So I've done minor research and think its not as harmful as some people make it out to be, luckily i hate the stuff anyway except onions sauce eat that shit weekly - So is onions okay and more specific if not can i allow myself some onions sauce ?
Is the soy thing a meme ?
this meme seems to be specifically targetting white people even though asians are the biggest consumers of onions and nintendo.
And no the fact is onions gives you man tits. It's been known since before the faggy meme.
Basedboi phenomena has more to do with culture and lifestyle than onions consumption but looking at the average asian "male" I would still be cautious.
Japs have eaten onions for centuries and become immunised. Americans aren't
here's a thought
the country with the biggest rates of gynecomastia per capita is india
I think that's all that needs to be said.
Lol. There's nothing wrong with onions sauce. Onions in general tastes like shit though, so I wouldn't recommend it based on that alone.
I think its more about the fact they love trendy things like "s o y mocha latte from starbucks" even tho they cant even tell the difference but they want it because they're the perfect consumerists
everything in moderation. you'll notice one thing about this board these days, every fucking body wants you to go on an extreme diet for no real good reason other than "studies show hurr durr" and a couple of manipulative before and after photos.
as it turns out not eating the same fucking shit every day and being balanced is extremely healthy for you and always has been, onions included. read the fucking sticky and disregard everything else
mediterranean diet will never be beaten
its almost like its a balanced diet, like i said
yeah, I was agreeing you
is onions becoming onions?
basedboy has become basedboi? or is it basedboi?
When did this happen?
based retard
The whole idea of onions turning you into something like this is a meme.
It's mainly that these are the type of people who tend to consume onions
The amount of xenoestrogens in onions doesnt look good tho
Mediterraneans eat a shitton of onions.
Source: I'm mediterranean.
As a side note, no serious studies show any causation between diet and hormonal levels. Eating a ton of onions won't alter your estrogen levels no matter what.
Onions or s o y?
What are you talking about? I’m med and no one eats s o y here, at least not as a Mediterranean diet
Onions have layers
hey shrek
What about tofu? I like making Thai every now and then and fry tofu in it. Am I going to start ovulating?
bring that thicc ass right over here
onions, half of our recipes start with:
>chop an onion and stir fry
Onions are high test
Nobody here is saying onions are bad. The the topic is zoy.
Their body types, faces, voices, beliefs, and demeanor are all disturbingly similar. Why??
>half of Jow Forums is Indian
big if true
Somehow the biggest soi guzzlers have the biggest moobs. I wonder.
I'm a lactose intolerant skelly so to bulk I drink one to two liters of basedmilk a day. Been doing that for about a year. Zero negative effects so far. Anecdotal evidence ofcourse, but my guess is that if it has any influence at all, it either takes a long time or even more consumption. Quite unlikely to be a problem.
onions ain't that bad as long as you have a solid diet to back it up
If half a kilo of tofu per week tanks your t levels, then you most likely weren't meant to make it in the first place.
Combined with plastics, preservatives, mobile phone wifi and hormones in the water, its just an identifiable risk to avoid.
>find cheap premade protein shakes 15g protein each
>12 a day during work deep in that dirty bulk
>few weeks in start to get gyno
>check ingredients
Don’t over do it and you should be fine
Japs eat fermented söy too, I believe it makes a diffrence.
No one cares about bug people.
>12 protein shakes a day
Wtf bro
Did your gyno go away after you stopped drinking it?
This, it's called natto and it's a completely different food.
newfag detected
welcome to Jow Forums
söy (without umlaut) is a taboo word and gets exchanged for onions if you post it on Jow Forums
Yeah went away after about a week and drank them as 4 a day at 45g each
All of the subby, effete, le quirky XD, etc. "söy" men I know don't slurp the beans in any significant quantities, so I'm apt to believe it's something else causing the behavior. Maybe a natural cultural and behavioral change as a result of birth control causing women to be more attracted to effete men, then going off birth control and having children with them and creating a new generation of effete men before their natural female hormones kick in and they realize what beta losers these men are. It may also help explain the drastic rise in single motherhood and perceived female "hypergamy" by effete men.
