Daily reminder there's no gym for your face...

Daily reminder there's no gym for your face. If you're ugly you will never be successful with the opposite gender or in life.

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If you're ugly, you may as well be a jacked monster instead of a lanky soiboi. Lift for yourself.

Being lean will make your face better. It won’t work miracles but it will make it better.

Daily reminder that you should always strive to be your best regardless of what hand you were dealt
Fuck off being negative on a fitness board

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Reminder that vanity is the shallowest pursuit you can go on in life and that your worth should be tied to your accomplishments and character

beard+ low bodyfat

Although this is a shitty thread, Jow Forums what is the best body type for bald guys? I’m 20 and bald and trying to decide between lean or bear mode

Completely disagree

Eric warheim is 6'8 and a rich accomplished artist though




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There's no best, just be who you wanna be bro.

Of course you disagree. Cause youre bald. Youre coping so you deny the truth. Its human nature to lean towards hope. And the body type you should go for is buff cause the six pack lean abs doesnt work if youre not a boy toy


The left guy is still in the top 20% of the guys in the their 30's

Not op. b/tard here and you cant dent the blackpill fag

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Based. You already know OP is a limp-wristed dyel who's never gonna make it with his pessimistic attitude.

Balding is a great example of where looking fails. I went bald and it wasn’t bad at all friend.

why would you even out yourself as that

>Implying Joe Rogan couldn't take your girlfriend if he wanted to


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H-how likely is it that i develop an actual jawline if i cut or i just have shit genetics? 25% body fat right now

no one cares dyel

No cope here I'm good looking

Come on op don't be putting down your fellow anons life this.
So a person shouldn't workout if the ugly.
Whats the other option suicide.
Exercise benefits the face in so many ways.
No puffy cheeks,sharper jaw line and a more sculpted face.
Not to mention a muscular body will definitely get you more attention with the opposite gender.

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>there's no gym for your face
There is, just go to a clinic and put some juvaderm on jaw and cheekbones. 1 set per year.

So? I work out for my health, not for people to find me attractive.

He's written, produced, and starred in multiple shows and movies

Summerfag detected

post face/w timestamp

I'll save you the guesswork, we're all ugly here.

Wait I thought we were all 6'2 Chads with 8"?

The incels who make these threads are

fat people have no other choice
besides you could tell he cute even when he was fat

If you are fat and the first thing people notice is that you are fat you can make it

if you are ugly you can never make it. Being ugly is the ultimate death sentence.

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Lmaoing at manlets who think this is tall

There will be a massive improvement regardless

6/6/6 here

>we're all ugly here


Post your face fuggo lmao

fitness is the purest form of pessimism you fucktard. Everyone on this board is unsatisfied with their genetic appearance and engage in vigorous effort to alter their looks, also known as aesthetic deception. You're no better than a woman who wears make-up to hide her flaws.

Are those the Olsen twins? Lmao

This is absolute truth.

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what is that table?

he's got a massive chin even at extremely high body fat
what about skinny people who are ugly, my face looks slightly better lean, but I look way smaller with a shirt on so I'm gunna bulk back up

Daily reminder.
You people are faggots and scumbags and the men here hide your threads and your flaming gay faggot modeling bullshit threads.


That guy is handsome as fuck, what are you trying to prove?

You just shooped a skinny basedface onto a hard body. That "ugly" guy, if he had the body and testosterone of the "hot" guy (who isn't even that good looking), would have a much better face.

You incel defeatists need to get your shit together and apply yourselves. Your theory has some merit, but somehow you feel the need to take it to an unreasonable extreme to the point of lies and distortions.

Is it just so that you'll finally feel acceptance and absolution of responsibility for your shitty life outcome? If you're ugly, then you can just blame that for the problems created for you by your shitty attitude, I guess.