>tfw missed out on easy gains and fast recovery by working out as a teenager
Tfw missed out on easy gains and fast recovery by working out as a teenager
yes teens recover faster but are also complete handicaps for the most part, especially when it comes to training. I wasted my training time as a teen on chest machines and cheat dumbell curls lmao
Literally who cares about lifting retards. You should be kicking yourself for not having played a sport.
lmao what kind of faggot didn't play a single sport in school
>missed out on easy gains and fast recovery by working out as a teenager
The younger you are, the easier it is to recovery
How would working out as a teenager ruin recovery later in life?
Man I'm 19 and I regret not lifting when I was 14. Oh pity poor me.
use your damn legs deku
Most of the people on this board, is that a rhetoric question?
>Be me
>12/13 year old meet with qt at school
>Believes myself I'm not good enough
>Discover zyzz in 2015 around same time
>Start working out doing lots of push-ups and gay bodyweight cause family wouldn't allow me to the gym
>Some time passes and I see myself having big tits (I didn't know that push-ups work chest not arms)
>Fucking be insecure for whole middle school time
(Pic related)
>didn't miss out on teen sex
>didn't miss out on teen sports
>didn't miss out on teen fun
>but I missed out on 20's everything
I peaked in high school
you’re fine kid they hit your triceps just gotta even that out with working your shoulders and biceps. No your chest isnt too big
i dunno i started in high school and it was nice to build mass but i didn't actually have any knowledge of what i was doing. probably did more harm than good. people say im a big guy and have said that since hs but i still don't think it was worth it. in most situations of training as a teen youre very unprepared even if you played a sport. in some cases that's worse because coaches don't know jack they just perpetuate dangerous broscience.
13 year old in 2015
Underage faggot
you’re fine
bro you serious? what the fuck? they just play computer games for seven years or some shit?
>they just play computer games for seven years or some shit?
I regret it but was too stupid to know better back then.
>punished Jow Forumsizen
>A faggot denied his gains
This. And smoking le dank weed. Good times.
Still regretting it. And it was 10 years.
Stop saying such hurtful things.