What's the female equivalent of soi? Pizza sloth?
Yes it's a meme, an older one started by bodybuilders who were worried that the onions component in protein powders would make them effiminate based on onions containing phytoestrogens which are chemicals that are structurally similar to mammal estrogen but are for plants instead this was mainly based on standard paranoia and one study that showed that if fed onions products in obscene quantity sheep (ruminate animals, which we aren't) MIGHT see a small but measurable increase in mammalian estrogen levels , this was then picked up by the YouTube hard right retard brigade because the people that watch them are gullible idiots willing to believe anything they're told so long as it makes the feel superior to someone else
There's no actual evidence that it has any effect on humans
The onions boy thing is pretty simple, most people are overweight, most people that are overweight have man tits, most manchildren, the kind of people that get excited enough about video games to take a weird photo with them and then put that on social media, are not particularly attractive and don't have particularly good fashion sense
This and onions products and vegetarianism in general being popular at the moment spawned the soi boy meme
The only thing eating onions is likely to actually give you is bloating from too much fibre
>asians are the biggest consumers of onions and nintendo.
99% Chinese men can't grow a single hair on their face.
t. lives in Melbourne.
it's very uncouth to have a beard in chinese culture and they make great effort to shave them regularly. they also don't grow tits, nor are they incapable of being aesthetically Jow Forums, so I don't think söy has anything to do with it.
>implying Bruce Lee wouldn't kick your ass regardless
This, asians are some of the Jow Forumstest people on the planet
Dude, most chinese guys would easily kick your ass. Come to Ontario if you don't believe me.
Spitting truth here. It's insane how much things have changed in the last few years. People get so polarized about everything. It's like everyone's ironic joking 3-4 years ago made a bunch of retards that take it all seriously show up. It's fucking terrifying.
Eating onions is fine but a plant based diet is a one way ticket to baseddome.
>asians are the biggest consumers of onions
And their average dick size is like 10cm
You got man tits because you got fat because you ate too fucking much you fucking retard. Jesus I can't tell when you fucks are being ironic anymore
That’s exactly what happened to all of Jow Forums. Pretending to be retarded was a pastime, and it attracted all the actual retards. Except everyone really did always hate kikes and niggers, so don’t try to spin that.
the physical size of the average east-asian is due to general malnutrition, not söy consumption. middle and upper class chinese have seen a sharp increase in average height in the past generations, as are american-born chinese much taller than their immigrant parents. no data exists on the penis size of these new taller and more healthy generations.
If you think a little bean is gonna make you homo I got bad news for you
Also plant estrogens are not mammalian estrogens. If you look at the data you basically have to drown in uncooked tofu to even have a chance of slightly shifting your endocrine profile.
Based MediPoster
Eating big AG replacement foods willingly is what a weak willed sheep-person would do.
Saying that onions make you an onionboi is putting the cart before the horse.
>Herbivore males
>Perfectly normal
The Mediterranean Diet™ is not just whatever some Thessalonikker orders at the mall food court, you ignorant wog.
yes, it's a meme your body can't even interact with phytoestrogens. Milk is full of actual mammalian estrogen, but is being pushed like crazy on here
Meds don't eat that much bread wtf?
It won't turn you gay but it doesnt have enough calories to make you bulk like milk does
>once a week: eggs, cheese
lol what a bunch of bullshit
confirmed not gyno then. gyno doesnt just go away u memer
Onions is 99.99% a meme. there's trace amounts of estrogen but it doesn't actually do anything to you
pls be bait. wtf are you talking about that you actually think men being beta is cause of birth control or something.
That is racial, same thing with native americans and polynesians
Whatever you say Chang
Its horrifically real. If you have to question this, I genuinely admire your innocence. I went to a popular book store yesterday and saw abominations straight out of internet comics and memes.
Flip side, it made me look and feel manly as FUARK by comparison
Most foods with 5oy in them are processed crap. Even if 5oy isn't a problem in of itself, it's a sign of something you don't want to eat anyway.
