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Fitness #513
Post your routine, other people rate
I'm 6'2". what will i look like if i hit 1/2/3/4 at low bf%?
Can't lift away the brown eyes
What body fat percentage is this?
Who can beat him in a debate honestly? i don't see anyone
Thought a girl was different
Have to stop lifting cause I’m working 70 hours a week at construction
Which one would you faggots pick?
What hobbies do you guys have aside from lifting?
What does Jow Forums think of this?
People you thought were strong before you started lifting
>finally benching 1pl8
Why even lift when women don’t care about muscles anymore?
Is chicken breast the most based food in the world?
Manlet masterace
I think women are stronger than men
Wtf do tall people really do this?
Trump considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy
Does Jow Forums use any apps?
People that are literally you
I can do 2 one arm push ups and 4 pull ups
Ask a male nurse anything
What is the verdict on cardio? How often should you do it? Will it shorten my lifespan...
Frank Tufano saw's through the anti humanity globalist agenda
Is Push-Pull-Legs-Off-Repeat The Best Routine?
Wife 36 weeks pregnant
Motivation thread?
Is milk really based? I’m planning on drinking at least a quart a day for gains
Natty cope
I'm on day 2 of taking ashwaganda what can I expect?
I think im gonna take the zincpill
Anyone have any experience with DNP? About to order some
I'm being told I'm "fucking stupid" because I'm doing CiCo below my BMR...
Be honest
Martial Arts faggotry
You don’t neglect your dental health do you, Jow Forums? Teeth gains are just as important as muscle gains
Which swim stroke is best for aesthetics?
What can I replace bench press with?
Can you handle her Jow Forums?
Is it possible to be Jow Forums and left leaning?
Bye mini the dog
My mom just bought me these saying "girls don't like rough hands", what do
/plg/ powerbloating general
Explain this
How do I unlock Oliva mode?
Forearm thread
Redpill me on weightloss
Why is my poop always runny? I take fiber supplement ( metamucil)
I hope you guys have been making facial / skin gains
This has to be the saddest and weakest shit I have ever seen in my life
When will Larry Wheels stop skipping leg dayy?
How do you lose this much size in 3 years natty while still making PRs?
I fucking HATE boiled chicken
Can someone give me a quick rundown as to whether yoga is bullshit or not?
How do i split my personality so when one personality gets exhausted from lifting the other personality can take over...
Pushups or shut-up X2
Is it even worth trying with a body like this?
Is there really a relation between fapping and hair loss/slow hair growth on head and beard...
The bear would win
How aesthetic is this body out of 10?
What are the best exercises for hamstrings?
Who do you train for?
Will I lose any weight by fasting for three days?
What was your starting routine Jow Forums?
If Jow Forums was an animal, what animal would you be?
Have any of you anons blew out your back while lifting? If so what did it take for you to recover...
I just want to be super thin and hang out with my thin bros
Who was in the wrong here?
Girls look ugly without makeup, prove me wrong
Itt post how long your current dry spell is, how long you've been consistently lifting...
How the FUCK am I supposed to consume 155g of protein a day!...
It's another tinder thot that after matching with me wont reply to my "Hi" episode
What are the best supplements for radiant, beautiful skin?
Is the end of the white man?
No FPH? Fat People Hate Thread
Have you ever wondered why Australians are such Chads?
Fun ways to do cardio
Tfw C cups
Are gymcels attractive to women?
Oh Jow Forums, don't be silly, you don't need to go to the gym anymore, I love you as you are. Just stay here with me...
Is there any merit to puysiognomy?
How are you holding up, lads?
What gains goblins are stopping you from making it, Jow Forums?
What is some good stuff to eat on cheat week?
How do you dress?
Impressive, very nice. Lets see Paul Allens gains
Female here. I'm fairly skinny except for this part of my stomach which I don't like. From the side it looks even worse...
/foreskin restoration/
Are you ready, Jow Forums?
