Feels and advice thread

daily feels, how are you today user?

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started a new life style today. No soda, NoFap, morning exercise 6 times a week and OMAD. Cant tell if my headaches are from the lack of caffeine im use to or how little im eating.

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>was rejected from the army when I was 18 for 'unstable joints' that just popped a lot
>didn't bother me that much at the time
>8 years later, applying to be a national park ranger
>they ask if you've ever been rejected from the military
>apparently it's a nearly insurmountable mark on your record

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Went to the beach with some buddies. No mires from any chicks, but my boys were telling me I'm jacked, shredded, etc. Feels good man.

That sounds great, user. Always ways to self-improvement. Is it a noticeable amount of withdrawal from caffeine? I got headaches constantly from bad posture and craning my neck

>getting memed into nofap

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sounds amazing. in no time you'll be drowning in it :D

so you got rejected from the national park rangers, too? is there any branch of the military you can get into? why not try for private security?

Found out gf cheated on me but i got a 5 pl8 deadlift so things are good i guess

are you looking for any women, or are you out of the game after it? how long was the relationship going on?

I haven't been rejected yet but apparently it's going to be a beast to explain that I was just rejected because I used to sound like popcorn. It'll be a lot of letter writing and getting statements from sports pathologists saying I'm ok, and they might still say no. I only even tried the army because it seemed like a good way to pay for school.

And no, for the most part if you're rejected from one you're rejected from all. It's all centralized.

Just got out of the Army. Curious as to how that would leave a bad taste in employers mouths? Don't ever mention that you attempted to enlist. Only way you'd be fucked is for anything other than Honorable or General discharge. Also, were you booted after meeting the MEPS doctor?

I hope that you can get into the national park rangers, user. just remain confident and hopeful

Had an existential break down today because I realized I dont love or respect myself for some reason. Everything I do is to impress others instead of myself. I was driving all day back and forth between my friends house to check on his dog and my house. But couldnt find a place to calm down. Tried to watch neon genesis on netflix and got pissed at the redub. Found the original , binged the best episodes and the last episode and movie. Got extreme fucking feels. Sat in the sun for like an hour in the middle of the pool on a float chair. Then I cried. Got sunburnt. Went home and bean steak soup my dad made me. Trying to stop caring about a bitch who doesnt care about me. Then I went to the gym and just benched. Then went home at more bean steak soup but this time with some ajvar.

It's just a box on the personal history checklist. I have no idea if it would ever come up on an intensive background check, but I've already told them so it's out of the bag at this point.

It's not so much a bad taste thing, it's just that something like half of all new park rangers are veterans now, since veteran status is gives you like ten points on their hiring algorithm. And yeah I was rejected at MEPS when they heard me clicking away during the duck walk, never bothered chasing a waiver. Never had any joint issues, they're just loud as fuck.

why not read some philosophy, user? why don't you respect yourself?

A year and a half, and no i fuck soulless thots now love is a waste of potential and time

i wasnt memed into it, its not like i jerk off a couple 2 or 3 times a day and I was brainwashed into thinking it would be better if i didnt. I was jerking off 6+ times a day sometimes to the point of my dick getting raw red and sore.

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i was drinking 2 cups of coffee each morning and the only other liquid i take into my body besides the coffee was soda.

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I'm doing alright OP, I'm maintaining cardio but not gymming as hard as I'd like. I'm on holiday from University at the moment so I've been pretty lonely not getting to see anyone I know but I know it'll pass. Hey I've got a question. I often get sad and lonely toward the end of a day after going home. How would I try remedy this?

I guess because I always wanted to fit in but never knew what that meant I really want to meet someone or to be able to attract a girl I like. For the record, through a friend of hers I hear shes no prize either mentally. But damn it feels like absolute fucking shit going to work , then she tries to talk to me , and my communication sucks. all I'm thinking is how to get her to like me , make her laugh , whatever. I'm needy for approval and others sense it, because I dont respect myself at all.

do you ever go out to a coffee shop or do something just to meet people? maybe maintaining relations with someone you can talk to meaningfully, about things you're interested in and curious about.

its natural to crave approval from others, but if you have no self-respect that's an issue. do you know how you can find a clique that you would fit into?

that sounds unhealthy. why not drink water, orange/apple juice, or milk?


