Acquire GF

>Acquire GF
>She wants to workout with me.
>Go to gym.
>She wants to leave after 30 minutes.
>Next day she wants to come running with me.
>Her pace is so slow I am basically maintaining a warm-up.
>She stops to take photos of flowers and other dumb stuff.

I think I've made a mistake...... I am going to have to tell her that I am not working out with her ever again.

Attached: Couple-workout-image.jpg (750x500, 65K)

incels ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I was in the process of responding to the thread that died for this.
Yes, OP you made a mistake. I hope you pay dearly for it.

Chad here. Don't worry bro, she can come to the gym with me

>She wants to leave after 30 minutes.
tell her no?

>Her pace is so slow I am basically maintaining a warm-up.
Tell her you can't run cardio with her because she's too slow?

>She stops to take photos of flowers and other dumb stuff.
That should be covered by the previous answer.

>slaving away for pussy
Be a fucking man and workout by yourself

She's not invested in the lifestyle enough. If she's never been athletic then just give up, but if she played sports at one point it's just a matter of reinvigorating that love of exercise.

Start showing her girl's workout insta accounts, and she'll get invested in following them. Make some healthy meals with her, and bring her to the gym to actually lift. After 3-4 times she'll get a taste for a pump and then it's just a matter of positively reinforcing her workouts by complimenting her figure now and again.

Worked for my girlfriend.

>GF can outrun me
>GF is pretty petite but somehow got strong and fit lower body
>GF is pretty strong for her size
>GF probably could beat me in 1v1 fight

Should i end it?

Transforming a stable, personable girl into a fitness enthusiast is one of the great joys you can have in modern dating.

Every time she goes to the gym, she's working hard to be hotter. AND when she does see results, she'll thank you and admire you for improving her life.

>Wants to leave gym after 30 minutes
Tell her you're not done

>Slow pace when running
Carry her you pussy

How would you ever lose to a WOMAN lmfao

I have literally never met a female stronger than me and I'm dyel

and shes already petite?


>being this much of a cuck
The only thing I believe about this post is that you are weaker than a random woman. If you aren't shitposting, you have no excuse.

>I think I've made a mistake
Yes, you've been dumb enough to involve her in your hobby and now there's no smooth way to tell her to fuck off.

this lol. I carry my gf on my back and run the length of the beach

She'll thank you, get better options, and fuck the gym rat you've been miring.

I'll have to try this sometime. Shouldn't be too hard, I've jokingly done some squats with her in my arms and it turned out to be a good time.

Do you relate every single aspect of your life to being cucked or is this just a schtick you like to do on Jow Forums to stir the pot?

serious question


That's so cringe I'm surprised people haven't thrown rocks at you

that's almost as bad as couples pullups where you kiss at the top

The only thing a random women have bigger than me is her legs, but never met a girl this fucking strong
Not sure wtf is going on

he's got the prey mentality, like those with eyes on the side of their heads, always on the lookout for some cuckening

This she’s not some delicate flower who cant stand being told her expectations are retarded and if she is then shes a gains goblin anyway.
Take my gf for instance
No seriously take her, im not taking you out to eat anymore Veronica, you are just going to have to put up with my cooking or heaven forbid lift a finger for once in your shitty life and help someone else for a change.

You need to yell loudly at her, women love men who show dominance.
Maybe give her a few slaps if she keeps acting cheeky.
God I wish I had a gf. Filthy whores not lining up to have sex with me fuck them all.

God that's so fucking hot. I'd want my gf to humiliate me and then fuck me dry

But women are retarded
Why would you want to be less active than a retard?

Yeah, you bitch, Veronica--Pull weight.

Unless you support her, she will eventually leave you for someone she has emotional attraction and respect for.

Drop her early to dodge the puddle, bro

30 minutes is all you need for the gym

Ths gu ygets it

Must be pain. I go to the gym to get some rest from my gf. She's cute and all but a man needs alone time. It's like somebody is slowly draining my social batteries. Taking her to the gym with me would kill me.

Nah dude she’ll skip out and fuck someone else who doesn’t obsess over gains or some shit. I fucked a girl who left a guy like you. You stuck with her to make her hot and I get the product of your creation. Thanks man!

t. SS retard

If you hate being around your girlfriend all the time, why date her?

Larping about cuckolding other people is the first step to becoming a cuck. Back to /lookism/ you go, ugly.

She probably just lock-out her arms so you think, hey why cant my biceps win from her biceps?? But she has fucking locked-out ARMS!!

Girls are fucking weak. If she wanna act strong,bitch slap her in her face a few times. Garuanteed she cries like a little bitch.

