>You came to get revenge, Tank-Top Vegetarian?
You came to get revenge, Tank-Top Vegetarian?
he looks like shit
post body :)
so many anons on Jow Forums look way better than this fag, why is he popular again?
why is he green
Why does anyone use this malformed abortion escapee to prove vegans can get fit? His head is clearly a birth defect, both inside and out.He legit unlocked Brazilian synthol gains with those arms vs his lats and abs.
Keep reposting VG from 5 years ago. He would destroy 90% of Jow Forums now
Why is he yellow?
Too soon
he's a literal 56%
You like them more decomposed?
That's really fucked up man. Way too soon for that shit.
based OPM poster
Quick rundown?
Because his asshole edginess was fun, newfag faggot
why are his forearms so weak
What happened? I see this everywhere on here.
lurk more
Dios mios el duende verde
Vegans castrating themselves. Seems to be a trend.
>this is what miscegenation looks like
no thanks
i had sex this morning