I'm finally back on nofap and I deleted all the porn from my pc. When will the benefits start to appear?
I'm finally back on nofap and I deleted all the porn from my pc. When will the benefits start to appear?
When your mom needs to start manually jerking you off
Never. Its a meme and not masturbating can even have an adverse effect on mental and physical health.
>he actually fell for it
When you realize that nofap is a meme and noporn is the truth.
You're a poor soul. Say it with me. I'm. A. Poor. Soul.
Many people denied themselves a daily bit of fun in the autistic hope it'd make women swoon over them.
I'm here to tell you the truth.
Porn is good.
Porn is healthy.
Porn teaches you how to have sex and that is awesome. On top of that it acts as a stress reliever. Maybe all this incel nofap hate can bring sexually active men and women closer together. In that case? Bring it on.
This. Welcome pornography into your life.
Watch as much as you can.
Sexually explore yourself.
Feminization, hypnosis, domination. It is healthy to explore all these things. Let pornography take your mind and improve it, OP.
Rabbi are you mad! The goyim will definitely know this time!
Trash b8 you'd make a shitty used car salesman
7 years. The same amount you spend fapping. You started at 11 and you quit when you turned 18. 7 years of absence equals seven years of sin.
Unironic and completely scientific answer: 1 week, and your testosterone levels will have peaked. But will quickly return to normal so basically just jerk off once a week.
shalom my fellow chosenite.
what does being jewish have to do with this?
All the major porn websites are owned by Jews. Company called Mindgeek, look it up bro.
Well I'm a month in and I still want to neck myself. I think it depends on your overall state of being and so results will vary massively from person to person.
8 days and you become a fag
In 7 days, then the benefits stop.
First time I tried it I couldn't handle it anymore after a week and fapped. Second time I got past that week and didn't fap for 4 months. It wasn't hard at all. It seemed like my dick went numb. Nofap caused an effect contrary to the one desired. The only "benefit" was that I would feel no urge to grab my dick out anytime so I had some extra time in a day. I am still to recover.
Noporn is the right thing.
thats called the flatline, you retard. do some research you lazy ignorant faggot. you're addicted to porn and giving yourself ED.
>giving yourself ED.
lol no... being a complete celibate for months on end results in the ED in this instance. if he had a girlfriend it wouldn't be an issue as there would be an outlet.
i'm not disputing the fact that excessive pornography use results in ED, however abstaining from all sexual acts can have the exact same effect
Most major charity sites too.. man I don't know this fixation over other peoples religion I think it's a tribal mindset of the past we should get over
I agree that it's tribal, but they seem like to use it as an excuse to feel victimised, the narcissistic fucks.
Keep masturbating goyim
the past is there to teach us, not to "get over" it
Gas yourself jewish shill
Oy vey
>guys I get the feeling porn may be bad
There are no real benefits, just one less shitty thing in your life. It's like asking when you're going to get the benefits of being noheroin, the benefit is that you're not addicted and fucking your mind and body up with it anymore.
>Porn teaches you how to have sex
Yes I have never satisfied a woman. How could you tell?
1-2 weeks is just your body saving testosterone so you feel that immediately. So at least do that. Real life improving benefits don't start until you've beaten the addiction and become used to the high of energy that months of abstaining fill you with. But that takes a lot of effort and mental focus, like beating a drug addiction.
Idk what you mean by this... what is a shill? What is a Jew? God haha so many tough questions, maybe a rabbi can validate these..
the golden rule, it's only incest porn when the volume is on
This post is judaism in a nutshell.
>saving testosterone
oy vey the dont fall for it
Don't bother with any of the replies given to you, something tells me that there is money behind certain posts..
Google "sexual transmutation" and you can understand why no one would want you to abstain from masturbation.
The key is to divert all that sexual energy to your field of work, hobby, gym that you will receive with time.
You are human, not an animal
Another pseud chakra bangWHACK POW chi energy fanatic who is against healthy masturbation. Like. Pottery.
nofap is bullshit, noporn is the real redpill
>The key is to divert all that sexual energy to your field of work, hobby, gym that you will receive with time.
Degenerates don't even know about the life force.
thats bait right ?
Megami no Sprinter - Chapter 14
Pick one
>all these porn is good posters
A lack of sexual release 100% increases drive and energy. Think about it this way, somebody getting no pussy is going to naturally be working harder to attract a mate. Then using your ultimate human mind, you can channel that energy into performing well in other tasks.
Just look at Mike Tyson for example, it his prime he avoided sexual activity to boost his energy.
>Mike Tyson for example, it his prime he avoided sexual activity to boost his energy.
>porn is good
are you stupid?
you made a great mistake deleting the porn man
>t. broscientist
yourbrainonporn.com cites a fuck ton of scientific journals citing why porn is bad, but I can't find any sources that masturbation without porn has benefits. Can you provide any?
Where did he imply porn is good you drooling mongoloid? He only made the claim that you need to abstain from masturbation in addition to porn. Are you retarded?
((( Who ))) is behind this post?
Nofap is partially a meme, it’s honestly porn that’s doing the damage.
>says something stupid
>gets told
>samefags to defend himself and retract the stupid things he said
are all nofappers this obnoxious? you wouldn't be like this if you've done noporn instead.
Hang on, which one of those posts was mine ( ) according to you? Are you paranoid?
There has to be a better term for believers of science before 1960s sexual revolution. That's the time period when mainstream science turned on the wisdom of old and passed all types of sexual degeneracy as healthy.
>are all nofappers this obnoxious? you wouldn't be like this if you've done noporn instead.
Noporn is a meme. You're still creating the degenerate scenes in your head instead of a jew director.
