Why does he hate running?
Why does he hate running?
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just look at him lmao
Because he's a dumb-dumb.
All other trainers and programs will prescribe some sort of cardio.
Rippetoe always argues that runnings ruins your knees, which might be true for marathon runners, but for someone with a good pair of shoes, LISS running will be fine.
Starting Strength is a great program. Rippetoe is an idiot.
Anything that interferes with squats gets DROPPED.
Who? This is a zoomer body image issue discussion forum now.
because he's an obese sack of shit
Because he's retarded literal cuck with a great idea of a basic strength program and understanding of the mechanics of oly lifts, but that's about it.
"Stronger people are harder to kill"
Yeah, they're easier to catch too if they can't run 5 feet, dumbass. Do your cardio for heart and endurance gains; fitness is not just about strength, anons.
>fitness is not just about strength, anons
It's the old school mentality. Squats and deadlifts will destroy knees too if you use bad form, or never deload. Same with running. If you haven't ran in a long time and or are overweight, gotta ease into it. Running also requires deload periods once in a while to let connective tissue repair and microfractures in bones heal. This prevents shin splints, or worse.
Who can run faster
>the guy who squats 1xBW
>the guy who squats 3xBW
Running is literally the most dangerous and worst activity you can do. Studies show that weight training gives you the cardiovascular benefits of running without the long term deterioration of the joints.
There's literally zero reason to ever run.
>not posting the superior version
Depends. Who trains running? Who trains running better? Someone else who trains both adequately will likely beat both of them at lifting and running. Once you get to extremes it's a different story. Specialization kicks in. World's fastest sprinter or longest distance runner won't be achieving top levels of strength. Strongest lifter won't be winning marathons or track meets
The one who runs more
Running sucks ass
I prefer swimming or the stairmaster, maybe a nice hike in the forest
Neither of them has run at all in the last five years
But it feels useful, and the feeling in your head is different from the sensation you get rowing or on the elliptical.
Would running 5k daily really be detrimental long term?
Being able to run really fast for a brief period is much more useful than being able to run for a long time
Honestly still depends. 3x bodyweight lifter if he's 300 lbs lifting 900 and the other is just untrained 150, the 150 lb guy could actually run better. How far? How long? Sprint or a mile+? You see my point is this shit isn't so straightforward. But let's just say both are 150. One can lift 450 the other just 150. My money is on the stronger guy
>feels useful
Things that feel good don't mean they're necessarily good. The long term deterioration of your joints from running won't feel good. It's s trade off between short term and long term rewards.
Most runners are skinny so it lessens the impact on their joints. No men with significant amounts of muscle should really be running for long periods of time. Your physique isn't functional for that type of exercise.
5k daily is a bit much. Would you deadlift 70 to 85% of your max daily for full sets/ reps? Overtraining happens to runners too. 5k daily means you probably aren't pushing for top speed. At some point you're just wasting time and building injuries
But assuming I don't have the energy to do sprints with adequate tension in my kinetic chain after lifting, is there any detriment to expect from non competitive jogging while I watch the news in the gym?
Yeah I meant same bodyweight, my bad
Guess I'll just go to the rowing machine then.
In few years I assume if this is not closed down I'll be shitposting, so if I develop injuries in my knees, hips or lower back you'll read my complaint.
All else being equal, definitely the stronger guy every time.
Don't have it, I was looking for it myself but the thread I found this in was taken down
If your heart can't squirt nutrients down your limbs, then you'll never be truly fit. Strong, maybe, but you'll get tired fast, and strength without endurance is a complete waste of time.
My friend is a 'cardio is for women' guy, and while he's very strong, he can't walk up stairs without gasping for breath and his injuries last for ages, because his heart can't shoot blood to his extremities the same way mine can, and I just do 15 mins cardio before lifting.
A mile a day wont kill you, but as you get older your joints and especially your back will start taking more of a beating. Swimming is a really good alternative.
