Kryptonite thread

>I always try new Oreo flavors
>Destroying this package right now

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These delicious fucks right here. Just realizedni eat 4-7 every day for years. Shit

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quest bars
i ate so many at one time i got ~150g of undegistible fiber in one day and had to get powder laxatives from my doctor because i had a physical ball of fiber in my stomach that was too dense to be dissolved naturally

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Fast fucking food. It's cheap, tasty, convenient, plenty of protons, but I feel like I lose a piece of my soul every time I go out instead of just cooking something.

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>moon landing "anniversary"
>cheat meals
3 strikes youre fucking OUT

But there’s glow in the dark stickers on the back...

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which items though? tell us about those foul mistresses, this is what the thread is for

“It’s chewy and jewy” is how I keep myself from buying fast food

Mine was beer but I’ve been sober for over a month. Cutting is about 10 times eaiser when I’m not drinking 1500 extra calories every weekend.