>Muh food court
>not replying to the guy who posted the retarded food court tier pyramid
This. These retards are paranoid about fucking phytoestrogens but will happily chug down actual estrogen.
Tofu seems fine
Thank you base redditman, I was replying to who asked if the other guy meant onions or S o i
I assumed the start of gyno if you have a better explanation let me know had extremely sensitive nipples with discharge
>you actually think men being beta is cause of birth control
great reading comprehension, sport. birth control pills were widely popularized in the 1950s and 60s when boomers were around their 20s and getting ready to start families. before birth control beta men reproduced far less because women were naturally attracted to strong, masculine personalities. now beta men are having beta sons because birth control causes women's hormones to be suppressed and they no longer find masculine men attractive and go for effete "providers" instead. beta males have skyrocketed in millennial and zoomer populations as a result. none of this has anything to do with the consumption of söy or söy products. do you follow?
Wat part about intolerant don't you understand? Also I checked, it has the same nutritional value, if a bit fewer proteins. Are you from a country where whole milk is the standard?
No, it's on the right too.
ITT symptoms of being a numale beta soiboi bugman
>Doesn't strength train at all
>Only drinks beer or whiskey he thinks nobody else has heard of
>Smokes cigars but only around other guys
>Wears expensive flannels
>Pretends to like bacon and hot sauce significantly more than he actually does
>Has a "man cave"
>Identifies with Ron Swanson despite not being Libertarian-Right
>Calls himself a 'gamer'
>Owns numerous pop culture reference shirts
>Only hobbies are movies/video games and collecting memorabilia from those movies/video games
>Will sleep on the couch when his wife or gf is upset with him, pretends this is normal
>"Beard culture"
>Plays single player nintendo games, takes them seriously
>Uses the terms "toxic" or "problematic"
A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.
Everything about his personality and life is not defined by who he is, but by what he buys and his consumerist tendencies. He'll be subscribed to at least one, maybe multiple subscription services, he'll happily use social media and upload all of his information to the cloud, and he'll gravitate towards things that seem "rational" and use big words.
In fact, their social media use defines a lot about who they are, as they try to get the most likes on social media bragging about their life and viewing the lives of others who do the same.
Yet there is something big missing about their life, something that can be seen in their face. Something that can be seen the minute you strip away all the consumerist choices and realize, there's nothing else. Their lives are empty, hollow, and all about serving corporations, until they die, and this is seen in their empty insectoid stare that implies they're dead inside, giving them the name bugmen.
That's a reasonable theory except one problem: before birth control pills almost all adults paired up, married, and had children. This included the beta males of society. It may be the case that alphas are now sport fucking everything they can stick their dicks in with little consequence due to birth control but that doesn't remove the fact that in the past almost all betas married and had children. You're on the right track, you just need to refine your theory a bit to account for this.
>As a side note, no serious studies show any causation between diet and hormonal levels.
Categorically incorrect. Poor diet leads to hormonal changes, and obesity (as a side effect of poor diet) causes even worse changes.
Italians eat way more meat than that. Especially in the rocky hilly regions were grains are tougher to grow. Grazing animals are the most efficient way to harvest calories from these areas.
It's definitely not a meme, the soiboy mods even tried to censor the word, thats all you need to know.
S.o.y. is poision.
Parents who consumed large amounts of s.o.y. produced sons who had lower testosterone, malformed genitals, and higher levels of abdominal fat.
They censored it because it's an unfunny meme that was beat to death in under a month.
There's nothing wrong with so. y. It's an alright source of protein and is renewable. That being said, you probably shouldn't have a diet strictly consisting of it. But you shouldn't have a diet strictly consisting of just fruit, or just veggies, or just meat, and so on.
I’ve always thought it was weird to pretend to enjoy things you hate to fall into a certain category. To me ipa tastes like shit. It’s expensive and tastes terrible, yeah it has a decent abv usually but so does st ides. I wouldn’t do anything to increase my perceived “manliness” unless I enjoyed it.