He's a strength coach,that is his selling service. Why would some who specialises in getting people's squat, bench, press and deadlift up in the fastest and most efficient manner care about running?
If you want to run or do cardio cool, there's plenty of programs that specialise in that.
It's almost as bad as the mongs who complain they don't look like a bodybuilder after drinking a gallon of milk a day with a 400lb squat. Rip doesn't give a shit about abs, or cardio, he only cares about your squat. Which is fine, don't buy into a service and complain you didn't receive a different result to the one advertised, you fucking retards.
Because it fucks with recovery and it's only good for getting better at running while strength can carry over to anything. Also doctors keep telling people to stop lifting weights and run instead.
He's not against conditioning he just thinks novices shouldn't fucking worry about it. He likes prowlers but he thinks time should be dedicated to squats which carry over to prowlers anyway. Lift a rock 100 times until it gets easy or get stronger so the rock is easier to lift in the first place.
If you're a babyweight novice your limiting factor isn't how far you can run.
Do your cardio after lifting
holy fuck this thread. we are LITERALLY built to run. Dont run on the fucking pavement or treadmill go to the woods. if you get bad knees still you are an obese american who cant even walk a mile without collapsing and should immeadiatly kill yourself.
>built to run
That's blacks. Whites have wide hips and big brains and were built to survive winter.
>you dont need endurance as an european hunter gatherer
I'm sure chimps regularly run for fun.
they dont need to because they run anyway. if you lived in the woods you wouldnt either. YOU sit in your shit job all day, in your shit car all day, in front your Computer all day and think doing 5 sets of 5 makes that all good. if you dont have at least a bit of endurance you are worthles and only strong in the gym.
Humans developed weapons so they wouldn't need to run. Are you a lion or something?
running shoes make your knees get destroyed faster. The only thing that will destroy your knees is your weight. You should not be running if you are over 170 lbs full stop
a 5k isn't long. your 5k race pace will feel really fast
lol that's retarded. 5k daily is fine for someone running for health, but way, way too little for someone who seriously trains.
Not him, but by that logic even strength training is pointless, because no amount of strength can stand up to even some of our most primary weapons, like bows or pistols.
Chimps aren't humans either. Their muscle and metabolism works differently, it's apples to oranges.
Cardio isn't about being able to run far or fast, it's about improving the condition of your circulatory system. The ability of the heart to shoot blood around your body. With greater muscle mass, a stronger heart is needed to push nutrients and blood into all that muscle. Without cardio, you'll be able to lift a lot, but not for very long, and your recovery will take longer.
lol chimps can't run
>Would running 5k daily really be detrimental long term?
No, it wouldn't. Serious runners put more mileage per week than you would doing 5k a day and they don't get injured doing it. Hell, amature boxers put more miles on per week and their knees are fine. Regular running will strengthen your joints and tendons along with your heart so long as you do it with decent form. It's really good to have a aerobic base for basically all physical activity. Your running base is going to be especially useful when you need to cut weight, Arnold ran 5-8 miles a day during his cut for the movie Stay Hungry.
Running is one of the most natural movements for a human to perform, of course it's going to feel good for you to do. The very notion that running is in any way dangerous is a modern one.
real weapons were only invented relativly late. the only weapons that had an effect on natural selection were spears and clubs. you still have to get close and track your prey. hunting was a shit ton of walking with some running at the end. if your knees were so fragile you would just starve.
a) average couch potato has enough cardiovascular capacity to run at a high level but lacks mitochondria in leg muscles to utilize oxygen in the blood
b) liss is a shit way to build up mitochondria because excessive oxidation in muscles destroys them and most runners have no idea what they're doing, mitochondria are built via easy interval training, e.g. run uphill until you feel the burn, walk for a bit, run uphill until the burn again, do it 3x a day every day for 2 months and you've maximized your mitochondrial capacity
c) mitochondria are quick to build up and quick to die off, myofibrils aka muscles are slow to build up and slow to lose, you can get in awesome running shape in literal two months if you have the muscles already
d) you can't train both for myofibril increase and mitochondria increase at the same time unless you roid because the processes by which these things are built compete for the same resources (hormones)
top tier athletes train for technique and size during the year and couple of months before the event they start working on mitochondrial density and cut down on anything that causes oxidation, for example sparrings can be as short as 30 seconds then a break follows
>No men with significant amounts of muscle should really be running for long periods of time. Your physique isn't functional for that type of exercise.