I was abused by my father and now I feel like I'm turning into him. Gf is taking the brunt of it. I feel fine, but I also feel like I need help.

First response guy here.
Yeah I'd say I have pretty well meaning relationships with both my boys and my friends from University. I just can't help feeling sad I'm not with both of those groups after 5pm you know? Even if I'm assuredly seeing them the next day. I'm probably just being needy to be honest.

why test, user? why not do more healthy things?

why not give one a quick call, see if they're doing alright?

Don't let it spiral until it's too late and your gf leaves or something man.

ok, I'll let you know how it goes.

drinking only water now, day 1 complete, feels like shit

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It's gonna feel real fucking nice soon though.

Leaving for my vacation. 10 hour bus ride, but with a cute friend(female) so I hope something comes out of it.
Probably gonna lift my alcohol ban for the duration of the vacation too.
On the bad side- I've had a little bit of pinkeye for the last few days and contacts aren't helping at all.

I've been alone for a long time. No gf ever. No matter how hard I try to be genuine. Slowly losing my only few good friends. Everyone has ups and downs , but lately I only feel the drop.

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Everyone around me is in a relationship and I’m single. I’m sick of going out with friends and 7th wheeling. I get matches on tinder and bumble and the like but I’m a sperg and too nice and it doesn’t go anywhere. Went on a date with a girl a few days back but nothing came of it. I’m reading no more me nice guy then gonna move onto models by mark Manson then try to read some redpill pickup game. Honestly at this point itd be cool to turn around and get girls easier. All of this reading takes a long time and I’m depressed in my current state, although I’m more angry than depressed.

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an underage girl keeps insisting I shag her

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just be patient man, you're taking steps in the right direction and it's just a matter of time once you figure things out, or your state of mind settles and things start working

a couple years ago I used to travel a lot with my job. a 24 yo virgin. slayed several brazilians, colombians and the like who I always thought were out of my reach. it's just a matter of state of mind, learning from mistakes, and keeping on pushing things forward

now I'm in a stage where I've gone on FOUR dates with a girl who I really liked but couldn't get the courage to even kiss her, but it's alright. sooner than later I'll feel right and do it, if it doesn't work there'll be another

Definitely caffeine, happens to me too. Should be gone in 2-3 days. Good luck bro.

thank you, user. you are the first person to have given me a meaningful response to my situation.

ok Austin Powers

Old former fat friends keep posting videos of themselves getting ripped at the gym whereas I am still struggling to lose weight

Just mad as fuck as they found new friends later in life to support them whereas I’m all on my own for this

really good, managed to pull a nofap morning, did some yoga, just showered and now I feel better.
My life has been a mess for the past years. I know it's barely much but I feel in control for the first time.
This makes me think that some of you guys may already be well started and ahead in your paths, dont be too harsh on yourselves. A win can feel like a loss and a loss can feel like a win. Right now I feel like a winner and I havent done a lot but still this feel is subjective. Lets keep going lads.

You have us fren

Got a new job. Been there 2 days and my anxiety is acting the Fuck up. Idk what to do. Scared I'm fucking up even though this job is good for me

I took my cut way too fucking long and now I dunno what to do cause I can't lose anymore weight

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I've put on weight and I've got a girl mirin but she has a boyfriend. I told her I wouldn't sleep with her while she was with him and now shes talking about breaking up with him for me.
She seems to be under the illusion that were gonna be in a relationship but I'm just planning on laying some pipe and moving on.

Just remember bros, were all gonna make it

whats the job

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Anyone had experience with braces in your twenties?

I know a guy who's still dealing with them.
Hes also a string bean build and ginger.
Why, what's your problem my dude?

dont forget to take in electrolytes, without them you will jsut deepen your paincave

I'm not feeling great. I've been stuck at the same weight for the past week or so even though I'm eating at a dedicit and working out for 8 hours a day.

