>break up with gf >No sex for 2 years >Good looking 6'3" >Match with 8/10 Tinder sloot >Invites me over to her place >Get in bed to watch TV >Try to make move but she just laying there >Leave >Be sad >Next day she snaps pic of desserts with he caption "PMS cravings" >Probably didn't do anything because she was on her period?
She snapped you the next day, of course you are still in
Asher Wright
yes, 1. because she snapped you the next day 2. because she said she had her period, which is kind of personal.
overall, she wouldn't have had her period and you would've fucked if you were 6'4"
Camden Taylor
i dont understand how can she keep lying there while you make a move on her, explain that
did she just kept watching tv in silence while you were trying to kiss her?
Kayden Perry
Actually 6'3.5"
When will I escape this manlet hell.
Kayden Wilson
she felt bad about not doing anything sexual so she implied that she was pms-ing to make sure you don't give up. Whether or not she was actually in pms doesn't matter. She basically apologised to you with that snap.
Xavier Hernandez
you defs have a shot. everyone is nervous when it comes to intimacy and most people don't want to engage on the first round.
Jack Harris
Speaking of Tinder, help me out niggers I might be in but I have no idea how to reply to a horrible opener like that.
Translation: >Are you from Greece? >No, why? >Oh I thought all gods were from there.
why the fuck would she go on a date if she was on her period?
Nah dude, you're her side dick unless she can't find something else. Yer getting cucked.
Jonathan Rodriguez
based she wants the pipe brah
Evan Rodriguez
>>Invites me over to her place >>Get in bed to watch TV My mind cant comprehend such event, were someone invites a stranger not only to their house but to their bed.
Bentley Long
Kevin Harris
Are you under 6'?
Oliver Myers
Nicholas Moore
Say clearly not all gods since she is in the nederlands
Ryder Wood
had to solve 4 captchas for this
Jayden Davis
I don't get it and theres so many questions, and so little information, and somewhere in the area of 97% of dudes are complete faggots when it comes to girls so I just genuinely don't know
Usually, if a girl doesn't fuck on the first day, and you aren't a faggot and don't act like a faggot, she will apologize the next day for being weird and not fuxing, which is what the pms snap essentially was
But at the same time, her rejecting you is a pretty hard thing to come back from, so she pretty much has to be really into you
for ME PERSONALLY, I'd give 0 fucks, and try to get 3 more tinder sloots in the works, and I'd just leave her to message me first. I don't accept rejection in any way, and if you're even slightly being a fucking pain in my ass, I just leave you, and if you hit me up again that's cool, but I'm probably never going to hit you up again unless you express some pretty blatant interest
So that's my advice to you, you already look like a faggot because she shot you down, but she has somewhat apologized for the awkward situation by letting you know she was on her period, leave her be, focus on different girls, and make her hit you up again so that some of your esteem is restored with her before you proceed further.
Adrian James
Because not all girls want to fuck on the first date? Stop only talking with whores
Aaron Martinez
>Because not all girls want to fuck on the first date
>Those times when you get a 50/50 question that can fuck everything up >Do you like country? >Fuck
The worst part is you can never tell if they do or don't based on their looks.
Evan Garcia
Say "For you!" or give her the ol' archaeologist line
Oliver Evans
> pics of desserts
She’s trying to destroy your gains. Honestly, I’d block her number and move on.
Josiah Smith
what a disgusting language
Tyler Murphy
Zeg makker
Dylan Baker
>Dat filename Pic related user? You definitely got a chance, she snapped you to make sure you won't give up.
Chase Taylor
Call her a stupid whore, obviously Then post results
Alexander Bennett
>she wouldn't have had her period and you would've fucked if you were 6'4" You’re a dumbass to think height has anything to do with his communication. An extra inch more or less would not do shit. It’s the way one presents themselves.
Jeremiah Anderson
And why’s that matter?
