Do I have to lift for strength to achieve ottermode? Honestly I just want an aesthetic body, not strength per se
Do I have to lift for strength to achieve ottermode? Honestly I just want an aesthetic body, not strength per se
just workout your chest and abs. Purely calisthenics and diet.
>I just want to look muscular, I don't want muscles or strength
What a shitty fucking goal body OP.
do you think the guy in the pic can really lift a 50kg cement powder bag from the ground with ease?
based, OP is a faggot
>lifting for women
This is not my goal body, pic rel is more like it
Do i have body dysmorphia because this look like a legit skeleton
how long does it take to get this body?
Why has this specific form of mental retardation become so common lately? OP never said that his image was his goal body. Yet this user projected his ideas onto him, then criticized his own made up fantasy. It's a truly fascinating phenomenon. Has anyone else noticed this becoming more common lately?
2-3 years of consistency, looks like
What a truly retarded question this is. How can you expect anyone to answer without knowing what kind of body you are starting with? You could be 300lbs away, or 30lbs away. You might need to gain fat, or lose fat; gain muscle, or lose muscle. Stop being a retard.
Nigger I could look like that in a few weeks of cutting and fasting. It depends on where you start. You're even dumber than him for answering his question without even knowing where hes starting.
very submissive goals user
post body
post argument
The guy looks like he benches 60kg and OHP 50kg. He’s just ridiculously lean
u first nigger
not OP and started lifting literally yesterday, what is OHP?
ona-hole pillow
overhead press
That was my point here
It's just lean, it's not impressive at all. His body + more fat = totally fucking average, which is what I look like. It's nothing to brag about, so why the fuck anyone finds it hard to beleive is beyond me. Also, I can bench about 90kg and OHP 45kg, so you're not far off at all lol.
Lift but don't bulk. Calisthenics is a trap. You don't just pick up a weight then become Ronnie Coleman overnight.
I would say you should lift and pretty much always be hungry. I’m shooting for the super lean mode too. Trying to bang 18 year olds while I’m still in my 20s.
>Calisthenics is a trap
>don't bulk
>pretty much always be hungry
But lads, I'm skinny as fuck and lose weight easily. How can I maintain the ottermode physique without eating a ton?
Shut the fuck up. Tired of the these holier than thou "lifting is lame just be a dyel!!!" threads.
You'll build muscle quicker and easier with weights since progression is very simple and easy to follow. Calisthenics is just too much like "I don't wanna get bulky :(" cope you hear from women. Every guy I knew doing it was just skinny fat with big forearms, probably following some fake natty on Youtube.
I incorporate it into corework at least so don't get mad at me. If you have a bar and weights available I just think that's a more efficient solution.
>I don't want to workout or eat but still want to be a model!!!!
Just roid then, Jesus you little pussy.
y'all got a routine recommendation to get this body while cutting?
I want to workout and eat. People in this thread are telling not to eat
Eating makes you gain weight. Some of it is fat. Looking at ottermode they are all skinny as fuck and pretty much always starving. You have a small amount of muscle and no fat. So you don’t want to eat a lot and gain muscle/fat.
If you’re skinny as a twig you want to bulk and cut for one year and you’re probably at ottermode. If you’re fat be ready to not eat forever
>4 days of lifting, 2 of which are legs
>very active lifestyle
>3 days for cardio (stair mill, running, swimming row machine etc etc) mixed with fight training
>was on vacation last week so diet sucked but back on it now and pretty strict
Not going to get there being a lazy ass op, and skipping shit
days of lifting, 2 of which are legs
>>very active lifestyle
days for cardio (stair mill, running, swimming row machine etc etc) mixed with fight training
Thank you user.
I'm not going to run through each individual exercise with you, besides I make adjustments every 8 or 12 weeks.
fucking faggot pusscunt gimme routine cuntfuck
Bitch that's twink mode, almost auschwitz mode
fuck me what kind of gap between your abs is this?
Do you know why it's called ottermode?
Swim, you dumb shit.
Kind of wish I didn't have it honestly user, but thanks I guess.
I'm with the other guy, the ab gap makes you look more distinct and powerful. Good look if you ever go into pro fighting.
everytime someone posts cute girls i am dying a little inside
I see you are afflicted with this condition as well. Is it a lack of reading comprehension? No... Your posts don't read quite like replies to any post in the this thread, but rather, to the posts inside of your head. It's as if you read one thing, then immediately substitute hat you read for something vaguely related which you better understand, to cope with that which you do not. One day I hope to understand this behavior, so that we can find a cure for it.