I've had that on every new job, think it's normal. A little bit of anxiety is fine and it keeps you on your toes so you don't fuck up from carelessness, just keep it from spiraling downwards.
If it's getting too much and affecting you outside work, do something productive for an hour that is definitely going to help, and then chill for an hour doing nothing. Lets you silence the procrastination nerves because you did something, and lets you unwind for a bit.
It'll stop soon enough, keep going.

I'm so icy I breath out diamond flakes
Colder than outer space full of gold asteroids
recently wiped with baby wipes so no hemroids
eating nothing but the finest in cakes
made of meat like the same kind of pies
filled to the skies with hater eyes
a mild cough it's so frozen
every time I walk by

Is this legal?

Sometimes I wish I could go back to simpler times. Except, now I gotta live with regret for the rest of my life.

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Getting them on in a month eh, have no real clue how they're going to be. For some reason just wanted to type that out more than anything

The door to Plan S is always open

Regret of what, user?

Noticed I have a very, very faint ringing noise in my ears when I lie down for bed. Now I'm terrified of tinnitus so I don't wear headphones at the gym anymore so I have to put up with their god awful playlist.

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Headaches might be to lack of Micronutrients and minerals. You need to either eat more greens that have all kinds of vitamins etc or supplement it. You area basically sweating out everything your body needs and thus you need to refill every day. Had the same problem when I started doing calisthenics every day.

i binged drank this weekend. like friday night, all day saturday and sunday.
it was fun at the time, but now i'm filled with regret. memory loss always ends up giving me crazy anxiety the days that follows. i also feel soft and fat now because i drank so much and didn't lift whatsoever.
i don't know why i keep doing this to myself. every time i drink, i drink myself to oblivion. i also feel depressed for several days to come afterwards.
i think i'll simply drop it altogether. it's not affecting my life positively in any way. but then again, i said the same thing multiple times and always seem to get back on it.

Sad, I don't socialized enough and it's starting to drive me nuts. I don't live in a big city and I have no interest in thots so hard to be motivated.

I'm doing alright despite being into a lot of debt and one exam creeping up that could mean the end of university for me. Instead of learning for it I am doing pretty much anything else, camping, archery, kayaking, sports etc. Just not learning. Even though I like the subject and I really like my class or major or whatever you call it in the states. It just seems pointless, especially when you know how much of what they teach you in uni you need later in the work life (almost 0).

Do what you've gotta do. I binge drank every day for ~3 years like a retard and ended up with a fuged liver and pancreas so now I can't drink ever again otherwise I'll die. On the bright side if I ever want to an hero I just have to drink again.

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Found ex gf pics on my old phone. Cried a little.

You drink alone or at least go out with other people?

always socially. i have no problems abstaining, but when i get started i simply don't stop. i really, really hate that.

>fuck girl
>try to fuck her again
>says she just wants to date and take it slow
>tell her I’m gonna give myself some space Bc I don’t like being led on and played with

She was cute but horribly shallow and I didn’t see a future in it. Miss her and feel kinda lonely

I do the same exact same thing man.
Drink no alcohol for 2 weeks and then when i go out to party with friends i get blackout drunk.
It's like i can discipline myself for long periods off time, but as soon as i get the go ahead from myself that i can drink that day i just drown myself.
Also i think i do it to combat my social anxiety when i go out.

This one hurts real good, I’m right there with you brother.

you know the worst part? is that i actually went out a few times and stayed sober throughout the night. turns out i was able to enjoy myself and come off as a lot more charming.
but then on other times i tell myself i'll only have a few drinks and end up slipping.

like shit op, my wagecuck stress really is getting to me. everyday i think about quitting gym, stop eating completely and sleep all day when i get home.
if i had enough guts, i would go postal on this shit and then kill myself. they say that eventually it gets better but i've been working in this place for 9 months and it never does. fucking 48 hours a week, i feel like i live in here instead of my own house.
i purchased a gaming computer thinking that i would feel better but all i feel when i look at it, is months of constant suffering that i had to be through on this job. what i actually want to do is grab a hammer and destroy it entirely.
christ, i'm desperate for something to happen, everyday feels like a loop . i swear to god that i'm going to do some shit if things continue the way they are. i had a sort of breakdown last month in which i cried for the whole week, fuck sake.
posting this from my job, i hope they find out that i'm messing around my phone instead of working and fire me.
a coworker roastie asked me why i was with sad/angry expression today and i said that i wasn't on the mood to hide it like the other days. she then laughed and said ohhhh thats so sad...
swear that i'm going to stab that bitch on the throat someday. everyone thinks that i'm joking around when i say how tired i am from working, i'm considering to od on caffeine pills just to get locked up on a mental hospital or something.