Qt pajeet teen with some dairy cow milkers smiled at me as she put her stuff down next to me in an empty area in the...
Redpill me on vaping, should I quit?
So what little known things actually ruin your gains?
Is this quick recovery shit normal
Zyzz would be 40 today
Reminder it is impossible to lose weight
Past months have been rough, and i lost motivation
Rip larry wheels
19 and balding
What drugs reduce estrogen
Carbs = very bad
What country are you from Jow Forums just interested?
Get fit
What mode is this?
Besides onion, garlic, ginger and zinc what else is essential for natural testmaxxing
I've been going to the gym for 7 months. I go 3 times a week and I go for runs 5 times a week...
I have no libido
Is protein powder a low quality source of protein?
/fat/ - Nightwalk Edition
Starting strength 3 months
What's the cheapest meat to buy?
Anyone ever run a cycle of Clomid just to see if it would boost natural test after coming off it?
Missing out of brain gains
How do I force myself to wake up and get up early?
How many eggs can i eat each day? they're fucking cheap and good calories
What's the biggest fitness mistake you've ever made?
"Aesthetics" homosexual bodybuilding TW*NKS are not welcome on this board. This board is for BLOAT lords only
She just told me "I've been talking to someone"
How is my squat form?
What does Jow Forums think of these asses?
Taken from r/DyingToBeFat
Asked gym thot out today
Do you think she's chubby?
Hey Jow Forums, what's this guy's name again? I forgot
It's ok to eat this on a Sunday, right? R-right?
Dom was right
Need advice to become fit please
Best row variant?
ITT: Fictional characters who inspire you to get Jow Forums
Got my dick sucked today
Is it normal to look back at your old physique and cringe?(Ik i still have a long way to go)
Been regular at a gym for about 6 months making sickening progress day by day
What does Jow Forums think of this guy?
One of the fastest and most powerful fighters in history
I cant even do a 3 plate ohp.. Am i Failure?
Who is your JoBro Jow Forums?
There are literally people on this board right now
Is she fat or fit?
Going to thailand for vacation. How do i maintain my keto diet, the country has alot of rice and noodles dishes
Whats the point of being Jow Forums if i become pussy whipped and a softie the moment a girl says she loves me
Look I get that you guys hate fat people, but you DO at least use weight-neutral language around children right?
How do I reach this physique?
What are you suppose to do when you notice a girl miring you? What's a failsafe way to start a normal interaction?
Vibrational frequency
Redpill me on boomer strength why are untrained boomers so strong?
Any keto/carnivore people on Jow Forums actually have success stories?
Weakling transformations
Cut or bulk?
Post your choice of pre workout
Why are "muscles" seen as gay in Asia?
See gf's phone unlocked
Nofap Day 8
Thanks brehs
Is this realistically attainable within a year?
Grappling for self defence - bjj vs judo
First time in gym
Anyone else have the issue where putting on muscle or mass makes them look fucking old?
ITT: People That look like shit despite being Jow Forums
Are you ready for the beach? Did you cut enough?
How the FUCK do I cure premature ejaculation?
Post some ways to increase grip strength
Are any nootropics worthwhile or are they all bullshit?
The best response to "have sex" is something like "post your address and I'll come over". Change my mind
CBT - Skinny Jeans, Big Dreams Edition
Redpill me on mitral valve prolapse and heart enlargement
Any looksmax tips to have hunter eyes?
Why don't you do oly?
Wake up with energy, feel great
I'm 29 and weak as fuck thanks to being a sedentary shut in...
Do you see anyone in your gym that only does meme exercises?
More muscular i get
Is 6 inches enough for these bitches in 2019?
Why are zoomers anti fitness?
Repeat after me:
Claim your wheyfu /fit
What is the most based body part and why is it shoulders?
If women don’t fuck you it means you look like shit and act autistic too...
Is marijuana part of your fitness routine?
Redpill me on the ketogenic diet
MOGGED thread
Body Building?
