>I always try new Oreo flavors
>Destroying this package right now
Kryptonite thread
These delicious fucks right here. Just realizedni eat 4-7 every day for years. Shit
quest bars
i ate so many at one time i got ~150g of undegistible fiber in one day and had to get powder laxatives from my doctor because i had a physical ball of fiber in my stomach that was too dense to be dissolved naturally
Fast fucking food. It's cheap, tasty, convenient, plenty of protons, but I feel like I lose a piece of my soul every time I go out instead of just cooking something.
>moon landing "anniversary"
>cheat meals
3 strikes youre fucking OUT
But there’s glow in the dark stickers on the back...
which items though? tell us about those foul mistresses, this is what the thread is for
“It’s chewy and jewy” is how I keep myself from buying fast food
Mine was beer but I’ve been sober for over a month. Cutting is about 10 times eaiser when I’m not drinking 1500 extra calories every weekend.