>What do you mean, "The natural hypergamy of women that no longer has any societal stigma or boundaries due to changing taboos and birth control and Tinder leaves many genetically unattractive men, a large percentage of the population on the order of 20 %, without the remotest chance of sexual intercourse or relationships"?!!! BRO, we can all make it! Own it bro! Believe in yourself!
What do you mean...
have sex incel
Have suicide
have children tranny
>have sex
The faggot response.
I don't get this. I can somehow periodically manage to have sex with women, nobody else has an excuse not to be able.
Defatism: The post
>leaves many genetically unattractive men, a large percentage of the population on the order of 20 %, without the remotest chance of sexual intercourse
good. that means men are evolving faster. get over yourself incel
> women are easy whores
> women don't have sex with me :(
What did he mean by this
But most of those who are not selected are high iq
And most of those who fuck are retards
women are having sex with everyone but him
You ever notice how the bottom 2% of men think they are the bottom 20%, or even 80%?
only with the top 10% for free
and for people like you, it is a money deal, whether it is direct or not it doesn't matter
i'm an indian IT guy
Have you kindly done the needful today?
>indian IT guy
>high IQ
This fallacy again.
wojak posters are the most retarded of them all
it is pathetic how you can't disprove my point, but just imply that it is wrong by using a childish meme
inb4 another brainlet wojak meme from a zoomer retard
I'm sure that a white faggot who cleans toilets like you is quite smart
>Nobody likes me and it's because of my intellect
If you want to get technical, then I suppose the bottom 2% is included in 20 and 80, so they're not exactly wrong
The jannies leave this thread up, baka
>high iq
>can't figure out how to talk to girls
Know what I've never seen?
Code written by an Indian.
Know what I do see daily?
Support tickets logged by some scriptmonkey from Bangalore Upstairs Technical College™
sorry for your loss
I have more friends that you do
Because it isn't about talking with them. If you aren't attractive the conversation will die down very fast, or even worse she will just avoid and ignore you.
Historically, it's 30%. And nobody cares about relationships, it's reproduction that matters.
>too brilliant to outwit retards
Women don't like you because you are fat, egotistical, childish and jealous.
>Jow Forums - Fitness
You are making quite a lot of erroneous assumptions based on prejudice and projection fren.
Could you perhaps post bodywith timestamp?
That's nice Jow Forums.
How long have you been working on your body?
How many women have you asked out again?
Hell how many tinder sloots have you swiped on?
High EQ > High IQ.
It's pseudo-intellectual as fuck to go on about IQ and insinuate you're intelligent when you can't even achieve what absolute retards can.
Tinder isn't real life. When you talk to women in person, the game changes completely and it's no longer based on your appearance.
Ugly and poor people have sex all the time. Haven't you ever been to a trailer park? Where do you think Jow Forumstards are made? From the stork?
The Beta Male paradigm has been usurped and women are running wild. Beta males are too weak to physically and emotionally dominate women and steer their growth, so women will revert to their baser nature. The Age of Chad has begun anew. Take the self improvement pill if you wish for your bloodline to survive my friends, dark days ahead.
This, I'm actually pretty sure ugly poor people have way more kids than attractive rich people.
Why are the r9kfags always indians. You're really blackpilling me on race here.
Have you tried dating indian women?
>Where do you think Jow Forumstards are made? From the stork?
Sex doesn't require intelligence user.
Dogs fuck bitches, are they smart?
Most red-necks and nig nogs reproduce, but they have no intelligence or empathy or social skills or anything beyond looks and money.
They are nothing more than animals who imitate words and simulate other human traits superficially, to be quite frank.
man, do any of you guys remember Eggman? Wonder what happened to him
why does Jow Forums feel the need to come here?
and why does our moderating team allow them in?
the eternal questions
>Ugly and poor people
This only applies to women
In a way humanity is reaching a natural primal stage where females far outnumber males (like a pride of lions)
>tfw 34 year old khv
what am i going to do with my life?
well well, look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy german car
>Why are the r9kfags always indians.
I live in the west, and the few indian girls who live here are all dating white Chads or white rich guys.
inb4 the poltard tells me to go back
I'm more likelly to fulfill my economical potential here.
black chicks seem fun
>short, brown, funny accent
Women find this combination repulsive, it's no wonder they've relied on arranged marriages for millenia
>Dogs fuck bitches, are they smart?
That's not sex worth the name or you'd get a dog to fuck you.
>Most red-necks and nig nogs reproduce, but they have no intelligence or empathy or social skills or anything beyond looks and money.
Many rednecks have intelligence and empathy, many nogs have empathy and social skills in-group. This is just regular ol' prejudice like what people feel about dweeby r9k indians going on about how great they are and how physical reality is oppressing them.
>They are nothing more than animals who imitate words and simulate other human traits superficially, to be quite frank.
This coming from someone who buys into r9k spiels of all things. I bet I could find tons more intelligent people scouring through the opiate-laden trailer parks of the midwest and they wouldn't be as fucking uppity about their personal failures to boot.
Why are you on fit if you’re not trying to make it?
trying to bring the rest of us down
crab bucket
the usual r9k M.O.
I have seen you posting here the same issues for years.
If you have tried approaching women and dating apps. You should just take the black pill, surgerymaxx, and if that doesn't work just ldar while going for white prostitutes. Well atleast that is my plan.
Soon western societies will collapse due to the internal inconsistencies in they value structures and a lack of understanding of female nature.
>Where do you think Jow Forumstards are made?
Dug out of the soil of mothe EVROPA of course