>Buying 50 kilo of weights tomorrow
>No car and its 20 Minute walk from Mein Haus
What's the furthest you've Farmer carried?
>Buying 50 kilo of weights tomorrow
>No car and its 20 Minute walk from Mein Haus
What's the furthest you've Farmer carried?
Get an uber u dumb cave man ape. Cant afford a uber buy a second hand wheel barrow
it's only a hundred pounds, even if this retard is an absolute dyel. it's easy as fuck to carry as long as he has a solid backpack or a bar to stick them all on or something
>2/3s of your bodyweight in a backpack
well i was assuming OP was a male, because men don't weigh 150 fucking pounds you anorexic faggot.
not to mention, yeah, 2/3 of your bodyweight in a backpack is pretty easy even for an untrained person, are you like a parapheligic or something?
bruh, I used to go shopping and bought 70kg of food, the trip back was 60 mins. It was the way of the uni. student that wanted ultrapasturized milk and kvarg. 50 kg is nothing. Also moved a heavy ass 3 seat soffa with fold out bed from the center of town to my apartment, the walk was 8 km. Your grandfather would be ashamed of you even considering this a difficult task.
if you can carry 2/3 of your weight in a backpack easily for 20 minutes youre a genetic freak.
söyboy alert!
Cmon bro i would carry cows that weight 220 kg on my shoulders for 5 km when i used to work at the farm brah you just have to eat big.
i weigh 80kg. Youre telling me i should be able to carry 50kg for 20 minutes without even breaking a sweat? get fucking real.
who said you would not break a sweat? I sweat when I do vacuuming cause I sweat like a pig generally, always. But it is not fucking difficult.
how tf do you buy 70 kg of food let alone carry it? even if all you buy is milk, that shit takes up a lot of space, how do you even grab all of it? you also cannot fit it all in a backpack
Carrying weights up and down hills starting and stopping constantly with traffic isn't the same as just squatting the weight in a gym
IKEA bags + backpack. Only went to the shop once a month, bought a full months worth of food in one go.
Bro, it aint fucking hard. I have carried much heavier shit for much longer.
self reply; I still do if I have to, because I am a cheap fucker and I do not want to rent a car if I do not have to, plus taxi is expensive as fuck in my country.
He's shitposting, user.
lmao nigger my gear plus a backpack full for mortars totaled 75kg, i had to haul that shit up and down mountains for 15km multiple times a week, i was a skinny 170lb twig back then too, ever stop to think that maybe you're the genetic freak who can't carry a hundred fucking pounds for a few minutes?
>i weigh 80kg. Youre telling me i should be able to carry 50kg for 20 minutes
Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you. A baseline untrained basedlet should be able to do this.
I wouldn't know, I was smart enough to not be an infantry grunt kek
Based skinny Islamic state freedom fighter
Tbh when I was like 16 I carried 35kg of alcohol on a 40 minute walk to a mates house. That was from a bag hanging on my shoulder. I wished I had a backpack
alaanat l'yahood, my dude
I had a trade and I still had to do that shit. Soldier first, trade second.
weak fucking zoomers in this thread whining about carrying a bit of food. ngmi
al mawt li ishrayeel, my man
You did not carry 70kg of food for an hour based retard, you're exaggerating and carried 10-16 kg maximum for about 10 minutes.
sprich deutsch du hurensohn
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Are you fucking retarded? I was a poor student that made the trek to LIDL on the other side of the city, why the fuck would I be lying? I bought 1 months worth of chicken, rice, oats, milk, kvarg etc. I tallied up the weight to 70kgs u fucking weak zoomer.
i weigh 210lbs and would have no problem carrying 100lbs in a back pack for 20min how many faggots are on this board
It's literally the amount of weight I had to carry in a backpack as a school kid
Anyone nerdy enough to have that many textbooks on them doesn't have the strength to carry it all.
Don't listen to those retards.
My advice is:
1. go to a gym instead of buying weights
2. if you buy them, do 2 trips
You don't want to find yourself stuck at the middle of the road with 50kg of weights you can't carry further.
Based boomer parent.
What exactly did you get? How much did they cost?
I guess I overestimated it a bit. In actuality it was closer to 1/3. It caused quite an outrage in it's time with parents worrying about their kids backs and all. Nowdays I see more and more schools adopting the American style lockers but the problem still exists though.
Neither a parent nor a Boomer (not by age but definitely at heart). I feel like my country was at least ten years behind during my childhood.
It's just a second hand barbell set, I offered the dude $50 for it and he said yes. $1/1kg is better than I'd get at a store so who cares they're second hand. Four 5 kilos, and a bunch of 2.5s and 1.25s.
The same set goes for close to $200 in a store.
Dumbell set*
get something with wheels bike etc
or thread the weights evenly onto each side of a thick rope and sling across shoulders like a yoke. maybe even with a stick across your upper back like a china water carry man
or just carry it. walk faster
bring a friend to share the load
make the weights into wheels for a sick mule driven cart
I'm actually half tempted to try use one of those electric scooter things that just litter the streets now.
Nice pick up. Nothing wrong with 2nd hand, its pretty hard to wear out weights
When i was a little wee boy the mexican cartel forced me to transport several tens of kilograms of cocaine in my anal cavities. I swam through the atlantic ocean to bring the narcotics to europe. 50 kilos for 20 minutes is lightweight for me.
Yep that's my logic too, at the end of the day they're heavy things to put on the end of a dumbell.