this post
Gabriel Jenkins
im saying white people have better builds for strongman events on avg. long limbs are bad for squatting, ohp, and bench.
Nathan Sanchez
Legs are 35% of your total mass. After that the greatest mass is around the hips. Black people should have an advantage here then.
Cooper Reed
I thought this was going to devolve into "niggers are stupid" but there are actually white people who won't admit black people are better equipped for running and jumping. You cannot argue with biomechanics you retards.
Leo Hughes
You changed your argument from black people are better at everything to black people are better sprinters and jumpers to black people on average are better sprinters and jumpers despite medal tables. What's the next climb down?
Charles Jenkins
no... black people have long legs and narrow hips, this means greater range of motion for any squatting movement and more work to stabilize. it's better to have short legs and wide hips.
Aiden Powell
>strongman events So autistic circle jerks?
Aaron King
No one's arguing against biomechanics, the argument is white people have a better static strength, and so jumping events typically work out as equal because whites can put themselves in the air longer. The initial claim was also that blacks are better at every sport and he climbed down from that in the face of his own shit argument.
Kevin Powell
The best deadlifters are white.
Xavier Stewart
Then they should all go back to Israel and make the perfect ultra high IQ nation. But no, they want to live in countries made by and still full of low IQ white people.
Chase Gutierrez
This but unironically. Am a strongman competitor. The serious competitors force their bodies to become absolutely repulsive and don't give two shits health. Nobody even cares about this "sport"
Brody Morgan
I cope by knowing that 13% of the population commit 50% of the murders
Samuel Adams
So it's not so much "how do white people cope with genetic inferiority" like op says but more "how do white people cope with not being able to run quite as fast".
Idk how do you cope with getting mogged in powerlifting, strongman, swimming, weightlifting, throwing events, rowing, cycling?
William Martinez
literally low iq. They're looking for reasons to justify their biases because it feeds their dopaminergic pathway to imagine their own superiority. Video Games are great at this because, in reality you've moved a joystick and hit a few buttons, but you've imagined yourself much more powerful.
Aiden Cooper
it's running and jumping fyi. and there's not any evidence that white people are stronger in terms of the amount of force they can generate, it's just their build are better for major lifts. personally, id rather have a build for fighting/basketball than swimming/powerlifting. granted, those are things i personally enjoy. and im white dude. i just have a lanky frame that favors bball without much explosiveness.
Cooper Phillips
You shouldn't throw fighting in there to support your point when the major belt holders are roughly 50/50 white and non white in almost every full contact sport.
Camden Garcia
>esports athletes >esports Lol you arw eight it's ridiculous
Nathan Clark
>there's not any evidence that white people are stronger in terms of the amount of force they can generate, it's just their build are better for major lifts What's the difference, the force you output IS leverage( which is given by your build) and muscle power. I don't care if your muscles are twice as efficient as mine if I can output more force because I have superior leverage.
David Carter
Ew dude
have you ever considered you're just a fucking faggot? Honestly
White people can compete in every position in every sport and have for years, sure black dominate the NBA but that doesn't mean talented individuals black or white rise to the top
Niggers run fast because they evolved to run away from lions and leopards in Savannah. Whites are physically stronger because you can't run in deep snow so we have evolved to to physically overpower opponents like wrasslin bears.
When you have short skinny bald beardless black "men" whos only talent is running away from lions or running some anteater to death and on the other hand tall barrel chested blonde hyperborean bulls with the promise of frost in their blue eyes and bear teeth around their thick necks, which one will the black woman choose?