Have you ever ended up in hospital because lifting too much?
Donairs are the absolute best bulking food, prove me wrong
Just count calories bro!
Ask a guy who just edged for 6 hours anything
What am I supposed to do with this thing...
Eat carbs
Motivational scenarios in the gym
I've been cutting weight for the past couple weeks and even though I'm at a really low Cal intake right now (1500) I...
How often do you drink? What’s your beverage of choice? How REKT do you get when you drink on average?
Do I still follow the sticky link () if I'm an obese faggot? Talking 5'9 320lbs...
What's Jow Forums snacking on tonight
Besides the body hair, you dudes think there is any discernable difference between these physiques? Also...
Jow Forums comics or art
What do you do when youre a Broke Student with no gym or equipment but want to get in shape??
What the fuck did I do wrong
Having this thread again
Proof that you're only supposed to be on SS for, at most, 9 months. Please stop being retards
"Hold up user, Imma stop you right there...
Post brutal mogs
What song plays on your last set?
Walk into gym
Why don't the vast majority of asian girls like guys with muscle?
Never skip personality day
Does fit freeball?
Hi Jow Forums, I have something of a problem with a friend of mine...
How has getting fit/lifting bettered your dating/sex life?
Facial gains thread
How do I convince my stupid girlfriend that going to gym won't turn her into pic related?
Lifting music thread
/plg/ Powerlifting General
These guys pull up to the club and slap your girls ass wyd???
Can we all agree 1/2/3/4 is way fucking wrong imo
I finally approached that girl at the gym today boys
Have i made it by normie standards?
How much happier are you now compared to the time before you started lifting?
What are some good overear headphones for working out. Pic related are my favorite headphones, my go to pair
Achievable natty?
What type of body do I have?
What sort of exercises would this go well with? All I got atm
Is pic related the best protein powder or just a meme?
I want everybody on the surface of the planet to drink a gallon of milk a day
This guy benches 2.5 times his BW, takes 0 supplements, and just eats normal meals his wife makes
Flex for us user
Im going clubbing today should i bring my protein shakes ?
Standing Full Nelson Training
New boxer tips?
What makes the Balkanic people so tall and big?What are they even doing to be that big in frame...
No matter how many times I deload I can't seem to get my bench above 130 lb. what am I doing wrong
NoPorn thread
What is the best fitness channel on youtube?
Are there any SSRIs/SNRIs that aren't shit...
How aggressive are you when you cut? Over a three week period, for example...
No gf to cuddle with
Let's see whats on the menu today boys
What do you fellow retards think of my scuffed workout
Is lifting weights just a meme? I thought it made people more attractive
Name the Gym
Lifting heavy as fuck in the gym
Fit Brag/Mire Thread
Don't eat carbs, ever. If you have anything non-organic or if you eat a farmed fish you'll die instantly...
Jow Forums Redpills
If a girl says she owes you coffee or a dinner for helping her with something, it means she's interested, right...
Going on vacay in the next two weeks, the country is full of rice and noodles dish, how do i maintain my diet?
Claim 6'0
2 weeks on SS
What do we do about asian dyel problem? They avoid other gym regulars, barely greets anyone...
The only reason I want to get big is to fuck muscular bitches
Shut the fuck up degenerate vegans slaves
What is socially considered physically attractive?
Will braps boost my test levels?
How much should a man be able to pull up ?
Lifts for strength only
Whoever made that thread about drinking protein shake thinking of a futa forcing them to drink their cum...
A serving
Best kind of shirt to hide gyno?
How do i get to 200lbs at 6’3 without eating 3500+ calories a day?
How did the "have sex" reply come about? Feels like it was formulated by some focusort group of discord trannies
How can I get this shredded?
Are calisthenics overrated?
Jow Forums webm thread
How's the struggle against your vices going lads? Post victories big or small
I am a weak as shit 18y/o skinny fat (pic related) who just started a month ago, and wants to mainly lose fat...