Learn to read, nigger. I didn't said I hate having her around all the time. It just that sometimes I just need to be alone.

I totally get you. I used to have alot of arguments about how i just wanted to see my gf at the time, less often. She didn't really take it to heart. Every single fucking day for a year i saw her. I went mental sometimes. Luckily i managed to escape.

You guys know what marriage involves, right? It blows my mind that you would date someone who you need to get away from.

Its a good thing that they're not married then autismo

Yeah, but when I'm married I also go to work, so that's at least 8+ hours alone time. But as I'm in the university right now we both have time to regularly hangout basically everyday.

>talking about marrying your girlfriend

yeah that's sure autistic

>tfw no gf

All the girls I've dated have been couch potato gains goblins, though, so I'm not too depressed about it. It's been three months since I dumped my ex and I've started going to the gym again on a regular basis. Will not be getting into another relationship with a slug.

Are you me? Mine just asked to go to the gym with me and got annoyed when I told her she could come and do her own routine while I do mine.
>but user, I want to work out with you!
So long gains

Where? None of them mention marriage they just say gf. You can have a gf and not get married to her, you know that right?

Instead of enjoying quality time with your loved one and teaching her to become fit and improve herself, nah just think about your own gains you narcissistic piece of shit

I had same problem with wife. Whenever we worked out together I ended up coaching her rather than focusing on my own workouts. You have to just give up the idea of getting in a good workout when you're with her. Think of those as bonus rest day sessions to keep yourself warmed up, and a reason to improve your knowledge and confidence in exercise science when you're working with her. This will pay dividends for you in more effective workout programming, injury prevention, and awareness of effective exercise techniques. It will also help to establish you as the leader in the relationship, and get her used to taking direction from you on a physical, visceral level and in a way that gives her an endorphin rush. She will, consciously or not, associate defering to your leadership with feeling good and getting results.

I know that I'm playing up the upsides of the situation, and it's probably not the answer you want to hear, but it's because it's really a matter of making the best of it. It takes a greater time commitment from you but if you rise to the challenge it will pay off.

Not him but it's not about narcissism. Or maybe it is. The point is that it's fucking stupid to unironically train with women, it's a really dumb self own. I would do LISS with gf or but not any kind of training that demanded actual intensity.

I have the opposite problem. Bf wants to join me at the gym but when we go he won't shut the fuck up. Afterwards, he wants fast food.

You date to get married, and even if you don't, after 7+ you're de facto married in a court of law anyways.

Why would you date someone you don't like to be around all the time? It doesn't make sense. That's all I asked you defensive bitch

You've never been in a long term relationship have you? Being with someone you love 24/7 is not a healthy relationship. Both parties need space. You may FEEL like you need to be together all the time but that's just the honeymoon phase. Eventually they will (and you will) do things that annoy the fuck out of each other. Real love starts when you're able to step back and accept their flaws or help them with it but also have time to be your own person. Have your own friends and have your own time.

Holy shit that post was cringe

If your girlfriend/wife "drains your social batteries" she's not the one. Not including your girlfriend in something because you need to get away from her is fucking stupid.

My girlfriend does stuff that annoys me sometimes and I tell her "Can you please stop that's annoying me" and she says "Oh ok yeah no problem didn't even realize I was doing it"

It sounds much healthier to bottle up your frustrations and distract yourself with your cool man cave that she's not allowed in

t. haven't dated a woman for more than 2 years

Not that user but you can be on absolute perfect terms with your SO and still need to be alone some parts of the day. And you absolutely will need to hang out with just your male friends from time to time. There's a fine amount of separation that needs to be maintained, not too much, not too little

Just "exercise," with her on your off days bro.

No one in history has stayed in the same room as their SO 24/7 for their whole lives. You get alone time no matter what. And I'm not advising people to attach themselves at the hip. But telling your girlfriend she can't be included in your hobby because you need to get away from her is self destructive.

Bro just find someone better. One day she's gonna get fat and you'll be stuck with a fat wife while you're chad mode.

NEVER workout with a partner unless they can keep up. Have fun getting rid of your gains goblin GF without offending her

>Believing in "the one"
Wow, I expect this from teenagers that believe in true love fairy tales. Sorry dude, there's no "the one." Way to confirm you've never been in a real relationship or lived with a woman.

>Not including your girlfriend in something because you need to get away from her is fucking stupid.
OP wants to get away from her because she's not being productive. She either needs to shape up and get serious or stay home. OP is trying to better himself and doesn't need someone dragging him down who isn't will to try.

send her videos of mixed wrestling and pegging haha

t. actual retard

t. Retard