Fucking roastie keeps singing on the treadmill. I’ve seen her several times now. I told her to stop singing...

Fucking roastie keeps singing on the treadmill. I’ve seen her several times now. I told her to stop singing. And she continues to sing. Am I right telling management? I yelled at her so loud I’m a little ashamed the whole gym heard me. She continued to sing. I went next to her and said dude stop singing and she’s still singing.

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have sex

Kek deal with it lardass

Pls respond before she leaves.
And no I’m not going to have sex because I’ve been yelled at before in this shithole of a country. I am tired of it all.

>I yelled at her so loud I’m a little ashamed the whole gym heard me.

why do people lie so much on Jow Forums?

lmao have sex incel

OP is too dumb to buy noise cancelling headphones lmao

I swear to god I did. The music even stopped. I even considered apologizing because lmao beta. I guess I’m kind of glad she kept singing anyway. I kind of glared at her. Is this something worth telling management or is this just spilling my spaghetti?

I know this is fake but you are beta for not slapping her after gym

once made up girl in my head she kept saying lots of stuff like i love you, you are pretty, you make me feel good. Then it took different turn and she started to hate me. Yelling at me saying she dont want to exist. Few months later she went silent and then started to scream very loudly. It gave me tinitus. Had to release her from my mind or she would kill me.

I took a photo of her. I hope this shames her enough.

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Record her and link us.
She sounds mentally challenged.. like legit retarded.. and the others might be giving her some slack because of it?

there is lots of asians around. You chink?

Seems like she's leaving?

record her singing

Does your sister not need to shower but your mom made you shower and she has braided hair?

If it's a gook roastie, don't bother. They're often infinitely stubborn, and also she might be singing for alien incomprehensible reasons. She would likely continue even if you beat her up right there.

>Asian woman being annoying

checks out

No you idiot. The sister didn't have to take a shower, and he didn't either, since he had no plans that day and his mother ruined it.

I’m femcel gym is my only happy place
I still hear her
I don’t wanna be banned from this gym. It’s the only 24h one in this area (fuck walking distance)
Yeah I only considered that after I yelled at her and kind of felt bad

I’m American born chink, I autistically yelled at her in English and then broken Chinese. I kind of hoped by yelling in two languages it would be taken more seriously.
Fuck Chinese people

Lmao you're smiling like a naughty boy!

Lmao nigga just wear headphones

>tfw when no based chinkbro to conduct thot patrols with

why are there so many chinks in your gym, does it serve free dogs?

I had a black roastie come up and tell me I was being too loud on the treadmill (running at a speed of 8) and I was disturbing the whole gym with my footsteps and the actual machine.

Should I be ashamed?

Tell management whatever you want. It's your right. Better to tell management then get into a confrontation and possibly get kicked out.


should have told her that youre gonna stop if she gives you her number

>I autistically yelled at her in English and then broken Chinese.
Doesn't matter who's right and wrong here, you already turned yourself into "that chink". Stop sucking so much dick, get some noise cancelling earphones and ignore idiots around you.

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Just buy some comfy earphones/headphones and play your own music.

Fuck off back to the couch fatty. Disgusting lardasses like you aren't even human.

It's a gym not a library. cope

btw being upset and uptight all the time shows you cant cope with the world which is the least attractive quality a man can have

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>people wont do what I want them to do
>wtf why wont people LISTEN TO ME

have sex

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I wish I could

bash her head in with a barbell

It China.
This has happened to me which is why I wanna yell. Why should she be happy?
I already confronted her tho I probably shouldn’t have yelled 5 treadmills away from her.
I have $300 BOSE “noise canceling” (not active) sports headphones I can still hear her -> I was 5 treadmills away and can still hear her. I can’t wear clunky actual noise canceling headphones while on the treadmill.
Yeah I realize I lost my cool now.

Why in the fucking world would you even care? There was some big goofy bastard who was singing to himself a few times at my gym as he lifted. I, and I'm sure a few other people too, noticed and probably thought it was a bit weird, but you know what everyone did? Kept their headphones in and kept doing their fucking workout, cause he wasn't actually bothering anybody. Why would you yell at someone over such stupid bullshit, good god, even I'm not this autistic. Literally who cares what anyone else is doing at the gym as long as they aren't directly bothering you?

>I went next to her and said dude stop singing
That reminds me of the time this roastie came to me saying I had taken her machine because she left her cellphone near it and went tu chat with her friends far away. I nervously replied "ok man I'll just do one set". Why did I say "man" to a girl? I'm so fucking autistic. Probably a result of almost never having talked to girls in high school and only ever calling my male friends by "man" or "dude" so it came out by reflex

I know that feel. I literally just talk to girls the same exact way as I talk to guys. Which sounds like the right way to go about shit at first and, in some cases, it works out well. But other times it makes for some very sloppy spaghetti spillage.

If it was any other time or in the US i wouldnt. I have had ENOUGH. I get yelled at home I get yelled at at the gym. The neighbor downstairs says I’m too loud, I spend hundreds of yuan trying to soundproof my room. I walk too loud. I move the chair too loud. I wear socks and it’s still too loud. I go to the fucking bathroom and it’s too loud. Finally I decided fuck it I’ll go to the gym if I can’t stay at home. I start running and a guy started yelling at me why the fuck I’m running at 2AM. I can’t go at home I can’t go to the gym. So it probably has nothing to do with her. I am sick to shit of being yelled at all the time. Chinks can’t into logic. Why can’t neighbor buy a $8 yuan earplugs?

1989 Tiananmen Square Protests


Who the FUCK builds an apartment over a 24h gym? Or who the fuck builds a gym under an apartment? What’s the point of a 24h gym if you can’t workout 24h? So I have to walk 4 hours for the equivalent of a 1 hour run. I have had ENOUGH.

Fucking neighbor downstairs wants me to install carpet. I spend $700 yuan ($100 USD) on a chair I can’t use because it’s STILL too loud. I start using the computer room instead of the bedroom to do my work (my bed is above his) and he says it’s too loud. Before you say just sleep earlier I do. I tried 5 different sleeping pills and I still can’t change my schedule. I finally bought a baseball bat because guns are illegal in China the next time he fucking comes upstairs to yell at me. Sorry for rant. That is why I have had ENOUGH. why should she get to run and not be yelled at?

Whats your fucking problem? Let the lass sing

stop caring about some other chinks griping
if they complain about you walking in socks tell them to stop being a little bitch

Just unplug her treadmill or speed it up to 10. Or get headphones and stop being a fag

>unplug or speed up her treadmill

Best response so far. Please film it next time, OP.

have sex

Chinks are crazy.