General consensus on nuts?
Have Sex
What should I do next if I can 30 pushups?
What exactly makes you a gymcel?
How do I eat enough fat on keto to bulk? I've tried drinking butter but it makes me feel sick
Is it bad that I eat almost a full container of these over the course of a day...
Any advice for INTP lifters?
I can now bench press 3 plate...
/fast/ #460 - goodnight sleep edition
Alright Jow Forums how do I keep my GF? She's a 6'5 blonde 8 years younger than me and clearly out of my fucking league...
Help a fellow femanon out
Can't lift away the brown eyes
SS hate thread
Why are (You) lifting?
What are some Jow Forums approved dog races?
Manlets, how do you feel about being automatically mogged by literally everyone you encounter?
ITT post your faces and provide feedback to fellow Jow Forums bros
Whats wrong with my body?!
How are you holding up Jow Forums?
Nicotine and appetite
Make girl tinder
How do you guys deal with a hyper-sexual girlfriend?
Call me dumb but I'm trying to prevent my bones from growing anymore
Tell me about all the times the size of your muscles have gotten you laid
Memed into trying keto diet
Planks good for getting some definition for core, or are they just a waste of time?
Has anyone commented on your gains?
What do you eat for breakfast?
Push up thread. Last 2 digits is the amount you gotta do. Trips doubles your last 2 numbers
How do I incorporate olympic weightlifts into my routine?
Deadlift 220kg
Mass Gainers
How fit do you have to be to get White women if you're Asian, Jow Forums?
Girls dont care about leg day, only homos do
Hi, I’m back, Jow Forums. :3
Can you please stop slamming the weights we're trying to stream here
Is 6 inches enough for these thots in 2019?
Well bros, just lost my job at the gym. What the hell do i do now?
What caused you to get Jow Forums in the first place?
Things normies say
Return of a lost newfag
How do you lift through a depression?
What do during rest at gym
8 days of NOFAP and NOPORN
He still thinks eggs are good for you
Did this happen to anyone else? Is Jow Forums a meme?
Why haven't you gotten your woman pregnant?
Are there any benefits from doing pole dancing??
What’s the best way to show off you body on tinder? Just cbt mode or should it be more candid...
Guys i need to do 20 pushups to be admitted to police force here where i live. now i can do only 15...
So tomorrow i'll go to the gym for the first time, any tips?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
High test thread
Well Jow Forums? Explain yourselves. There are all the Onions you forced down my throat
Be me
Not fit enough to run more than 1k, still get shin splints. how do i fix this?
What are you doing tonight after the gym Jow Forums?
Any of you cowards in the 612, Minneapolis areas wanna fight? I don't care if you are black, white, a woman, or a child...
How long are your workouts Jow Forums?
Progress thread
Friday Night Feels
Claims to be natty
Fattie here. Is it shameful that I put all my finances in my dads hands...
Is there any reason not to take steroids?
Was keto the biggest meme of 2019?
So i heard you were talking shit
How to get wider shoulders
Is hiking good for legs?
Fuck powerlifters, holy shit
Can you get arms like this naturally?
ITT: songs you listen to while being an animal in gym
Mil/fit/ Thread
Reminder that this is achievable naturally after 3 years of hard work and you don’t need to pin ass
You have his body for 24 hrs Jow Forums, what do you do?
This sunday
Go to the gym to better yourself
Nofap day 0
Guys like this maul every weightlifter
Does one rep max build muscle?
Hello Jow Forums since this joining this board I've been obsessed with my puffy nipples...
Are protein-shakes placebo?
Would making chad cry would be considered making it?
How much do i have to lift to get rid of the constant desire to tongue and stick my face in a big fat black ass?
Anybody else see ultimate gains the next day after consuming chocolate shakes...
Old Jow Forumsizen popping back in. Haven't frequented this board since 2010-2013...