Aaron Parker
>good looking >no sex for 2 years Yeah nice try bro. You’re a fucking troll. I’m average at best, 6’ and 280 but I fuck a girl AT LEAST every 2 weeks
Kayden Brooks
have sex
Jose Lopez
Triggered manlet detected
Adrian Cruz
Cameron Hughes
Guarantee your girl fucked on the first date with her other fuckbuds and whoever she’s seein on the side. Relationships don’t work without sexual attraction so how about you work on your self
Jason Turner
If you like country and she doesn't and makes a big deal out of it why would you want to fuck her anyways.
I don't see the problem here.
Elijah Martin
Damn, that's a hardcore mire Post body
Eli Rogers
Look I agree women pretty much always fuck on the first date because they are whores. BUT if she is on her period, she probably won't put out but will still want to go on a date to start some sort of connection.
OP is still in 100%.
Thomas Johnson
>doesn't fuck you on her period
she is not into you, period sex is the best, getting blood on your dick is god mode
Jack Lewis
Girls are insecure as fuck, she isn't going to have period sex on the first date..
Carson Thomas
Based chad poster
Noah Lopez
Alexander Harris
>y-you too
Oliver Jones
Fucking girls on their period is based and redpilled
Jaxon Davis
i-is this true?
t. 34 year old khv
Ryan Mitchell
Can't believe anyone would listen to this incel advice
OP stop being a fucking pussy, you say you are good looking 6'3'', but are fucking crying over a fucking tinder thot and literally had no sex for 2 years? It seems to me that you a fucking pathetic piece of shit who is lying to himself, man the fuck up
A girl would 100% have told you she is on her period if you made a move and she rejected the move. I used to be like you, trying to find the reason to why a girl rejected my pathetic ass, i tried to reason and talk to myself like "okay she didn't reject me, she maybe had a bad day" or when a girl didn't text me "oh her phone is maybe gone, but she called me handsome" fucking kek, looking back at that time makes me wanna cringe Thank god i evolved like a a fucking pokemon battling metwo, and now i literally couldn't care less if a girl doesn't text me back or anything, its always on to the next one, and on to the next one
Jackson Stewart
"One of a kind baby"
Ian Jackson
some of those incels have good data when it comes to how whoreish most women are
dont shoot up a sorority or anything but women are constantly getting fucked and chucked by chads
Cameron Long
>Are you from Greece? >No, why? >'cause you look dirty and in debt
Charles Ramirez
Cos she likes attention??? you brain dead or summot.
John Sanchez
nigga i'm 24 if a girl fucks the first night i'm not surprised but i'm also weary. Honestly at my age a girl not fucking right away is a trait i'm looking for
Gabriel Smith
m80 im 24 too and believe it or not ripley but women are also horny and wanna fuck so whats the big deal
Samuel Stewart
>tfw he's trying clap your cheeks from behind but your vagina is literally bubbling with blood and the smell of coins
Are you a virgin? period blood isn't like a fucking waterfall, its very little
Kevin Phillips
It varies.
Hunter Howard
>it's very little not true. it varies on the day and it can be spotting and some days your vagina literally gushes huge clots of blood
Joshua Smith
Not sure, the times i fuck when bleeding i experience a bit of blood on my dick, its not dripping outside and every or anything, the sheets are more or less still clean Guess it depends on which day or some shit
Angel Martin
shut the fuck up projecting nigger
William Barnes
shit what the fuck is PMS? I can only think of pre marital sex
but it could also be post marital sex
what the fuck it's just like that aladeen guy movie
Jaxon Robinson
Hey Jow Forums, basically I'm new to the scene. I'm 6 ft 2 and have a pretty good frame (broad shoulders etc) buy weigh 110kg. I'm lucky in that my frame hides it well and my arms are naturally pretty muscular. So I have never had an issue with body confidence etc. I'd really like to do as much as I can to get fitter tho over the remaining months and am hoping quick results would keep me at it longer and more likely to turn it into my general lifestyle.
My question is if you were to create a plan in terms of diet, supps and recommended workouts for a 30-day "transformation", what would you recommend?
biggest transformation you can do in one month is to stop eating (ie fast). at 110kg you easily can go an entire month without eating a single calorie.
you've spent your entire life getting to exactly where you are now, don't expect to recover from that in one month.