Congrats you accidentally stumbled on the fact that carrying a lot of muscle isn't actually healthy without realizing it
>What is litreally everyone in the military
What a fucking cop out excuse.
You can lift heavy and run. If you're not making 4 miles in 30min or less, you're a failure, doesn't matter how heavy you lift.
>thinking you can build any sort of aerobic base in less than 6 months let alone 2 months
>thinking LISS doesn't need to be at least 80% of the work to build any sort of real endurance and fitness
>people still believe that running will ruin your knees meme
>We did not find an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis among the runners. Our observations suggest, within the limits of our study, that long-duration, high-mileage running need not be associated with premature degenerative joint disease in the lower extremities.
>a lifetime of long distance running at mileage levels comparable to those of recreational runners today is not associated with premature osteoarthrosis in the joints of the lower extremities
>Long-distance running might even have a protective effect against joint degeneration
>Long-distance running among healthy older individuals was not associated with accelerated radiographic OA. These data raise the possibility that severe OA may not be more common among runners.
>The presence of radiographic hip OA and the progression of radiographic knee OA was similar for older runners and nonrunners.
He’s a lazy racist
Post body
He's too fat to run
And here is Jow Forums, giving advice on something that they have zero knowledge of while repeating the same, debunked old memes because they are afraid of actual cardio.
>This is what 56% retards actually believe
go and search google
even running websites have started catching up
this article is still 20 years late, the info i gave you is legit but you won't find it on the web, and idgaf about running so details might not be exact.
idk how you came to the conclusion that aerobic base cannot be built in 6 months, that's just wrong.
>b...b...but post body
The sign someone has been btfo because "muh aesthetics" is the only thing he has.
>Seriously citing Runner's World
this is literally how shit works in the body
every statement i gave you is factual information on how body works
this is not memes from retarded fitness sites or books
this is experimental data
but you're too dumb too consider it, which is okay, if i saw the info i have now here i wouldn't give it a moment of consideration either
I’m still waiting dyel twink. You can pony up or keep deflecting
>retarded post
>retarded girl
checks out huh
One of the most ill informed posts I've seen since harsh left Jow Forums
Did you even read the article you cited? It even states that the results are so insignificant that it doesn't even matter. Even then, mitochondrial count is only a small part of the equation. Aerobic base is literally the biggest part. All running training plans include it fir a reason.
>total volume of distance run in training was a strong predictor
of performance scores; indeed, just the total volume of training
itself explained up to 59% of performance score variability
between athletes
>The main training contributor to the total distance run during
the athlete’s careers was the easy runs, accounting for approxi-
mately two-thirds of each 2-year accumulated total. Previous
studies on training intensity distribution in elite-standard endur-
ance sports similarly stated that most training is performed at low
intensities (28,36).
Tl;dr--volume trumps intensity.
>still focusing on "muh aesethics"
Thanks research guy. I knew you would come along eventually.
Lmao ok nvm, don’t post body. We know you look like shit now
>Tl;dr--volume trumps intensity
not that user but desu it's the same for lifting as well. People that can't handle higher volume at moderate intensity are generally just beginners but as you get stronger you have to do higher volume to improve or mix it up with high volume moderate intensity days and low volume high intensity days which is the same shit as with running.
Lmao okay nvm, we know you don't know what you are talking about and have been btfo since asethetics is the oy thing you have to fall back on.
>mix it up with high volume moderate intensity days
The research by Dr. Phil Maffetone proves that wrong. The best runners stay in zone 1-2 80% of the time, which is low intensity. Kipchoge did not get his 2:01 marathon by doing mostly moderate running.