CBT - Flex edition
Let's have one of these
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Do i stretch before or after a session? and which ones should i be dpoing
Bros I don't think I can do this anymore. I offered to help some cardio bunny today at the gym and got flipped out on
Is Conor McGregor considered skinny?
Hey guys, hows my form?
PYR - Post Your Routine Thread
Copper Chad here. I still remember you glass and stainless steel incels thinking I would get sick from this...
Do you ever stretch after lifting?
2 Month Progress Pics
Looking for apps to track my lifts
GF getting fat
Chad thread
He is back!
Solitary fitness
Lately you've been hearing more and more proof of vegan being the superior much healthier lifestyle...
Not taking the fish pill
What would happen if I did this?
What the FUCK am i doing
Why was Zyzz so popular and had such a huge impact on the fitness community?
Don't bother bettering yourself unless you have the face of a male model and tower over shaq
Name a more iconic lift
How do i gain weight as a skelly? I ea two bowls of lentil soup every day, 5 eggs, tvp slices of rye bread...
How do I make my dog more muscular?
I have done a fair bit of grappling and kickboxing and although I am 5'8 170lbs I feel very confident around bigger...
How big would you wanna be if physiology wasn't an issue?
Does it look like I have gyno??
How useful are the snatch and clean for strength and body development
Soyboy Exercises
Do women think manlets have bigger dicks?
Arnold vs Meat
How do i cope with not being tall...
Tfw obese between 20 and 27
Cheat meals and kryptonites
No amount of lifting will help my big hips and small waist
I want to join the military when I'm done with high school so I have a year left to get in shape...
Are carbs just empty calories?
Men have an age wall
The great debate
How much do I have to lift to stop hating myself?
Mfw train alone for +10
>He doesn't know about the least effective meme exercises for your muscles
/plg/ powerlifting general
I found myself a black girlfriend 9 months after my divorce. Did I make it?
Big Lenny back in the hospital again
Beta cucks in the gym
ITT: lanklets getting mogged
Am i balding
Redpill me on modern practices that are actually bad for you. LED lights, shampoo, pharmaceuticals, rubber-soled shoes...
Protip for nofap noobs
Health questions. Since almost 2 years those fuckers won't get rid of my face, tried dozen of creams and so on...
Name a better forearms exercise
I'm a civil engineer who works with pre-k special needs kids at a church on the weekends
It’s great that you’re lifting, user. More importantly, do you keep the planet clean by avoiding CO2 production...
How the fuck does this shit taste so good and yet have zero (0) calories. What's the catch?
Carnivore dietiers are mentally ill
Next superfood?
How is fitness culture and muscular bodies perceived in different parts of the world?
How tf do I keep running?
Is kombucha a meme drink, or are the benefits legit? If so, how often should I house one of these bad boys?
When waking up an hour too early is it better to just rise up and be done with it or to go back to sleep until the...
Increases test
One of these? One of these
How low do you need to get your body fat to look like this?
Meanwhile, on female Jow Forums
Does anyone care if you’re fit?
Mire thread
When is it socially acceptable to ask a girl for her number...
Serious mass made me gain 1.5 kg in 5 days lmao
How good/bad is to pop a test pill after every workout? I only do it after workouts
Does lifting not really cure autism?
Hi, dumb stinky tranny here
Why is this boards so fucking gay? All you fags do is ogle pictures of other men
Are vitamins even important?
He has done more than any of you could dream of achieving
Fuck you Jow Forums fuck your obsession with milk and squats and oats...
Daily reminder that having a foreskin can increase your risk of getting AIDS a 70%
Am I the only one that gets motivated to get big by thinking about and looking muscular girls?
Poop thread
Ruck Marching
Thoughts on Frank Yang?
Tfw endomorph
Mfw yesterday police and anti-doping agents came to my gym and started testing people for roids and other drugs
If I can handstand pushup does that mean I can OHP my bodyweight?
Jow Forums humor
Did Mac roid?
What's for dinner, Jow Forums?
Always cut!