If you can't find a scientific source for your claim that actually employs the scientific method it's literally bro science, not actual science. I am still waiting for a citation that isn't the belief of someone who lived 100+ years ago and did not have actual proof for his claims
>If you can't find a scientific source for your claim that actually employs the scientific method
Take your scientific method and shove it up your ass degenerate. All the "peer reviewed" modern day studies claim masturbation is good yet I feel like a God post 30 days of pure celibacy. No go tell everyone how trannies aren't mentally ill muh modern science says so.
Freud did coke.. which is worse than porn.. hold on, he did COKE? Better believe him when he tells you not to touch your weewee, even though the rest of his theories have been debunked as well.
You can sit with the tribe elders and discuss how not imagining a pair of breasts will fill you with ancient warrior spirits.. or get back to REALITY, the awesome sexual world where we can have healthy and consentual fun.
The choice is yours..
orgasms spike prolactin
How many rabbis can you count, Jow Forums?
You loathe one form of degeneracy and preach other.
You shit on a man who invented the basics of psychological analysis while you try to make people sure they would in all hopes masturbate and 'explore' their deep unconscious primal urges to stimuli that will affect their hormone levels and deplete their body of nutrients.
You spend your time on /fit among people who try to improve their body and mind by taking part in activities that might help them reach a fulfilling life, finding ways of the past and the future and having an open mind to everything that can help them reach their goal, and you shit on it as hard as you can...
You might find it better to spend your time in a place of 'intellectuals' on the forum of Reddit, where you came from.
Just leave
Thank you Rabbi, VERY cool!
> did nofap for a whole year
> still no gf
Nofap is worthless.
>The premise of NoFap is correlated to semen retention
Yes, this. People new to nofap will realize that all the effects of boosted health/confidence they feel is purely due to conserved sexual energy. Period. Even modern day kike'd science will admit semen when absorbed in vagina leads to boosted health and mood for the female. So why exactly wouldn't it do the same for males when conserved and absorbed back? That's precisely what older science say
>Freud did coke
Freud isn't the old one who said this. He just repeated what ancient cultures and time tested religions have been saying for a long time.
If you wanna spend your life being a pleasure addict then go ahead, its a free world, but you cannot deny the incredible amounts of energy and motivation sexual energy produces in the body when conserves. And if one learns to transmute it into their life's work they almost always end up reaching more success than their sex/fap addicted peers.
(((They))) want you to have sex, so that you are weak, easily manipulated, and create more cattle children for (((them))) to enslave
stop having sex
Imagine being a 19 year old Jewish boy reading this entire thread and shaking his head that people actually believe the fascist propaganda that his religion is responsible for why white incels can't get laid.
Spoiler alert: Jews aren't as powerful as the nazis are tricking you into believing, it was you people who are problematic assholes which are the cause of your own miserable lives.
Sort yourselves out and take responsibility instead venting your frustration out on minorities.
fuck off zoomer jew
Fuck off Slaanesh
>all of these shills ITT promoting masturbation
Addiction to ANYTHING is bad, whether that be porn, food, sugar, whatever. Choosing to become a slave to anything is degenerate, and choosing to stay a slave to anything is even more degenerate. Lacking the self control to abstain from masturbation is a flaw, one that you absolutely should work to fix.
>you can masturbate without being addicted bro
Sure, and you can do coke without being addicted. If you're not addicted, then stop. You don't need it anyway, right? Why do it?
Charities are often very evil...
>Imagine being a 19 year old Jewish boy reading this entire thread
First, the boy should fuck off back to his ethnostate and fight his own wars. Second, everyone should be aware that jews have been the driving force behind the porn industry. Third, I agree jews should not be entirely blamed in the same sense you can't blame the devil for being tempted but only yourself. Jews can only make money selling porn if people will buy them.
Stfu faggot
>If you're not addicted, then stop. You don't need it anyway, right? Why do it?
It's almost as if you've never had or heard of fun before.
Guys dont listen to these fuckwads, Nofap actually helps. Stay strong.
"just think happy thoughts user"
>hedonism is good
chasing dopamine will get you nowhere.
thanks for confirming my suspects
That's about the only source of entertainment you Jow Forums monks allow isn't it?
Don't fault me just because you have no sense of moderation.
not an argument.
not an argument.
Porn and fapping is bad don't do it, and you'll also find other ways of having fun that are much better.
There are no monks here, just people trying to better themselves.
You take pride hedonistic and escapist behaviors while others are trying to overcome them, why spend this time talking down at them?
Not an argument.
>There are no monks here, just people blaming everything wrong in their life on others, while claiming to be trying to better themselves without actually doing it
There is no moderation in bonobo "culture".
>"just think happy thoughts, user, everything is O. K. "
zog lies
this. but without porn if you can
>You take pride hedonistic and escapist behaviors
No. I take pride in by ability to enjoy things in moderation. It's called discipline, and it can be learned.
>deleted all the porn from my pc
That is the only good thing you did, bro. No-fap is a meme.
>saving porn on your pc
People actually still do this in 2019?
Jesus bro, I'm not even neo-nazi and I hate /pol but almost the entire media is ran by those guys. Wake up.
No humans can't do anything in moderation, you either behave yourself or you're an hedonist
Nothing worse than your favourite video being deleted
yeah i have to do that because i can't watch god awful mainstream porn. most of the stuff i watch are just finding random amateur girls and having to go on the porn torrent tracker to see if anyone got their manyvids videos or whatever. that kinda stuff is always removed from porn sites
Bros, listen to yourselves. Don't these posts sound just a bit ridiculous?