>OA is the only form of knee damage
>ignoring the point
The most commonly cited reason people say they don't run is because it causes premature breakdown and arthritis in the knees. The other injuries like ligament and tendon injuries are a result of muscle imbalances and overuse. It's people blaming the exercise like usual instead of their ego by going too fast too often or too much volume when their muscles are not at that level yet. It's the same when people ego lift. It's not the exercise--it's the person.
The point wasn't missed; you didn't support it with broad evidence.
If that's what you want to say, so be it considering it's the most common injury and it's heavily linked too much intensity and volume prior to the body being ready for it. I guess your one statement outweighs all the evidence.
"arthritis in the knees"
Is this medical arthritis, or colloquial arthritis (aka my knees are fucked).
The studies cited focused on Osteoarthritis, which is the wear-and-tear type arthritis.
Super long distances yes
Anyway within 30mins is a necessity to stay healthy
Not talking about the studies. People avoid running, in part, to avoid knee damage and the impaired mobility resulting therefrom. Studies focusing on OA ignore this.
What it comes down to is this: how can one get fit without long term damage? If it requires a very special set of circumstances (you have to run/train my way...) to avoid injury, then the relative risk for injury will drive a person's choice of regimen. Thick manlets excel in lifting, lanklets at running; this isn't a surprise. One's body will determine the relative risk of an exercise, as will the tolerated margin of error for the exercise.
>Studies show that weight training gives you the cardiovascular benefits of running without the long term deterioration of the joints.
It literally doesn't. They have different effects on the heart, Rippetoe has stated this in his own article.
LISS also increases telomere length, which has a major impact on reducing disease as you get older.
Lmao u mad bro? I guess I would be too if I had your physique
Because runners are all 140 pound DYELs. People who lift should not run, period. And muscle mass / strength correlated much more with longevity than running does.
It's better to be bigger and stronger than to have more endurance. All of the studies show this. Period.
Ssshhh you might hurt all the baby bitch dyels’ Feelings
>Because runners are all 140 pound DYELs.
They aren't? Pic related.
The only factor that determines your weight is the amount of calories you eat.
>It's better to be bigger and stronger than to have more endurance. All of the studies show this. Period.
They don't though.
running fucking sucks, feels like shit, and won't get you bigger (even smaller since it's aerobic and catabolic - if you don't watch your calories)
all in all - running is for fucken faggets. I guess its good for your health but its still faggy
Strength is more correlated with longevity than cardiovascular fitness.
Muscular strength as a strong predictor of mortality: A narrative review
Muscular strength was inversely and independently associated with all-cause mortality even after adjusting for several confounders including the levels of physical activity or even cardiorespiratory fitness.
>Strength is more correlated with longevity than cardiovascular fitness.
Correlation isn't causation. Pic related is an actual correlation
I posted studies that show a mechanism, meaning the method of action by which running increases longevity in a way that strength training does not. Your study doesn't have that.
Not as fast as your 800m pace, and being able to run balls-out for nearly a kilometer is way more useful IRL than any amount of 5K-ing.
>muh telomeres
Telomeres don't prevent your knees from crippling arthritis. What a retard.
Quints won't protect you from getting stronger bones as a result of adaptations to stress
running is the worst form of conditioning by far
Anyone have advice for someone with exercise induced asthma? Last time I did cardio for about 30 minutes I couldn't recover for a few hours.
Bones get stronger from barbell training
Running creates way more microfractures in the shins than strength training, or other forms of cardio. The reason people think it causes injury is because they don't take time off to let the microfractures heal back stronger.
>Because runners are all 140 pound DYELs
I guess Arnold, Zane and all the golden age bodybuilders were dyels. Every single one of them ran and was fit enough to run 6 miles every day if they needed to while on a cut.
Do LISS if you have the time for it
stop running on your heels with large padded shoes. Your weight has less impact.
6 miles a day is running addiction
tl;dw, cardio for general health is usually sufficiently trained by weight lifting.
(13:20) for relevant time