How do I get a cosplay bod?
Am I the only one who has trouble lifting if you fapped the night before?
Why do you lift?
Best 3 exercises for glutes for men?
Push-Up Thread
At 6'2 I'm pretty much the tallest guy in the room but recently this girl and her boyfriend have been working out at my...
Martins Licis Appreciation Thread
Doctor says i have to quit soda
He counts the bar
Is pineapple the most based fruit?
What's the worst diet / exercise advice you've ever heard seriously given?
Routine Rate General
The bigger you get the smaller you peen gets. No matter how hard you try and compensate
The cute girl saw my erection while I was benching
Should i listen to the doctor who specializes in weight loss?
Quick question:
Can a fat person be Jow Forums?
Eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight
Gym Social Experiment
To all the people who do this ... Why? explain it to me
How can a broad shoulder tranny with a big ribcage get a body like pic rel?
What is the easiest way to lose weight if money is no object?
What do you guys eat for breakfast?
NoFap is so goddamn hard bros
I love my ghost town gym :)
/fitlit/ fiction edition
Give me advice on my muscles
How do I make this same transformation without doing MMA and how long will it take?
Upper body strength
Drink milk
What would you focus on to improve this physique?
How often do you consume kale & spinach?
Whats the secret to waling up ealry in the morning?
Does anybody else pray before their set? It might sound strange, but anytime I do this...
Let me get this calorie bullshit straight
How long will it take for me to become remotely attractive body-wise...
Realistically speaking would the average modern male who goes to gym 3 times a week have a chance against a viking ag...
Tfw haven't trained legs in months
How to increase punching power?
Take the redpill Bois. Lift all you want this skinny guy is going to score more than you
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
Why do you lift, Jow Forums?
Roast me
User can you please massage my muscles? i just got a very tiring workout
Home Gym
Jow Forums hairstyles
We have all been on bad dates Jow Forums
What is worst in life?
Can we all agree lifting is BORING?
Man, girls are really the ultimate gains goblin. Not just your muscle gains but your gains in life too
Is there a way to train your ability to not get knocked the fuck out...
Girl friend (not girlfriend) sends pics of stomach and ass
Any fighters here who have experience with brain damage?
How can I get my gf to go to the gym and take care of herself?
Lifting has made me spiritual and now religion is beginning to make a lot of sense
So this is the giga chad, what is the Stacey (girl) equivalent?
Why vegans don't get all their animal protein from eggs?
What should I do if I end up fighting with someone bigger and stronger than me and can't escape...
Things normies say:
Come Get Your Programs Rated
If SS is so dogshit
Why the fuck does spidertwink have a body like this but the voice/face of a teenager?
Best Facial Skincare Routine
Has your commitment to fitness ever ruined a relationship?
Stop watching porn
Bulk or cut
Its too hot bros
Is this man a physical prodigy?
>Boogie will never lose the wei-
Just ate 8 (eight) kinder buenos in one sitting
Is your fish oil rancid Jow Forums ?
What's with very strong guys who have barely any visible muscle?
Is this the most based exercise?
Doctor confirmed today that I have scurvy...
If Jow Forums were to have a superpower, what would it be?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Should I just buy a power rack?
Starting Strength
Jannies are really really working hard on getting a bad name as hard as possible
What steps should I take to achieve a waistline like this?
Should I use assisted machine for chin/pull ups. Or just do bad form negatives untill I learn normal?
Pls no bully. So i did my first set of deadlifts today...
Deviated septum and nasal inflammation operation
/fat/ - Söy Edition
Describe your goal body in only one (1) word
Orthodox fasting
Natty goals
Is it really THAT bad to not workout legs/skip leg day? All people really care about is upper body anyways
Whats 1/2/3/4
Is a standing desk any good?
What do you do on rest days?
ITT: We wish Jow Forums‘s queen a happy 30th birthday
What are the rules for fucking fat girls?
Bug Protein
The mindset of being content with being fat
How can we get more women into getting muscular?
