Minimalist RPT training

Do people really see results from minimalist RPT training as prescribed by Martin Berkhan (and ripped off by kinobody). I'm shocked at how low volume it is, with 2 compounds per session only 3 times a week. This shit has lower volume AND FREQUENCY than SS.

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kinobody superhero program actually has 2x/week frequency with moderate volume

the thing here is, you need more volume when you don't train near maximum intensity and you need more frequency to have more volume without spending a day in the gym or being unable to perform due to fatigue

I cut with "strength and fulness" routine of kinobody and didn't lose muscle mass, in fact minimalist RPT training is fucking king in maintaing mass and strength during a cut
I did bulk on a 4 day split I made for myself though with some high frequency like 3x/week(7 sets of biceps spread through 3 days, could've just done them in 2 desu) so there's that
I will bulk later this august on his superhero as soon as I get fat adapted (keto) and post here

How did your bf% vary in those phases?
Are you satisfied with how you look?

from ~15% to 10%
I did most of my cut on my own designed 4 day split though, on the kino one I was already close to 10% but it was pretty neat because I work as a barman, sometimes from midday to midnight and then come home around 1am to have my dinner and walk the dogs so it gave less frequency, less volume which meant less days in the gym and less time as well, but I do push intensity to the max until I can no longer perform a rep without failing, sometimes I even bring it to failure.

I mean, just give it a try.
According to Menno Henselmanns, you can reach your muscle potential it just might take a bit longer than optimising everything for perfect volume, frequency and what not.

What are you thoughts on Greg not programming rows?

He does cable rows and iirc has done barbell rows, at least in his instagram.
they’re not necessary aesthetic wise
you get a vertical pull with chins/pulls and a horizontal pull with cable rows

Post the routine faggot.
this is a template, but you get the idea

Directly from the page about RPT:

>It is not sustainable and will eventually cease to provide enough training stress to drive progression.
Meaning, this is something to try for a short period if you want to train more intensely/closer to your maxes. He acknowledges that, and then goes on to suggest a 5x5 routine, which still doesn't really have an ideal bodypart frequency.

I prefer 1.5-2x per week for each bodypart, or 3x if you're varying intensity of load and effort and volume, like Heavy/Medium/Light programs such as Texas Method.

Yes Ive personally made decent progress with it. Was a big improvement from 0 progress with a typical bro split

those are not martins work
Ive read his book

he tells you to add a 4th day similar to wednaday iirc on saturdy when bulking if u please
look up george castlerock on youtube
also does the same minimalist training and is jacked

recent study showed 5-10sets/ muscle group superior to 15-20

>recent study showed 5-10sets/ muscle group superior to 15-20
Do you have the study?

Is that per 5-10 sets per week? How many reps per set/what intensity of 1RM? Were these previously trained individuals or newcomers? There are way too many variables in just saying 5-10 sets is superior.

>recent study showed 5-10sets/ muscle group superior to 15-20

Nevermind, found it
Barbalho, M et. al Evidence of a Ceiling Effect for Training Volume in Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength in Trained Men – Less is More?

My boy Lyle McDonald did a review of this study on his website bodyrecomposition, first article on the page.

Barbalho et. al
That's per week but also PER SESSION, since each muscle group was trained only once a week. If anything, it shows there is a maximal amount of productive volume in a SINGLE session, but does not answer if the same effect would occur if the volume was spread throughout the week (current literature sugests it wouldn't)

forgot to answer: trained subjects performing 10 reps in every exercise.

it is true, im at work so cant fully engage in the topic
but it also comes to show you dont need absurd amounts of volume if intensity is high, mcdonald is a cunt but he’s right on his lifting knowledge and he conpletely shit on mike israetel

desu try for yourself, lower volume will just take you a bit longer to achieve your muscle potential at worse as said by high frequency fan henselmanns
I personally prefer pushing myself to thr max each workout than leaving a few reps in reserve so I can hit the same muscle the next day or two
But if bulking just do 2x/week frequency, go to volafile/r/fit and get kinobodyupdated.rar, you ll see his superhero program goes in line with this
plus if youre really doing high intensity, 2x/week is more than enough to grow and hit PR’s, also his advice on myo reps/rest pause for shoulders is fucking spot on, makes your shoulders blow up
when cutting though, 1x/week is enough and makes cutting a breeze while going up or maintaining strength

Sport science is a really dumb field. It is so trivially obvious what brings the greatest effect in terms of frequency/volume, but people will do their hardest to misrepresent the data as much as possible. Frequency is irrelevant when volume is equated, but this assumes that the volume which is worked is recovered from without impeding progress. Or in other words: spreading out your sets over the week is still a good idea, because you will be able to recover more quickly and have more power in a single session, leading to you to be able to do more volume overall. There is in fact a discussion by Greg Nuckols who lays this out quite nicely:

We know you don't need insane amounts of sets, 10 working sets per week per muscle group being well enough to stimulate sufficient muscle growth is well established. There however is still a positive relationship with more volume up to around 16–20 sets. Israetel is pretty in line with the research here for the most part, except his volume recommendations are pretty high relatively speaking, perhaps because of the audience he is talking to (i.e. not novice lifters who need more recovery time, but advanced lifters who might well be roiding).

To be fair, Israetel just talks about estimations of how volume someone can do and recover. He talks repeatedly about how the thing that really matter is individual, so you shouldn't just try to hit a number you saw on youtube and instead try to find how much is optimal FOR YOU

That is true but you cannot do 15-20sets per muscle per week if youre working at high intensity at more advanced weights, you will not be able to progress properly

its missleading to think in terms of the total amount of sets vs the quality of sets and/or effective reps. a one rest-paused set of 3 to 4 clusters with each one going to failure will yield more ffective reps than 5x10 with 60% 1rm. reverse pyramid has you going balls to the wall on neach set with relatively heavy weights so you accumulate a lot of quality reps. his split is great on leangains cut or recomp and all his clients at least maintain their strength, as you progress and/if you decide to bulk you will have to increase the volume. if you follow martin's instagram he does far more than the bare bones routine he outlines in the book, which comes without saying considering how advanced he is.

That is true but you cannot do 15-20sets per muscle per week if youre working at high intensity at more advanced weights, you will not be able to progress properly, not if youre a normal human bean with a job and other responsabilities and not roiding
I do encourage everyone to experiment a few months on low volume and high volume, low and high frequency and see what works or not for you and your life schedule

I remember berkhan posting on how he was gonna test high volume and frequency but that was ages ago and he never made a blog post about it, maybe its in his patreon but I aint paying for that

thats how myo reps/sets/ rest pause wtv its called works wonders
your reps are quality reps, when youre doing 3x12 only the last few reps “count”

Does anyone here have Berkhan's patreon bulking routine?

bump for this

Is there any research on myo reps and how they fit into the general sets per week equation?

borge fagerli book on myo reps has info on the subject iirc not sure if I saved it to my computer
check volafile/r/fit

This is not fully understood yet. Even Mike Israetel says it's "unquantifiable volume" though he programs them periodically. Metabolite training unlocks new hypetrophy pathways but the body adapts quickly (roughly a month), so you should use it in alternating muscles and preferably on isolation exercises (which cause low impact on recovery)

check out volafile

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