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why don't you use your time to seek another job?
clearly your job is what's causing your issues and changing would at least help you to put you on a better path.

>walking up to gym
>see sign something about closing for renovations
>ask guy at door if their open
>"yeah they close at 9, plenty of time for me to get my workout in but that'll be cutting it close for a stud like you"
>haha thanks man
The only time I got mires from girls is when I walk out in my scrubs

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Get a different job or stop being a bitch I work and go to school 70 hours a week still have time for gym and gf see friends every other weekend

I cheated on my girl and regret it

i dropped out of high school and i have a few exposed tattoos, my chances of getting a better job is low. the only free time i have is 6 pm til 9 am, after that i have to go back to work
>ur being a bich
>i do moar than u
an answer that i was expecting, nice.

You gave in. It’s what you wanted, so live with it now

user, remember that this is your life and it is slipping away every single day. if you don't make steps to change it, i guarantee you that you'll stay miserable. there's a lot of entry-level jobs that don't require a degree. there's a lot of certifications or classes you can get online that can give you opportunities. alternatively, you can go to night school. it's not easy, but lots of people do it because they want better opportunities.
tattoos aren't that big of a deal (unless they're face), and even if your chances are low you should still put forth some effort to better your situation.

There is nothing you can do to change the fact you cheated. You can keep it to yourself though and use it a lesson that showed you how much you care about your gf and how the grass is not greener on the other side.

Yeah okay faggot

>answer I was expecting
Same fag. Yeah cause you know deep down you're better than what your doing in life currently
Killing yourself any taking out others isnt a sign of strength it's a sign of a weak bitch
I've had to take time at a psych ward myself if you have health insurance I recommend it if not go away for a couple days to a random ass town. Keep your head up stay positive, the stupid corny sayings like that work man I was on 800+ mg of antidepressants and now I'm on nothing, sometimes you just need them to make you go zombie mood so you can organize and think straight.
You got this you autistic pos!

Sorry I'm more productive

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post body

>changed diet, went from being obese to a twig
I'm in that weird stage where I paid for a gym membership and go there every day but I'm too meek to try anything weird or ask for advice so I just do 15 minutes on the rowing machine, some ab exercises and if nobody is around some lightweight overhead presses.
Needless to say there's no progress whatsoever.
I also haven't completely weaned myself off anime and videogames.

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Not to be rude but your lack of fulfilling relationships in not due to your being "too nice". I think more likely you're just sperging out. Which is fine, but I think it's better to recognize that so you can work on it. I used to to be the same way which is why I've even writing this right now.

Just watch videos on what you'd like to do man

Thanks fren, I know. I told her, we broke up. I have atleast learnt from the experience and will never do such a thing again.

About to turn 20, I've only ever loved two girls, the first was unrequited love and the second she lead me on and on and on only to finally get bored of me and leave me just after I thought I had made a real connection with someone for the first time.

I'm so heart broken, I'm about to go on a walk, I have nowhere to go that I haven't walked to a thousand times already but being at home is torture.

I wish I could experience love properly. Its the only thing I want in this world

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Every night for the past week and a half now I've been having terrible episodes of absolute panic in me. My body shivers, I can feel my pulse in my gut, my throat clenches, I feel as if things are crawling over me, and I have to try my hardest to lay here hugging a pillow until I fall asleep. No nightmares really, only had 2 out of the nights this has been happening. At first I was afraid of being randomly afraid, but now I kind of just act as if it's just another thing to sit through. I have been waking up a few hours later than normal now though.

Also, I've run out of scoops as of last night.

Life isn't Hollywood

Stayed up too late fucking last night. Not sure if I'll make it to my bench day or not. Like a Catch 22

How do you work on speeding out? What even exactly is sperg omg out?

fuck i meant sperging out