I've made faster gains following his advice over the last 2 months, as a natty...
6 days nofap and noporn
Is Steven can make it so can you. No more excuses
You can do it too Jow Forums !
Is testosterone from
I can't stop fucking farting
Why do yall waste so much money on a gym memebership
Hi, Jow Forums...
I listen to sad Naruto soundtracks on a rainfall background while I lift
If you don't hate yourself
Two weeks of water fasting, these are the results
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
That guy thread
Front squats
Whomst here /picklepilled/?
What's the best intermediate program; Texas Method or Madcow?
Strong urge to fap
How is this infant so swole?
Squat bad
Kryptonite thread
How can you eat this disgusting shit
Is $150 a month too much for a gym membership...
Go ahead, drink (((it)))
Has this board recovered from the vantablackpill last night?
Feels thread
Be me
Why do you keep lifting user?
Anyone here that was extremely skinny and got fit? I'd like to hear your stories bros, how your lives changed...
Got a bunch of little bitches like these running around my gym this summer. How do you deal with them?
What does Jow Forums think of MMA training?
Run run as fast as you can
Deadlift grip
"Hop on user, what are so afraid of??"
Try anal with my gf
Balding general - last hope edition
Is vegangain_s natty? Does he uses steroids?
What's the ideal body fat level for maximum facial aesthetics? How low is too low?
Do women appreciate a man with a nice set of buns?
Can i lose 20 lbs by just eating salad and nothing else?
Weighted dips
How does one achieve Bateman mode?
Hahahaha I laugh at all you guys doing SS. Becoming fat fridge mode
Chinup Thread
Help out a newfag
/fast/ #459 - Triggered Edition
What weight and rep range do you do skullcrushers?
Why do only girls do this? Do guys not need the ass gains?
Post realistic achievable and natty goal bodies
Can't lift away the brown eyes
How do you cope with hairloss?
Woman height fraud all the time
What animes or shows should I watch to supplement my spirit when I'm not lifting...
Goal Physique
Is it wrong to wear a tank to the gym if i'm dyel?
How the hell you burn the belly fat???
What’s a good, low calorie way of making a bowl of broccoli taste nice?
Why do you lift?
F 19
Have you taken the gatorpill yet, Jow Forums?
You're competing in a game where people who are born superior to you have far better results. It's a rigged game...
Lads it's so fucking hot
Black guys have started making this face at me as I walk past them
Reminder to focus on longevity and prioritarize health in your journey to fitness
Why do f*tties even bother lifting
The new king of Jow Forums
Women think this guy has great arms
No-fap survey
Can I get some songs for low motivation days?
Varicocele General
Well, Jow Forums, which one do you choose?
How Do Volleyball Players Get perfectly THICC Bodies?
He has to come off at some point
FUPA - going from 30 to 15% BF
What's the best glutemaxxing strategy?
He lifts for 3DPD whores
Jow Forums ideals template
Lol its just water weight
Tell us about your gym twink
Tfw 18 and have gone through my whole life barely brushing my teeth since 12 years old and still have no cavities...
How important is protein powder? I thought it's just used for easy supplementation of protein...
What type of body does she have?
Is PPL and bulking a good combination...
I have the feeling lifting will fuck up my body in the long run. Mostly the back. Is it something inevitable...
Something might not be right with my body. Im 6'5, 75kg, spaghetti arms and legs and i still have a beer gut...
Are you bigger than a vegan?
What could cause lack of muscle gain in someone who is eating plenty, has high testosterone, and is working out hard?
LOL @ lifting weights for women when it's all about FACE
I'm putting together a team
Going to the smelly (((gym))) when you literally can just buy one of these and start making it in the comfyness of your...
How much weight gain do you guis bulking shoot for a month?
Is your summer body ready for impressing thots on beaches?
Be 6ft tall
Yo is reptilian meat the best one?
Post your least favorite (but necessary) lift...
