is a foam roller actually needed?
is it worth it to buy one? shill pill me on this one Jow Forums
Is a foam roller actually needed?
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I see a lot of women doing it so I've already dismissed it as stupid.
Just buy a section of pvc pipe at any hardware store
You don't need one just like you don't need to go to a masseuse every week.
It feels nice and it *may help with recovery.
All things considered. It's a piece of hard foam, it's hardly a huge monetary decision in the scope of other fitness bullshit.
It can help you “feel” better, but you aren’t actually doing structural changes to the tissue, or preventing injuries.
foam rolling is sticky endorsed
I use one to crack my back and it works really well for that
agreed it's not overly expensive but just seems like a sneaky jew shill to make you pay 10x the amount it's worth for a piece of foam
have you ever foam rolled before?
it clearly improves mobility and that will help prevent injuries
Personally I like mine a lot. Got it at walmart for like $17. PVC also works like the other user said. I'd say it's def worth it. Also, look up Joe DeFranco's limber 11 on youtube if you're having trouble staying loose during and after workouts.
Feels fucking great on a sore back. Lifting weights and doing cardio seemed to stop most of the main problems but when I didn’t work out this thing was a godsend.
Realistically it's just an extruded tube of EVA, you can buy it for next to nothing if you know where to look.
I prefer a lacrosse ball because I already have a ton of them but honestly a foam roller is what? $8?
Good margins for a shill, but not exactly booming profits.
Placebooo, no studies show that it does anything
Using a tennis ball does the same effect. It essentially helps break up lactic acid build up or knots in muscles. That mixed with enough water can help the muscles recover. Whether it's faster or at the same rate, I don't know.
feels good man
Holy shit imagibe being this stupid.
>what are fasciae?
Super good for calve recovery after muay thai or extensive running.
For the average gym rat? Absolute waste of time.
idk what anyone says, feels good as fuck on the upper/lower back
post anything that suggest foam rolling works
I see a lot of women in the gym so I've already dismissed the gym as stupid.
I use a foam roller but I'm not too sure it does anything. I just do it to wind down. I do have one of those little foot spikey balls, and it provides marked improvement on my plantar facisitis or however you spell it
The only time I use this is before a stretch session. I feel like its more for warming up the muscles the same way massaging your muscles help warm it up. I guess you could also do this before a workout as an extra warm up but I dont know how that would go.
You know what I see a lot of women doing at my gym?
Conclusion: deadlifts are useless and gay
it feels good. it's literally just a form of self massage
i found a tennis ball worked better. if youre super tight stretching will not work and the knots need to be broken up.
And squats. And lunges. And situps. And cardio. Basically everything but bench press. I guess bench pressing is really the only thing you should be doing.
See a lot of women
Will bench pressing get me laid
The experience of thousands of athletes.
No go and foam yourself.
>meme device and retard niggers = results
Foam rolling feels nice but doesn't really do anything. They're pretty cheap though, I definitely think it's worth it.
Rolling out before bench can help with flexibility for better arch. I also find rolling tendons around my joints to aid in recovery.
youre only rolling your mid back right?
>I see a lot of women doing it so I've already dismissed it as stupid.
EXTREMELY obvious case of a little faggot bitch incel manlet with a super tiny penis.
Hold on I got something for this: I tell you to dilate then you tell me to have sex, then we argue about something tangentially related until one of us goes to bed.
Lmao, if it makes you feel better fine, just know that rolling a hard piece of foam on your body won’t bing about structural changes to tissue.
Looks like a 1/3 or a pool noodle
Rolling my hard penis across your mother definitely brought a structural change to her tissue.
Itt: a bunch of pussies who can't cope with the pain of deep tissue work.
yeah i don't understand how people are doing this shit wrong. people seeing no results with foam rolling are probably expecting some magic glaze over their skin to happen or something.nah. you gotta get DEEP and PUNISH that muscle, you feel it instantly but i guess some people just arent cut out to handle pain heheheh..
Wow, epic response bro. You sure BTFO user.
Have a (you)
Yes, they're for real. So is a proper massage by someone who knows what they're doing. My back has been tight ever since I started working out and both a foam roller and a good massage help immensely
Will immediately crack unless you are a twink shit
You roll your body on the foam not the other way around...
I thought they were a meme, then tried one in the gym and the joy of hearing the cracking of my spine was beautiful. I went and brought one and cracking my back on it is lovely. Well worth the 10 to buy it.
They're like 20 bucks and make stretching easier, I use mine every day 3x time a day. Once when I wake up, once after work and once before bed. Helps keep my back loosey goosey
99% of posters ITT are fucking dumb.
Foam rolling is a substitute for a massage. If you're like me and can't afford a deep tissue massage 3 times a week, you use the foam roller, and/or other aids such as lacrosse balls or that tree in my back yard.
Either way I end up giving myself a happy ending.
I used to use it to roll out my legs and shit, but that turned out mostly useless.
The main purpose for them IMO is to roll out your upper back. It feels great, helps relieve muscle knots and destresses you.
My knee was fucked and got diagnosed chondromalacia
The pain stopped almost immediately when I started rolling my quads
I did it with a broom stick though
>I see a lot of women
And not a single one looks at you.
Its good to release trigger points , i use it to my thigs back arms and calves
Such nice digits go to waste
It feels great and is cheap
No reason not to have one at home if you plan on training for a few years. Feels like a massage and sometimes pops your back so good god damn Im gonna go foam roll right now brb