>who do you lift for
Who do you lift for
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What am I supposed to say, Jesus?
want to lift for myself and i tell myself that i am all the time but the feeling of being alone, relationship wise, except when with friends bc i smoke then forget ab it, is just so unbearable at this point. I've made so much progress since when i started but im so much worse mentally.
I lift for myself because my time alone with the weights is the only time I can get away from the feels
For me.
For me, its tomboys
My Mom
Patrician taste
nigga that one in the middle right is literally a boy
kys faggot
same here, she always told me to be the best version of myself possible and u best bet thats smth im going to do
If you don't lift solely for yourself then you'll never make it.
People out there lifting for women, anime bullshit and literal faggots give me a fucking break. I only love myself.
Whats all the Cinnamon Toast Crunch for?
Enjoying women is one way you can show love to yourself
a kinda stupid advice I want to give you is that you can always get a photographer to take you some cool pics to make a good tinder profile with, and get laid. you can easily do it man, your body is already good enough to be mired by normalfags and get free attention if you sell yourself properly
please don't ever use the standard mirror pose or flexing in the beach picture. the best way to show off your body is by getting a candid pic of yourself shirtless doing sports or working on something
I enjoy women I just don't lift for them
4 mai Lancia.
Good man.
I lift in the hopes that someday I'll feel like I'm worthy of living - that I'm not wasting my potential. It's sounds cool when I type it out but really it crushes my soul that I'm not my ideal self.
Based. I'd love to meet a real life tomboy one day
Based and starlordpilled
Only the pole vaulter and the statues are girls here, the rest have metaphysical penises.
Have sex with men
Seriously, she better keep her eyes open, a gym is a dynamic environment and people get hurt all the time
I lift to one day wrestle Him in heaven
You have friends? Nice
Thank you king, very cool
N-no homo
i lift for the voices to stop
What's with that UA hoodie in all those memes?
Should I get one?
This but non ironically.
theyre discontinued. a few anons researched into it in 2017 and found that out
Based and redpilled
it was on offer
This one? Clearly not a boy, none of them are
Rude desu
Thanks bro, based as usual. Good luck with your cut when you start it, you’ll be aesthetic as fuck
Indeed, indeed. Shame they are so rare, at least in western countries. Have met a few when traveling in asia, but I’m not a yellow fever fag so that didn’t really help
I kek’d desu
We'll all make it bro
For the horde you alliance faggot
>wanting a woman to look like a man
>claiming to not be a faggot
what did he mean by this
I meant I want to stick my penis into a qt boyish girl (female) in a very non-homosexual way if you catch my drift
For those who can't and Ahura Mazda
I heard you mazdians can marry close relatives?
>Not wanting to stick your penis into a qt girlish boy (female(male)) in a very non-homosexual way
You will never ever make it my man
For the King.
Would breed those statues
I lift because I was born into this world.
Based and SnKpilled.
This desu.
she was definitely miring that handsome lad, just look at her staring at him, she's literally eyefucking him
My last rep of my heavy deadlift set I pictured myself fucking a trap
breaking his nofap streak and getting back on track I love it.
really, what is the funniest?
>A) The 30 seconds pause between his next re...I mean set
>B) The shaking legs and partial range of motion
>C) that he thinks the turboqt was mirin
it has taste you can see
For myself. I'm not a fag.
>wanting voices to stop
literally npc trying to kill your own soul youre fucking crazy idiot
the voices make me feel bad
based, all the waifu fags in the last thread looked like shit
For my ancestors to make them proud that I'm not a basedboy
can you link the original I want to make my own too
Sodomites don't go to Heaven.
This. When the day of the rope comes I want to be in my best shape to take out the trash.
And women only use makeup for themselves? Yeah, I though so. Fuck off lower.
Women do things for others (makeup), so when a man does things for others it is a feminine trait and therefore makes him a fag.
this man knows that he can just rerack the bar between his singles, right?
Waterhouse grills.
I lift for myself and want to make use of the time I have while I do so I can see how strong I may become. Ever since starting lifting, I feel more discipline in my life and it's helped me discover more of my self worth.
Or any of the pre-raphaelites, really.
Probably the closest I'll ever get to having a reason to post this so fuck it.
korean boys
for you
My People.
>get horrifically dumped and lose all my friends
>become a shut-in, gain close to 80lbs and be a fat unhealthy fuck
>see she's dating someone new, want to kill myself
>realise I can't do it, only way is to keep going is to hate myself more than I hate life
>start lifting again, cutting weight and eating healthy
>lose 40lbs, make new friends
>meet a girl that looks pic related, she tells me she finds me attractive
>still insecure about myself, go on dates but never make a move
>actually go back to hers and cuddle, she's pretty much forcing herself onto my dick and I do nothing
>conversation dies down, she's no longer interested
>go to a party and see her with another guy
>sit on the river drinking, crying and ready to jump in
>fuck this not again, only got 40lbs more to go
>lifts are good, just need to hit goal weight
I'm doing it for her, she's moved on and has made it clear she wants nothing to do with me. Gonna go hermit mode for 2/3 months and come back stronger than ever.
Did a 90 minute cycle today and 140 for 5 on bench. We're all going to make it brothers.
These aren't tomboys. These are just boys. nigga u gay
>made it clear she wants nothing to do with me
That's what you get for rubbing your personal issue onto her and wasting her time. No woman want to date a damaged good. Fix yourself and learn to be on your own before you think about being with a girl
jc leyendecker
For the man i'll be tomorrow
Bottom left is actually a guy. I’ve seen some of his other pics. He for sure is not a girl lmao
Where do you have to go to meet tomboys in real life?
To terrorize other males.
this is why I put a mirror by my bed
I lift in hopes of my body giving out mid-rep, dropping all that weight on my skull and poping it like a watermelon. At least /gif/ will get a few laughs...
Why would you lift for jews?