Why don’t we utilize human milk more?

It’s the most natural milk for us to drink and yet only babies get to benefit from it. Why doesn’t someone start a company that pays women for their milk and then sells it by the gallon or makes human cheese and yogurt?

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Nice digits but to answer your question it's more of a social taboo than anything else. So chances are it isn't going to happen.

There was a company making ice cream from it. But how would it make economic sense? Cows produce a hell of a lot more, and you can't keep women in a pen for milking so you've got a logistical issue along with health and safety needing to be established. You're able to get some for private use but there's no sensible way to do it commercially.

Just say “use”

First it was some guy asking if it's possible to butt chug his post workout shake and now this. Good threads today everybody keep it up.

>you can't keep women in a pen for milking

not with that attitude user

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I'd pay $5 an hour to suck milk straight from the tit of a THICC PREGO BRAPPER haha

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Don't know but if I ever have a kid I will suck on one breast while my son sucks on the other

No other drink is as nutritious as breast milk since it has DHA and ARA

Because humans aren't supposed to keep drinking milk after infancy.
Cow milk made sense back when food was scarce. Since food is so plentiful now, it makes zero sense to keep consuming milk.

Milk is for babies.

Cow milk is by far the best bulking food

Based and milkpilled

>t.Kentucky citizen

I'd pay $100 for an hour desu.

What does breast milk taste like?

>you can't keep women in a pen for milking
God I wish you could.

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where do I get buffalo milk?

Why would you want to? It's relatively low in protein and high in carbohydrates and fat.

I've actually been wondering about it for years desu

accidentally drank some once, not as good as you'd imagine. Very watery.

Pretty fucking bad honestly. Watered down blood mixed with a little milk.

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It's super popular in India. Just search Water Buffalo milk I'm sure you can find some.

Drink formula milk perhaps?

Accidentally grabbed a some from my mom's friend who was pumping. It was sweet.











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Yeah, it bulks your tits with all that mammalian estrogen

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Just raid the milkroom

Because cows can be factory farmed for milk, women can’t no matter how much you wish otherwise.

There actually has been a few companies that have tried OP. There's also places that give out milk to mothers who need it. But depending on what state you live in there are some laws against it because it leans into human trafficking and selling "body parts"

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It's too adjacent to maternity, women must simulate men goy.

Its high in saturated fat, which isn't a bad thing. But not a good macro comp for lean body muscle mass.

I've heard buffalo meat, at least grass fed is incredibly lean.

>grain and corn fed is just trash

Human milk consumption bad
Foreskin skin products good

god i wish that were me


God, I wish you're being ironic.


Correct, user.

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to suck on big succulent titties

Total fucking bullshit. My wife just birthed my fourth child last week and is breastfeeding the baby. She had a clogged duct today and I sucked on her boob and massaged the duct until the clog cleared (it was very painful, she cried). I literally just did this like 15 minutes ago. Breastmilk doesn't taste bad at all. It is watery, and kind of sweet. When you clear a clogged duct it is a little salty. Not bad.

They do have companies that do this and they are shitty as fuck. What they do is prey on the altruism and gullibility of nursing mothers. They ask moms to pump and save and donate their breastmilk to help poor underprivileged babies, or premies, or whatever. Then they sell it to hospitals, NICUs, etc for hundreds of dollars an ounce, which gets jacked up even more when the hospital charges it to insurance companies. It's a fucking scam. The women who take the time to pump (it takes forever to fill a bottle) and freeze their milk don't get anything. And some fucking piece of shit makes all the money.

>implying I dont already

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It would take a woman several weeks to pump a gallon if she did it for several hours each day.

Because we have to deal with women whom for some reason we gave rights a century ago and can't just force them to produce mass quantities like we do cows. When we do get women producing they usually want an average of $2 per fl oz, so just for a gallon you'll be paying nearly $300.

It isn't all that great. I've nursed boobs before. Your jaw gets tired after a few minutes. It's more of a chore than anything. You suck and suck then your mouth fills up and you have to swallow and it's kind of tricky to breathe and not choke. I've done it out of necessity when my wife has been separated from a baby hiking, or biking or something and her breasts became engorged.

If it was good for him than it is good enough for me.

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>It would take a woman several weeks to pump a gallon if she did it for several hours each day.
>we're not going to change that with genetic engineering

Got any more titty sucking stories? For research purposes only of course.

It's not economic. There's only so much breast milk a woman can produce, and it would be very expensive. A woman I knew, who was heavy lactating brapper would product 10 fl. oz / day, and it took her an hour to pump. If you paid her minimum wage JUST to pump, you are looking at $95-$100/gallon. You'd have to pay more than min wage for this to be economically viable (you do NOT want to drink the breast milk of women who turned to pumping as a last resort).

To give you an idea (I have a severe lactation fetish), on several different occasions I've paid $250-$300/hr to suck tits.

Diamonds thinking about this.

Jesus Christ man

>I've done it out of necessity when my wife has been separated from a baby hiking, or biking or something and her breasts became engorged.
fuck why is that so hot?
I told my wife im gonna try it when she has our first, and it's gonna immediately be a hard yes or hard no. Ill either love it or be weirded out, no middle ground

>Accidentally grabbed a some from my mom's friend who was pumping. It was sweet.
How do you accidentally grab breast milk?
Are you a fucking retarded piece of shit who's going to win a Darwin award some day, eating and drinking literally anything near you, without paying any mind to what it is?
Or were they weird fucks who put their breast milk into regular milk containers and fooled you?

Missoula Farmers Market is my only guess

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I want to try some but I don't know where to get it and my brother's wife refused to give me any when she was lactating.

>and my brother's wife refused to give me any when she was lactating
wait, you asked her? What was her reaction to that, and how did you even broach the subject.
"hey, sister-in-law, could I borrow just a few millilitres of your boob milk please?"

I want to suck mommy's milkies straight from the jug

I told her that I wanted some if she ever has any extra since she would pump it and save it and she laughed as if I was joking.

Bought or directed straight from the source?
Im gonna get my gf to start milking when we move in. Gotta get that GOMAD!

Pic related.

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Kek going through this right now

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