Is a vegan diet the key to a perfect body? I want to look like lily collins. pic related

Is a vegan diet the key to a perfect body? I want to look like lily collins. pic related.

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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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>wants to look like an anorexic teenage boy

If you want to look like that then veganism or plant based diets are perfect for you.

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I like skinny girls, but she looks fucking emaciated

I'm vegetarian and I'm friends with a few vegans but they're all models and look totally normie-model tier, feelsbad I just want a stickwaifu.

Try to find raw food enthusiasts who have been at it for several years. They won't be snacking on chocolate syrup every meal so they'll likely be sticc. Bonus points is that from their diet they will have early menopause so you won't need to worry about birth control.

I recommend college towns or Californian vegan co-ops.

Vegan food often fills you up with less calories, but vegan junk food exists and high calorie vegan food exists.

I initially lost weight when I went vegan and was active, riding my bike everywhere. But then I got in the habit of eating vegan junk food all the time and I of course put on weight.

Been vegan for 11 years and this is me.

But if you want to be as thin as possible while being as healthy as possible then sure veganism can help you.

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vegan diet isnt the key to anything. it's perfect for you if you ethically align with it. all the plant-based health claims should still be treated with skepticism until we have more long-term data.

I doubt that's actually you, but either way those are some nice titts.

>look mom i posted it again

what do you actually look like dude

If that's a "perfect body" if that's your goal, then Veganism is definitely the choice for you...

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good job trying to hide your huge gut and fat body. it doesn't fool me


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Veganism is a meme. Go whole food plant based.

if hes so unhealthy why does he have a sick pack?

Go vegan and die

And more importantly why is it drooping?

>Is a vegan diet the key to a perfect body? I want to look like lily collins. pic related.
It's a great movie

fucking disgusting

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