Fph - denial edition
Anti Routine
How do I achieve this bicep mass?
Can we get swole with pea or soi protein
What's your favorite flavor
All I eat every day is a main, big meal of rice, chicken and vegetables...
Whats the next best thing after spinach once the ban it?
How do i get the fedor physique?
Doc says I have eczema. But nothing will work to get rid of it except a steroid that does further damage to my skin
Why y'all on here to get fit to get laid?
Trap here
Tfw rejected a qt at the bar the other night
No matter how tall or strong you are. You aren't stronger than a bullet flying at faster than the speed of sound
How true is this image lads?
Why are fat people like this under so many levels of denial?
/fat/ - plateau forever edition
Anyone else finally willing to admit it IS a problem? Tips on quitting...
Reminder lifting can‘t fix your personality
Post your inspiration for working out
Im in jail, ask anything
Thanks for the postworkout snack, user
Girl wants to hook up tmrw, I've jacked off 8 times in 2 days
Physical Deformity Thread - Post Em
Form check thread
Natty or roided as fuck?
I might have Tetnus Jow Forums, from a tiny cut too
Post-Workout Meal (PWO-M)
I hope you realize only genetic garbage and subhumans roid, Jow Forums
What does it mean to make it?
/fph/ & /fps/
The Deadlift is one of the easiest and most SIMPLE lifts you can do...
Show me your last rep face
Kryptonite thread
How the fuck am I 6ft and still feel like a manlet?
This is why having a high body fat is never worth it, never. If you have over 18% you are wasting your youth and gains...
Finally, manlet lifters will have the chance to rise. Manlets require less calories than a 6'2 250lbs lifter...
Feels and advice thread
Who do you lift for
How do I manipulate a girl into liking me?
So tomorrow is bicep day and all I have to do are curls?
I can leg press 500lbs for 10 reps
How did you guys get over your anxiety to start going to the gym?
For me it's adonis belt
Which one of you was this
Ben Greenfield. Is this guy full of shit, just full of himself...
I did cardio for the first time in forever yesterday and now this part of my leg is really sore...
How fit do you have to be to unironically pull this off?
Swiss bar
Can you guys post the stupidest shit you've ever seen in so I can draw some inspiration for my drawings? Thanks
Tfw you realize the combination of lesser genetics and poor environment has robbed you of your potential body
Why is she such a cunt hammer? Did any on you hear her on Mark Bells podcast? What a prick
Is there any possible way to increase height naturally? Just a single inch is all I ask for
If you could only do 3 exercises for the rest of your life, what would they be?
ITT we post our most hated gains goblins
What routine can I do to get the thickest ass possible while deliberately neglecting exercising anything above the...
Post goal bodies
My gf's body is very similar to pic related
Tell me about your gym nemesis
Dyels you could take in a fight
What do you think of my body?
Peanut powder
Can I still reap the benefits of nofap if I'm busting one in my wife every couple days? Or does it do the same harm?
Do I have to lift for strength to achieve ottermode? Honestly I just want an aesthetic body, not strength per se
Tfw your best days are behind you...
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Is looking at pretty women doing anything good for me like boosting testosterone or is it just harmful dopamine shit
Am I too far gone ? Opinions ?
How do I look like Bezos
How am I doing guys?
What's Jow Forums using for pres
6’2 is the new manlet cutoff
Any fellow fatties/frails/dyels in Massachusetts without much gym experience? Maybe we could become gym buddies?
SS is shit
Fasting for 40 days safe?
Break up with gf
I'm burnt out boys, my lifts have stalled, my weight loss has stalled, my motivation is dead...
Post brutal moggings
How the fuck are you supposed to be getting Jow Forums once you leave to live in dorm again in september...
27 here. Am I balding?
Acquire GF
Stopped squatting for 6 months
Who here enjoys a smoke after a good pump?
I'm not gonna make it frens
Is this board incel central?
Why don’t we utilize human milk more?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship